
How to wash off black paint from hair at home with kefir, soap, honey and lemon

  • How to wash off black paint from hair at home with kefir, soap, honey and lemon

    Women are fickle. They always aspire to change. Especially today, many tools have been created to change the appearance. Most often, women want to get an original hair color, not like everyone else. Under the action of the pulse, they are painted, for example, in black, and then it turns out that he does not go at all.

    To quickly and effectively get rid of an unpleasant dark color, use tips on how to effectively wash off black paint from hair at home.

    In order not to damage the hair, which is already weakened after dyeing in a brunette, use folk remedies. You will be helped by honey, soda, lemon, butter, kefir and even ascorbic acid.

    Honey-lemon hair mask

    Honey with lemon is able to lighten curls for 3-4 tones. In addition to improving the color, you will get beautiful and well-groomed hair.

    To prepare a simple mask you need one lemon and 2 tbsp.spoons of honey, use only natural.

    Mix lemon juice with honey, then warm it up a little. Apply the mask on your head, evenly spreading it on your hair. Begin with the tips. Wrap the head with a cellophane bag or food film. Keep the mask for 4 to 6 hours.

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    Rinse with plenty of water. To completely disappear black, you should repeat this procedure at least 8 times.

    Household soap

    The simplest and most cost effective way to neutralize black is to wash your hair with soap.

    First, soap the hair well with soap, it should not contain flavorings and additives. Wait 10 minutes, and then rinse your hair thoroughly.

    To achieve the same color of hair, repeat this procedure regularly.

    After applying the soap, apply a special mask on the hair, it will prevent hair from tarnishing, their fragility and drying.


    You can lighten your hair one and a half tones with kefir. He not only lightens his hair, but also strengthens the roots, restores curls and removes microcracks.

    Recipe №1

    Mix a liter of kefir with maximum fat content from 1 tbsp.a spoon of vegetable oil( sunflower, rapeseed or olive) and salt. Apply the resulting mixture evenly to dry hair, put on the cap and wait about an hour.

    Rinse with shampoo. After that you can repeat the procedure first. This mask can be done no more than twice a day.

    Recipe №2

    Pour two cups of kefir into the container, add three st.spoons of vodka and two - soda. Lightly heat and apply evenly to the hair.

    Wrap the head with a plastic bag and wait two hours. Then wash off the mask with shampoo.

    Soda lightening

    Soda effectively fights paint, however it can harm your hair. Do not abuse this mask.

    Mix ¼ cup of olive oil and 2 tbsp.spoons of soda. Stir well and place on a water bath. Warm the mixture on hair and note exactly 15 minutes. This is very important: if you hold the mask for longer, the hair will spoil.

    Wash off the mask only with warm water. Then apply conditioner to your hair and hold it for about an hour. It will mitigate the effects of soda on the structure of the hair.

    Ascorbic acid

    Ascorbic acid can be called a bleach, as it cleaves the paint and affects the color pigments.

    You need 20 tablets of ascorbic acid to make a clarifying shampoo. In a small container, rub the tablets and add to them half a cup of normal shampoo. Stir well and wash the head with the solution as usual. This procedure should be repeated 2 - 3 times before the result is seen.

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