
How to make your hair grow faster and thick and beautiful

  • How to make your hair grow faster and thick and beautiful

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    Which woman does not dream about beautiful and healthy, and most importantly - long hair? Alas, nature is such that two centimeters - the average hair growth per month. Can I achieve a different result in the same time, that is, how can I make my hair grow faster? Read about this in our article.

    Looking for the cause of

    It would seem that there is complicated? In the human body, hair is a living organ, which means that they must grow constantly. So many people think, who do not know biology and trichology well. In fact, hair and their growth is an indicator of the health of all body systems.

    If the body is weakened and receives less vitamins, is in constant stress, the growth of hair sharply slows down. Hence the number one reason is the poor nutrition of the whole organism( both in terms of dietary intake, and in terms of taking vitamins).

    Much less often on the growth of hair affects the number two cause - genetics. Only in some cases, weak and thin hair grow very slowly. As a rule, on the head of such a hairline does not look like a hair, but as "three hairs."In such cases, a special head massage that stimulates hair bulbs can help.

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    Finally, the third reason is mechanical damage to the hair. Here you can include aggressive styling products, daily hairdryer and tightening of hair with tight elastic bands.

    Home masks

    Many women do not have time to visit beauty salons, build hair and conduct other expensive procedures. It is important for them to learn how to make hair grow faster at home. On the expanses of the World Wide Web there are millions of ways to help this part of the female population of the planet. Every day, millions of recipes of masks are laid out on the Internet to save badly growing hair. Here are just some of them.

    1) Liquid vitamin E and waterpot extract should be mixed in a 1: 1 ratio and applied to the hair. Lightly massage your head. Hold for 10-15 minutes. Wash off with normal shampoo.

    2) Dissolve the yeast in two glasses of warm water. Add 1-2 tablespoons of sugar. After 30-40 mnut put the fermented yeast on the hair along the entire length and put on a hat. To wind the head with a towel. After 15-20 minutes, wash off the mask. Do this mask every two weeks.

    3) Nettle extract( it can be bought in a phyto-apothecary) brew as written on the package and rinse with this broth hair every day for two weeks. In addition, this broth improves the quality of the hair, they become obedient and easily fit.

    4) To hair strengthened and were thick, and also grow well, before washing your head, you can rub burdock or castor oil into the roots. It is easily washed off with normal shampoo. To accelerate the growth of hair will help and apricot oil.

    5) Dairy whey or the most common kefir will be a trouble-free folk remedy for hair growth. By the way, the last tool can and lighten the hair without harm to their structure. But even if the plans are not lightening, hair after kefir mask( by the way, you can do with egg yolk) will be stronger and thicker, and they will grow simply by the days and by the hour.

    Importance of using vitamin complexes

    If home hair masks do not help, the problem can be hidden deeper. For example, it is a matter of weakened immunity and a lack of vitamins. There are two exits. The first is to buy a multivitamin complex in the pharmacy and drink it every day.

    Centrum, "Alphabet", is considered to be a good vitamin complex. Thus it is necessary to include products with vitamins A and E in your diet( vegetables and fruits).

    The second is to use special therapeutic cosmetic products of well-known companies that accelerate hair growth. So, the Swiss manufacturer produces wonderful ampoules DERCA, stimulating hair growth.

    Avon has also recently released a series that helps speed up hair growth. It's called Advance Techniques. Masks of this series strengthen the nutrition of hair follicles.

    The Kerastase line, especially Aminexil ampoules, is very expensive, but this is probably the fastest perfume and cosmetic for hair growth, and at the same time preventing their loss. With such a tool to cope with the poor structure of hair and increase their growth can be a week, maybe a little more.

    What about children?

    Children have problems with hair, especially with their growth, almost never happens. And this is understandable. After all at this age, girls do not yet use aggressive means for styling hair, do not dry hair with hot air from a hair dryer. The only reason for the hair loss that has arisen or slowed down growth may be a shortage of important vitamins by the growing body.

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