
Sludge learning: recipes for pasta and video lessons

  • Sludge learning: recipes for pasta and video lessons

    Learning shugaring: ways of making sugar paste and rules for its use

    Shugaring appeared in ancient times. It is believed that the first women who used sugar paste, were Persian and Egyptian. And as you know, they received many useful recipes for beauty.

    Shugaring is a kind of epilation with the use of pasta based on sugar. The recipe for this mixture is not expensive and fairly simple. In general, the composition of the standard means includes only 3 components: sugar, lemon juice and water. To conduct this procedure, you can go to the salon or make a sugar mixture at home. To prepare a small amount of pasta, it takes about 10 minutes.

    Learning shugaring passes pretty quickly, already with the second or third application of the girl acquire skills in this matter. Doing sugar epilation, for the first time it may seem that it is very hard, but the main thing is not to despair, but simply to choose your own convenient technique for applying the paste and removing it.

    After familiarizing yourself with some of the nuances of shugaring, you can easily use it at home without anybody's help.

    instagram viewer

    The main nuances of the slogan

    To prepare the pasta, you need a sturdy pot, a tablespoon of water, half a lemon juice and 10 tablespoons of sugar. Put the container on a quiet fire, for 10 minutes stir the mixture, when it becomes caramel color, you can cool it and put it in a container.

    To find out if the mass is properly prepared, it is necessary to separate a piece from it, stretch it with your fingers and try to roll into a ball. If it works, the paste is usable.

    Before starting the procedure, you must take a shower with baby soap( do not use gels), wipe dry. Treat the surface, cleansed of hair, alcohol-containing lotion, and then talcum( necessary for better coupling with sugar mass and for drying the skin).

    Hair removal on arms, legs and in the axillary zone

    For carrying out the procedure on any of these surfaces, a piece of paste about 2х2 centimeters in size will be needed. Separate it from the total mass of phalanx fingers, mash it up properly, it will soften, and then roll into a ball.

    It also needs to be applied to the skin against hair growth, smooth, gently pressing down on the skin( will allow the paste to stick to the hairs better).After seconds 15, sharply pull the sugar mass along the hair growth. If the paste turned out to be correct, then on it after detachment from the body there will be "undesirable vegetation".

    For further procedure on this part of the body, you just need to roll the ball and rub it on the skin again. And so on until you get the right result. To process hands and feet, you will need to take the same part of the paste. As a rule, one such ball can be enough for two legs.

    Facial hair removal

    To kill the facial hair, a very small piece of a mixture, about half the size of a finger phalanx, is needed. Next gently smear the mixture in the right place, wait a couple of seconds and abruptly tear off.

    Shugaring of the bikini zone

    Given that there is a delicate skin, you can prepare the sugar paste according to another recipe, which will avoid strong irritation. In this case, you just need: 2 tablespoons of water, 1 spoon of honey and 8 tablespoons of sugar. The cooking itself is no different from the standard version.

    To reduce pain in the procedure, the skin is treated with an anesthetic cream or rub it with an ice cube. The procedure itself is no different from removing hair on your legs or hands.

    After the operation is successfully completed, the skin is washed with warm water( sugar residues are washed off), treated with antiseptic and moisturizing cream.

    Video lessons

    In order not to be mistaken with the proportions of the sugar composition, with the method of applying the paste and with the rules of hair removal, it is worth watching some video tutorials.

    Paste preparation:

    Examples of sugar mass production and its application:

    Example of store-pasta slip-shot:

    Learning to slogan:

    Shugaring appeared in ancient times. It is believed that the first women who used sugar paste, were Persian and Egyptian. And as you know, they received many useful recipes for beauty.

    Shugaring is a kind of epilation using pasta based on sugar. The recipe for this mixture is not expensive and fairly simple. In general, the composition of the standard means includes only 3 components: sugar, lemon juice and water. To conduct this procedure, you can go to the salon or make a sugar mixture at home. To prepare a small amount of pasta, it takes about 10 minutes.

    Learning shugaring passes pretty quickly, already with the second or third application of the girl acquire skills in this matter. Doing sugar epilation, for the first time it may seem that it is very hard, but the main thing is not to despair, but simply to choose your own convenient technique for applying the paste and removing it.

    After familiarizing yourself with some of the nuances of shugaring, you can easily use it at home without anyone's help.

    The main nuances of the slogan

    To prepare the pasta, you need a strong saucepan, a tablespoon of water, half a lemon juice and 10 tablespoons of sugar. Put the container on a quiet fire, for 10 minutes stir the mixture, when it becomes caramel color, you can cool it and put it in a container.

    To find out if the mass is properly prepared, it is necessary to separate a piece from it, stretch it with your fingers and try to roll into a ball. If it works, the paste is usable.

    Before starting the procedure, you must take a shower with baby soap( do not use gels), wipe dry. Treat the surface, cleansed of hair, alcohol-containing lotion, and then talcum( necessary for better coupling with sugar mass and for drying the skin).

    Hair removal on arms, legs and in the axillary zone

    For carrying out the procedure on any of these surfaces, a piece of paste about 2х2 centimeters in size will be needed. Separate it from the total mass of phalanx fingers, mash it up properly, it will soften, and then roll into a ball.

    It will also need to be applied to the skin against hair growth, smooth, gently pressing against the skin( will allow the paste to stick to the hairs better).After seconds 15, sharply pull the sugar mass along the hair growth. If the paste turned out to be correct, then on it after detachment from the body there will be "undesirable vegetation".

    For further procedure on this part of the body, you just need to roll the ball and rub it on the skin again. And so on until you get the right result. To process hands and feet, you will need to take the same part of the paste. As a rule, one such ball can be enough for two legs.

    Facial hair removal

    To kill facial hair, a very small piece of a mixture, about half the size of a finger phalanx, is needed. Next gently smear the mixture in the right place, wait a couple of seconds and abruptly tear off.

    Shugaring of the bikini zone

    Given that there is a delicate skin, you can prepare the sugar paste according to another recipe, which will avoid strong irritation. In this case, you just need: 2 tablespoons of water, 1 spoon of honey and 8 tablespoons of sugar. The cooking itself is no different from the standard version.

    To reduce pain in the procedure, the skin is treated with an anesthetic cream or rub it with an ice cube. The procedure itself is no different from removing hair on your legs or hands.

    After the operation is successfully completed, the skin is washed with warm water( sugar residues are washed off), treated with antiseptic and moisturizing cream.

    Video lessons

    In order not to be mistaken with the proportions of the sugar composition, with the method of applying the paste and with the rules of hair removal, it is worth watching some video tutorials.

    Preparation of the paste:

    Examples of making the sugar mass and its use:

    Example of store-pasting shugaring:

    Learning to slip out: