
Oil for tips of hair: responses of women about restoration of dry and fragile tips

  • Oil for tips of hair: responses of women about restoration of dry and fragile tips

    Oil for the tips of the hair: say the dryness and fragility of the solid "No!"

    Long hair is the dream of any girl. However, the owner of haircuts is sometimes difficult to imagine the problem with long-haired beauties. This, of course, the state of the tips of the hair.

    So it turns out that this is the weakest and most traumatic part of the hair, subject to constant stress and mechanical stress. That is why hairdressers recommend using a special oil for the ends of hair to everyone who has hair below the shoulders.

    With silicone and without

    The main problem with the tips of the hair is often not even their fragility( this is rather a secondary cause), but dryness. Typically, all the oils for the tips of hair can be divided into dry hair oil based on silicone and with silicone. When applied to the hair, any oil creates a protective film on the tips that envelops the hair and protects against external damage.

    However, oil without silicone moisturizes and nourishes the tips of hair with vitamins, giving a radiance, but forms a weak, easily washable film, while silicone oil moisturizes and "seals" the split ends, since the film on the hair is thick and lasts for a long time.

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    Oil with silicone is, of course, more harmful than without, but many women are ready to close their eyes to it because of the stunning visual effect of non-split hair.

    Which is better?

    So, we found out that there are oils for the tips of hair, both with silicone, and without. In addition, there is another important gradation within this product. This category of mass-market, luxury and professional cosmetics. To say which is better is not always possible, since strong and effective means exist in each of the listed categories. Leading stylists recommend purchasing the following series:

    • Mass market: Avon( Advance line, dry hair tipper), Schwarzkopf Gliss Kur( Oil Nutritive oil with macadamia, argan oil, olive oil), Matrix( Sleek Look butter),L'Oreal( means Professional Mythic Oil with oils of avocado and almond stone).
    • Suite: Kerastas Oleo-Relax Nutritive Fluid oil or Brelil Bio Treatment Beauty Liquid Crystal oils, better known as "liquid crystals".

    Reviews of women

    That's what women leave about using different oils for dry and brittle tips of hair.

    The user of Pink_Pony decided to give preference to the Russian complex Natura Siberica. She says:

    "I bought butter from the sea buckthorn series from Siberica back in the end of September and only recently used it, that means it is quite economical, despite its small, seemingly volume. In general, I do not really like silicone products, but this sea-buckthorn complex has become, perhaps, the first silicone agent designed to protect the tips, which I began to use regularly.

    After washing on damp hair, I apply this remedy, first rastrevev a couple of drops in the palms of my hands. As a result, the tips really look more neat and shorter( from the full fluffiness of the tips I can not get rid of any means, such a structure).And they were cut smaller.

    The oil also masks the white dots( if any) at the ends, as if the hair is perfectly healthy! Photo attached. »

    A girl named Irina prefers proven foreign means.

    "With my long hair, problems suddenly started, and my girlfriends advised me to get a haircut. I, who so loves long hair! In order not to bury my hair at once, I decided to try to restore the tips at home. Having studied numerous reviews on the websites, I came to the conclusion that it is better to use a professional tool. But how? Matrix or Avon? Or maybe L'Oreal?

    I did not hear about the existence of such a brand as Matrix before. However, laudatory reviews of their serum outweighed all doubts and I decided that it was worth starting. It turns out, has not lost: now the hair is shiny, moist, the condition of the tips has improved noticeably. And that has a great tool from Matrix, has already told all her friends. Make sure its useful to yourself by comparing my photos before and after applying. "

    Elena writes: "I have a high position at work, so I always have to look like this: every day a strict suit, an elegant hairstyle. .. As a result, the daily styling brought my hair into a terrible condition. Especially it concerned the tips: I have never had such dry and lifeless hair!

    In the store, the seller advised me a very effective tool - Brelil crystals. It was absolutely wonderful! A week later I noticed an improvement: the hair stopped cutting. Now I use it regularly, and my hair looks much better. "

    But the user Roksolana-Khurrem chose for her hair a very unusual oil. The fact is that it is firm. The girl writes in her response:

    "Oil from the company DNC - my pet in the care of the tips of hair. I met him not so long ago, but fell in love immediately. Here's how I use it: rub it between my hands and then apply it to my hair. Hands then usually do not wash, tk. I do or make procedure basically before a dream, and it still at the same time also a skin on arms or hand feeds.

    By the way, the oil is indelible, so after it you do not need to wash your hair. The composition of the product is amazing: shea butter, beeswax, argan oil, mango oil, jojoba oil, castor oil, macadamia oil, carrot oil, vitamin E. As for the producer's promises and the result in general - for me the positive result is priceless. "


    Long hair is the dream of any girl. However, the owner of haircuts is sometimes difficult to imagine the problem with long-haired beauties. This, of course, the state of the tips of the hair.

    So it turns out that this is the weakest and most traumatic part of the hair, subject to constant stress and mechanical stress. That is why hairdressers recommend using a special oil for the ends of hair to everyone who has hair below the shoulders.

    With silicone and without

    The main problem with the tips of the hair is often not even their fragility( this is rather a secondary cause), but dryness. Typically, all the oils for the tips of hair can be divided into dry hair oil based on silicone and with silicone. When applied to the hair, any oil creates a protective film on the tips, which envelops the hair and protects from external damage.

    However, oil without silicone moisturizes and nourishes the tips of hair with vitamins, giving a radiance, but it forms a weak, easily washable film, while silicone oil moisturizes and "seals" the split ends, since the film on the hair is thick and lasts long.

    Oil with silicone is, of course, more harmful than without, but many women are ready to close their eyes to this because of the stunning visual effect of non-split hair.

    Which is better?

    So, we found out that there are oils for the tips of hair with or without silicone. In addition, there is another important gradation within this product. This category of mass-market, luxury and professional cosmetics. To say which is better is not always possible, since there are strong and effective means in each of these categories. Leading stylists recommend purchasing the following series:

    • Mass market: Avon( Advance line, dry hair tipper), Schwarzkopf Gliss Kur( Oil Nutritive oil with macadamia, argan oil, olive oil), Matrix( Sleek Look butter),L'Oreal( means Professional Mythic Oil with oils of avocado and almond stone).
    • Suite: Kerastas Oleo-Relax Nutritive Fluid oil or Brelil Bio Treatment Beauty Liquid Crystal oils, better known as "liquid crystals".

    Reviews of women

    That's what women leave about using different oils for dry and brittle tips of hair.

    The user Roseau_Poni decided to give preference to the Russian complex Natura Siberica. She says:

    "I bought butter from the sea buckthorn series from Siberica back in late September and only recently used it, that is, it's quite economical, despite its seemingly insignificant volume. In general, I do not really like silicone products, but this sea-buckthorn complex has become, perhaps, the first silicone agent designed to protect the tips, which I began to use regularly.

    After washing on damp hair, I apply this remedy, first rastrevev a couple of drops in the palms of my hands. As a result, the tips really look more neat and shorter( from the full fluffiness of the tips I can not get rid of any means, such a structure).And they were cut smaller.

    Also the oil masks the white dots( if any) at the ends, as if the hair are perfectly healthy! Photo attached. »

    A girl named Irina prefers proven foreign means.

    "With my long hair, problems suddenly started, and my girlfriends advised me to get a haircut. I, who so loves long hair! In order not to bury my hair at once, I decided to try to restore the tips at home. Having studied numerous reviews on the websites, I came to the conclusion that it is better to use a professional tool. But how? Matrix or Avon? Or maybe L'Oreal?

    I did not hear about the existence of such a brand as Matrix before. However, laudatory reviews of their serum outweighed all doubts and I decided that it was worth starting. It turns out, has not lost: now the hair is shiny, moist, the condition of the tips has improved noticeably. And that has a great tool from Matrix, has already told all her friends. Make sure its useful to yourself by comparing my photos before and after applying. "

    Elena writes: "At work I have a high position, so I always have to look like that: every day a strict suit, an elegant hairstyle. .. As a result, the daily styling brought my hair into a terrible condition. Especially it concerned the tips: I have never had such dry and lifeless hair!

    In the store the seller advised me a very effective tool - crystals Brelil. It was absolutely wonderful! A week later I noticed an improvement: the hair stopped cutting. Now I use it regularly, and my hair looks much better. "

    But the user of Roksolana-Hurrem chose a very unusual oil for her hair. The fact is that it is firm. The girl writes in her response:

    "DNC's oil is my favorite in the care of the tips of my hair. I met him not so long ago, but fell in love immediately. Here's how I use it: rub it between my hands and then apply it to my hair. Hands then usually do not wash, tk. I do or make procedure basically before a dream, and it still at the same time also a skin on arms or hand feeds.

    By the way, the oil is indelible, so after it you do not need to wash your hair. The composition of the product is amazing: shea butter, beeswax, argan oil, mango oil, jojoba oil, castor oil, macadamia oil, carrot oil, vitamin E. As for the producer's promises and the result in general - for me the positive result is priceless. "
