  • Mixtures for mixed and artificial nutrition

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    At present, there are a large number of special milk formulas adapted to milk formulas, which should be recommended for mixed and artificial feeding of children of the first months of life.

    A little less adapted are the so-called casein formulas. They are made without the addition of demineralized milk whey, based on dried cow's milk, the main protein of which is casein. Therefore, such mixtures are considered less adapted and protein composition is more different from human milk. But for carbohydrate, fat, vitamin, mineral components, these mixtures, as well as adapted, are as close as possible to human milk.

    Partially adapted mixtures are close to the composition of women's milk: they lack demineralized milk whey, the fatty acid composition is relatively balanced, carbohydrates include not only lactose, but also sucrose and starch.

    For the feeding of children older than 5-6 months, "subsequent formulas" are used, i.e. Milk mixtures specially designed for nutrition at a later age stage. In their names, the number 2 is often used, for example, "HIPP-2", "Enfamil-2".These mixtures are less similar to women's milk and are a kind of partially adapted substitutes for human milk.

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    All modern mixtures are instant products. For their preparation, it is only necessary to mix a strictly defined amount of dry powder with pre-boiled warm water( 50-60 ° C) and mix thoroughly. Only in the absence of adapted mixtures can resort to simple milk mixtures( unadapted).Unadapted mixtures:

    • dry;

    • Liquid.

    Simple mixtures are prepared by diluting cow milk with boiled water with the addition of 5% sugar syrup. Mixture No. 4 is whole cow milk with the indicated amount of sugar. In whole cow's milk, in contrast to the adapted mixtures, contains much more protein, mostly caseinogen. The total amount of mineral salts in cow's milk is higher than in the adapted mixtures.