  • Treatment of pharyngitis with folk remedies

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    Read in the article:
    • Causes and Symptoms of Pharyngitis
    • Rapid treatment of pharyngitis at home: folk recipes
    • Prevention and useful tips on how to alleviate and normalize the patient's condition with pharyngitis.

    Treatment of pharyngitis with folk remedies quickly stops the inflammatory process.

    In the treatment of pharyngitis, special attention is paid to the use of a variety of folk remedies that can quickly and effectively have an anti-inflammatory effect and excellently replace medication.

    Causes and Symptoms of Pharyngitis ^

    Pharyngitis is an inflammatory process that encompasses the lymphoid tissue with the mucosa of the posterior and both lateral walls of the pharynx.

    The most common causes of pharyngitis include:

    • Subcooling;
    • Cold air or chemical and aggressive irritants enter the larynx;
    • The transferred diseases - ARI, rhinitis, tonsillitis, influenza, sinusitis and other inflammatory processes of the respiratory tract.
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    Pharyngitis is divided into acute, chronic, granulosa( lymphoid tissue damage), atrophic( drying of the mucous membrane).For any form of this disease is characterized by the following symptoms:

    • Pain, swelling, dryness, burning in the throat;
    • Painful sensations when swallowing;
    • Dry cough;
    • Redness of the mucosa;
    • Enlargement of lymph nodes;
    • In rare cases, the temperature rises.

    Folk treatment of pharyngitis consists of very simple and demanded procedures:

    • Inhalations;
    • Rinses;
    • Lubrication of the inner throat;
    • Ingestion of antiseptic, tonic and anti-inflammatory drinks.

    Rapid treatment of pharyngitis at home: folk recipes ^

    Treatment of pharyngitis in the home: folk recipes.

    The following folk remedies for rapid treatment of pharyngitis showed high results:

    • Bee products - honey( lime, buckwheat), propolis;
    • Medicinal plants - sequential, chamomile, sage, lime, yarrow, oak bark, raspberry leaves and others;
    • Berries - dogrose, cowberry, sea-buckthorn;
    • Oils - eucalyptus, fir, vegetable.

    Treatment of pharyngitis in adults

    The disease of pharyngitis in adults begins, as a rule, with perspiration and dryness in the throat, as well as with the painful sensations accompanying the swallowing function. To prevent further inflammation, you must immediately start home treatment.

    • An excellent anti-inflammatory effect is promoted by daily ten-minute inhalations, conducted four times and local warming compresses.
    • Neutral antimicrobial and antibacterial effect will have regular herbal rinses.
    • In addition to folk methods of treating pharyngitis, it is necessary to provide gentle nutrition, which does not exert an additional irritant effect on the mucosa.

    Treatment of pharyngitis in children

    Acute infectious or catarrhal inflammation of the pharynx, arising in childhood, often accompanies pharyngitis. Painful symptomatology of pharyngitis in children is expressed in dry weak cough, slight difficulty and pain when swallowing.

    Methods of treating pharyngitis with folk remedies at home include the following procedures:

    • first treatment - thermal neck compresses,
    • throat lubrication( tonsils) with 1% furacilin solution or propolis infusion, diluted with sea buckthorn oil,
    • use of chamomile or sage warm decoctions with honey.

    Treatment of pharyngitis in pregnant women

    Treatment of pharyngitis in pregnancy should be accompanied by the following rules:

    • Ensuring complete rest of the sore throat;
    • Compliance with mild and non-irritating mucous regimen.

    Folk therapy offers future mothers the following simple home remedies for pharyngitis:

    • The use of abundant warm liquid - cowberry, sea-buckthorn berries, milk with honey;
    • Rinses with decoctions of plantain, calendula, fir cones, oak bark or eucalyptus;
    • Inhalations with eucalyptus, menthol or mint oils.

    Treatment of acute pharyngitis

    • 10 gr.petals of wild rose and mint mixed with 5 gr.yarrow, pour 200 ml of cold water, boil. In the tea, add a spoonful of honey and drink before going to bed;
    • 20 gr. Conifer needles to insist 50 minutes in 200 ml of boiled water. The broth is used for inhalations.

    Treatment of chronic pharyngitis

    • In 300 ml of boiling water place st.l. The bark of the viburnum and oak and insist on a water bath for about an hour. The resulting bark infusion should rinse the throat 5 times daily;
    • Take one st.l.chamomile with calendula, pour 2 cups( 450 ml) of boiling water and insist for about 1.5 hours. In herbal tea add st.l.honey and eat before eating.

    Treatment of atrophic pharyngitis

    • Dissolve in 500 ml water st.l.salt and rinse the sore throat daily up to 5 times;
    • Dilute 8 - 10 drops of any oils( lavender, orange, sea-buckthorn, menthol, eucalyptus) into 200 ml of hot water and breathe solution through the inhaler.

    Treatment of pharyngitis with propolis

    • A little tincture of propolis to drip onto a piece of sugar for a slow resorption.
    • Put in aluminum cookware 80 gr.propolis and 60 g.wax, pour 400 ml of water, warm well in a water bath and apply in the form of inhalation;

    Treatment of pharyngitis with honey

    • Mix in equal amounts of warm liquid honey with garlic gruel. Take the inside daily on a teaspoon several times;
    • Honey and lemon juice 1: 1 mixed and taken every day by ch.l.four times.

    Treatment of pharyngitis with medicinal herbs

    When using herbal drinks for home treatment of pharyngitis, it is desirable to pre-add a little honey.

    • Mix 10 gr.lemon balm, 6 gr.turns, 4 gr.leaf plantain, boil in 200 ml of water and insist 40 - 50 minutes. Ready to drink tea in the morning and before going to bed for 50 ml;
    • Spirituous tincture of bark of an oak, calendula and a camomile to dissolve with water in a proportion 2: 6 for a rinse of a goal every three hours;
    • Equal parts( teaspoon) of viburnum fruits, willow bark and oak, birch leaves and St. John's worts pour 400 ml of boiling water for three hours. Ready-made broth should rinse the throat area several times.
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    Prevention and useful advice on how to relieve and normalize the patient's condition with pharyngitis ^

    To provide effective first aid to a patient with pharyngitis, it is necessary to provide gentle nutrition, complete voice rest and prepare inhalation solutions and anti-inflammatory drinks with honey.

    For the prevention of pharyngitis should follow the following simple recommendations:

    • Apply regular hardening procedures;
    • Strengthen immunity( berry fruit, fruit, vitamins);
    • Eliminate irritants - smoking, alcohol, too hot or hot food;
    • In the cold and frosty season, try to cover the neck area better and do not inhale cold air;
    • Immediately begin treatment for the onset of symptoms of colds.