
Why hair falls on the head of girls, men and children: an analysis of the causes

  • Why hair falls on the head of girls, men and children: an analysis of the causes

    At all times beautiful and healthy hair was appreciated. They are the reflection of human health, and, of course, their loss is a testament to the fact that something is wrong in the body. In order to answer the question of why hair loss on the head of girls, women, as well as men and even children, it is necessary to consider some features of the human hair.

    This is the natural process of

    Every hair on a person's head has a life. First, a bulb is formed, which eventually fades, and eventually the hair falls out. As a rule, the life span of it can reach up to 3-4 years. So hair loss, both in women and men - the process is natural. If you lose from 50 to 100 hairs a day, then there is nothing to worry about.

    But if you notice that your hair is thinning day by day and climbing in bundles, it's worth the trouble: the body gives you a signal.

    The main causes of

    Men, women and children are all wondering why hair falls out and how to deal with it. There are a number of reasons for this, most often they are:

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    • Hormonal imbalance;
    • Lack of vitamins in the body;
    • Incorrect lifestyle and bad habits;
    • Low-quality hair care;
    • Stress and nervous overexertion.

    Hormonal imbalance

    Hormonal failure is one of the most common causes of hair loss. Very much loss of hair provokes an increase in the level of androgen hormones. Identify the excess can be, only by donating blood for analysis.

    Also, hair loss can be associated with a decrease in the body's estrogen. In addition, the voice coarsens, the figure changes and the growth of hair on the face and body increases.

    Hormonal withdrawal is treatable, but only special drugs prescribed by the doctor should be used for this.

    The lack of vitamins in the body

    The most common cause of hair loss is the lack of vitamins A, C, B, E in the body. This problem can be solved in one of two ways. First, you can adjust the diet, and secondly, find an additional source of vitamins.

    It is worth noting that the lack of vitamin A not only causes hair loss, but also changes their structure, they become brittle and dull. Deficiency B is manifested in an increase in the greasiness of the head and dandruff. E and C give your hair a shine, so that when they are short, hair is brittle, naughty and dull. The most frequent shortage of vitamins occurs in the winter.

    It is quite easy to replenish the lack of useful substances. To date, various dietary supplements and multivitimine complexes containing a daily dose of vitamins, especially useful for women after 50 years, are common.

    Also for hair is useful broth of dogrose, which contains the necessary group of vitamins.

    Lifestyle and bad habits

    The wrong way of life adversely affects the health of the hair. That is, if you do not go in for sports, do not spend time outdoors and eat wrong, expect problems with your hair. It is very important to give up fast food, soda water and coffee. You should eat more cereals and proteins, which contribute to the improvement of the hair condition. And take the rule of drinking 1.5 liters of water a day.

    Harmful habits also adversely affect the health of your hair. All women, especially after the age of 40, should stop using alcohol, smoking and taking strong drugs. This is due to the fact that bad habits do not allow the assimilation of useful substances in the cells of the body, and weaken the immune system. First of all, the lack of essential trace elements affects the hair, they begin to fade and fall out.

    Low-quality care

    One of the frequent causes of hair loss in women is improperly chosen care products. In this case, it is not difficult to solve the problem, it is enough just to change hair cosmetics. If possible, you must abandon those products, whose composition is incomprehensible to you, and also contains many chemicals.

    In order for hair to be healthy, experts recommend using natural remedies, including using own cooking masks.

    Stress - enemy number one

    One of the most common causes of poor hair condition is stress. The modern rhythm of life makes you sometimes nervous and in order for it to reflect on your hair as little as possible, you should periodically use herbal sedatives. Only be sure to get a doctor's advice.

    Try to destroy the source of stress, smile and enjoy life, relax more and walk in the fresh air. Do not forget that the body needs up to 8 hours of sleep per day.

    Problems with hair loss in young mothers

    Many women complain that after birth they significantly increase hair loss. Do not panic about this, as this is a natural process.

    During pregnancy, a woman loses less hair than usual. In addition, they are healthy and shiny, due to the increased content of the hormone in the blood - estrogen. Therefore, after when its level begins to fall to a natural level, hair loss begins to increase. If there are no other factors affecting the dynamics of hair loss, then their density eventually returns to normal, which existed before pregnancy.

    It is worth noting that with breastfeeding to grow hair, most likely will not succeed. Their growth will begin to increase only after weaning the baby. This is due to the fact that feeding changes many of the processes occurring in the body of a woman, but they should not be feared. It is better to take care of your diet and the state of the nervous system, and then the hair will quickly take on its former form, and health will return to them.

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