  • Violation of pronunciation of sounds

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    In order to correct the deficiencies in sound reproduction, it is necessary first of all to find out what sounds the kid is saying incorrectly, to establish what the nature of their violation is: the child pronounces the sound incorrectly or no sound, but is replaced by another, or he can pronounce the sound in isolated form, but inspeech does not always use it. The nature of the sound disturbance often depends on the choice of the exercise to correct it.

    Naturally, adults are accustomed to the speech of their child and therefore may not notice the shortcomings of the utterance of certain sounds, especially those that are not much different from those correctly pronounced by ear. For example, it is difficult to notice such a defect as a distorted( throat) utterance of sound [p].To note the disadvantage of this kind is possible if you compare your articulation, that is, your own pronunciation of sound, with the pronunciation of the child.

    When checking, pay attention first of all to the correctness of pronouncing such sounds as [w], [w], [ч '], [щ']( group of hissing);[с], [с '], [з], [з'], [ц]( group of whistles);[p] & gt;[p '] & gt;[l], [n '].These sounds are the most difficult to reproduce, and the child begins to pronounce them correctly, usually after all others. Violations of other sounds in children of the sixth and seventh years of life are found in exceptional cases.

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    Often children do not say only one sound( for example, [p]) or a whole group of sounds( for example, sibilants: [w], [w], [ch '], [uh']), sometimes only sounds[p] and [h '].

    Usually a violation in the pronunciation of solid consonants( for example, the sound [p]) is accompanied by an incorrect pronunciation of its soft version( [p ']);the violation of pronunciation within one phonetic group( for example, the sound [w] from the sibilant group) is often accompanied by the incorrect pronouncing of other sounds of the given group - [x], [h '], [ni'].Therefore, when checking the sound [w] or sound [s], be sure to pay attention to how the child pronounces other sounds of this group.

    To find out what sounds the child is saying incorrectly, listen to how he reads the poem, retells the tale or story. To test the sound reproduction, it is best to use special stories in which the audible sounds are most often encountered. The materials in this book will help you in this. Sounds that the child says incorrectly, mark in a special notebook.

    Then the correctness of the pronunciation of sounds is verified in words: the child calls the objects depicted in the pictures. Select the images so that when you name the items shown on them, the audible sounds are in different positions( at the beginning, middle and end of the word).The tested consonant sound should be presented in both hard and soft versions, as well as in combination with other consonants. To verify the correctness of the pronunciation of the sounds [p], [p '];[л], [л '];[ш], [ж], [ч '], [щ'];[c], [c '], [s], [s'], [c] suggest that you select approximately the following set of pictures: cancer, pyramid, ax, radish, cucumber, door, bed, bucket, grapes;shovel, tent, woodpecker, lemon, stroller, fir, dress, squirrel, cage;balls, car, pencil, hat, frog, jug, beetles, giraffe, knife, watch, turtle, ball, birds, butterfly, bee, puppies, mites, bream;dog, beads, bus, hay, bicycle, goose, elephant, socks, pig, fence, vase, kid, kid, zebra, newspaper, monkey, flower, soap dish, hare.

    Note that in all words the child incorrectly pronounces a particular sound;what is the nature of the sound disturbance: replaces the sound with another, lowers it or distorts it( if there is distortion, there is sound, but the child pronounces it insufficiently clearly and cleanly).

    Finally, check how the child pronounces the sound in isolation. To do this, ask him to repeat for you the sound that he does not say in speech or in words.

    Such a verification is necessary in order to select correct forms of work when correcting improperly pronounced sounds, which would help to rid the child of sound defects in the shortest possible time. So, if he lowers the sound [p]( pronounces the word cow as kova), then first you need to get( receive) the missing sound, and then fix it in syllables, words and enter into speech.

    With unstable sounding( in some words, the sound is pronounced correctly, but in others it does not), or when the child correctly pronounces the sound in an isolated form, the work on his setting is no longer valid. In these cases, you just need to clarify the correctness of the sound, and then fix it in words and phrases.

    When replacing one sound with another except for the exercises aimed at setting up the sound( obtaining an isolated sound), fixing and introducing it into speech, it is necessary to simultaneously work on distinguishing the newly received sound and the sound that the child replaced it, that is, to differentiate it not onlyin pronunciation, but also by ear. For example, if you replace sound [w] with a sound [c]( a cat instead of a cat), you must give a series of exercises designed to teach the child to distinguish these sounds.

    With a distorted pronunciation of sound, it is necessary to work out the position of the organs of the articulatory apparatus, in which it is correctly pronounced, which is then fixed in syllables, words and introduced into speech.

    The work to correct the shortcomings of sounding includes three main stages: preparatory exercises;setting( calling) a sound;fixation of sound in syllables, words and introduction into speech.

    Preparatory exercises. Before proceeding to such exercises, it is necessary to find out whether a child can pronounce a particular sound by imitation. To do this, ask him to reproduce the roar of the engine if the sound is incorrectly pronounced [p], the noise of the leaves of the trees or the hissing of the snake with improperly pronounced sound [w], the beetle buzzing when the sound is incorrectly pronounced [w], etc.

    Preparatory exercises are aimed at developing the child's correct perception of sound by ear( the ability to distinguish properly pronounced sound from the wrong), to strengthen and improve the movements of the muscles of the articulatory apparatus( the reproduction of the right movements of the tongue, lips, lower jaw), to produce a strong air jet, when pronouncing the sound [p], it is necessary to be able to blow out air at the tip of the tongue strongly to bring it into an oscillatory state).

    The better the preparatory work is done, the sooner the child will learn how to pronounce sounds correctly. It is difficult to say how long it will take for preparatory exercises. In some cases, three classes, in others - a few weeks. It depends on the degree of impairment of the mobility of the muscles of the articulatory apparatus, on the state of the speech hearing, and also on the individual characteristics of the child.

    Setting( calling) the sound. To cause the child to have the correct sound, it is necessary to carefully study the position of the organs of speech in the normal pronunciation of sound and the ways to call it. To do this, sit down at the table, put a mirror in front of you, and uttering the most difficult sounds( hissing, wheezing, sonorous), carefully look at what position your lips, teeth, and tongue take. Remember this position. This is important for correcting the defect, for setting the sound. Then put a child in front of the mirror and ask him to say one or another sound. Look closely at the position of his organs of speech, compare with the position and movement of the organs of speech in yourself.

    Now the main task is to achieve the correct isolated sound utterance. If you can call a sound by imitation, then, bypassing the preparatory stage, you can immediately begin to fix the sound in words and speech.

    Securing sound and introducing it into speech. When attaching a sound, it is necessary to follow a certain sequence. First the sound is fixed in syllables, then in words and only then in phrases. To fix sounds in words, use pictures, in the names of which there are practiced sounds. The newly caused sound should first be fixed in words in which it is at the beginning, then at the end, then in the middle.

    The child fixes the sound in the speech, repeating for the adult tongue-twisters, tongue twisters and memorizing proverbs, sayings, riddles, small poems, saturated with the necessary sounds. To introduce sound into speech, we use stories of fairy tales, compilation of stories from pictures.

    The task of fixing the sound also includes work on distinguishing the newly evoked sound and sound, close in articulation or sound, for example, [w] and [c], [w] and [s], [p] and [l], etc.

    Correction of incorrectly pronounced sounds is a difficult task that requires effort and great strain on the part of both the child and the adult. When starting work, explain the purpose of the activity to the child. The time required to correct the sound depends on the nature of its disturbance, on the preparedness of the articulatory apparatus, and ranges from 2-3 weeks to 4 months.

    Parents should take into account that the child is not always able to immediately perform a task, to give his tongue, lips the right position. Therefore, you can not require him to perform an exercise from the very first time, or even more to pronounce the sound right away. Work on correcting the defect should be organized so that the baby himself aspires to get rid of his shortage as soon as possible. Any, even small success, achieved by the child, should be encouraged.

    Here, for example, how were training sessions on correcting the sound [p] in the family of Asmolovs:

    "... We were engaged with my son at home every day. Patiently, persistently, obstinately. He impressed me with his perseverance, his organization during his studies. And I did my best to interest and encourage him. Work turned into a game, the game became a joint creativity. And what? A clear sound [p] appeared a month later, and after another two weeks the speech therapist said that we do not need any more in his help.

    How did we work? We sat in front of the mirror - and the game began. First, a warm-up. We puffed, dyudeli, growled, differently stretched lips, blew, making a piece of cotton or a piece of paper in the air and giving the tongue a variety of shapes with a spoon, a stick, or even a finger, until the language learned to obey our will without any adaptations. Then the language turned into a bully, a traveler who was very curious and tried to reach out to reach everything - then to the chin, then to the tip of his nose, then he started to examine his cheeks. Almost every exercise had its amusing name.

    Then we would say separate syllables-together and in turn-and watch what happens to our faces, lips, and languages. Our roles often changed. Now I have not done well, and my son "taught" me, showing how to do it.

    We decided to mark each day. We put the marks for each element separately. For example, with a warm-up, for each exercise, the names of which were written out in the diary;when reading combinations of letters and words for each group of combinations or for each column of words. At the end of the lesson, we analyzed our successes, compared the grades with yesterday's and posted estimates for behavior and diligence.

    Day by day assignments became more difficult. It was necessary to read words and sentences, small stories from the book of L.P. Uspensky and M.B. Uspensky "Learn to speak correctly," retell reading and compose stories on pictures. We tried to find out the words for training.and our favorite names sounded in our exercisesanimals, the names of favorite heroes of fairy tales, the names of the professions of interest to the son.

    Picking up the words himself, Kostya could then repeat them without end and on them "earned" most of his asterisks. And it was to bring him to the fact that the chosen words included all the combinations of letters necessary for training.

    Read the stories from the textbook was boring. That's to compose your own pictures - it's more interesting!

    The stories that the son composed in pictures, he liked to dictate to me. I watched how I recorded them, and then with great pleasure repeatedly pronounced them aloud,

    very trying to pronounce all the words clearly and correctly. The task before him was always one: use as many words as possible with the sound [p].

    We started playing sound [p] everywhere. Walking, we constantly composed all sorts of "growling" and "rumbling" stories and tales. Then they switched to rhymes. Once during a walk in Sokolniki, my son, with a little help from me, composed a heroic "epic" about himself and about the golden eagle. "He was very excited, his cheeks burned, and his eyes shone. The man did it!" I tried to correct and teach him while I was trying less,the story turned out to be quite long, like a walk, I forgot it immediately. But when we came home, the son began to recall individual pieces of our opus, and then asked me to write it down without changing a word.with the sound [p] turned into a holiday, andthe training gave quick results. We were so good and interesting that we still like to remember how the sound [r] was overcome. "

    Suggestions for correcting sounds should be done systematically, preferably 2 times a day( morning and evening) for 5-10 minutes Depending on the type of classes, the time can be increased or shortened, for example, when introducing a sound into speech, when the child is offered to retell the stories or compose them according to the pictures, the lessons can last for 15-20 minutes.

    If a child says several sounds wrong at the same time, then first correct those that are better for him.

    It is necessary to pass from one exercise to another only after a clear assimilation of the previous exercises.

    Correcting the deficiencies in the pronunciation of whistling sounds with

    When the sound is correctly pronounced [c], the lips are slightly pulled back, as if with a smile, the teeth are brought together and leave a gap of 1 mm. The tip of the tongue is close to the lower incisors and slightly

    touches the front teeth. The lateral edges of the tongue are pressed against the upper molars. In the middle of the tongue a groove is formed, along which a strong air jet must pass.

    The sound [s] is formed as a sound [c], but unlike it is pronounced with the voice.

    When the sounds [c '], [s'] are pronounced, the middle part of the tongue back is slightly elevated.

    When the sounds [s]( [s ']), [s]( [s']) are pronounced on the back of the hand, brought to the mouth, a cold air jet is felt.

    The sound [q] is formed by the rapid pronouncing of the sounds [t] and [c ] ( [tc]).The position of the lips and teeth is the same as when pronouncing the sound [s].With the correct pronunciation of the sound [q], the tip of the tongue rests against the lower incisors, as when pronouncing the sound [c].At the same time, the curved back of the tongue touches the upper alveoli( the cell where the roots of the teeth enter).After touching, the tongue's back is lowered to the position occupied when pronouncing the sound [c], an air jet passes through the gap formed in the middle of the tongue.

    The sound [q] is pronounced without the voice.

    Incorrect pronunciation of sounds [c], [c '], [s], [s'], [c] is most often expressed in distorted utterances. In this case, the language can take a variety of positions. In some cases, the tip of the tongue is pierced between the teeth, in others it rests against the edges of the upper and lower incisors, thus creating a barrier to free air release. Sometimes the tongue can be ribbed, and the air jet will then pass not along the middle line of the tongue, but on the sides, which makes it sound unpleasant on hearing, "squelching" sound.

    The child can replace the sounds with [c], [s] with fuzzy sounds [w], [w]( instead of a table instead of a lock), or pronounce them somewhat softly( shake instead of juice, ziaika instead of a rabbit), replace the sound [q]most often by sound [c]( syplenok instead of chicken), less often by the sound [ch ']( a cup instead of a heron).

    If there are no sounds [c], [s], [c], when replacing them with other sounds, first try to call them by imitation. Offer the child to pump the bicycle tire with a pump( c-with-c. ..), simulate the flight of a mosquito, that is, say the sound slowly [z], calm the doll, that is, pronounce the sound [q].If the sounds can not be called, then show the child what position the lips take( stretched out in a smile), the tongue( to make the tongue wide with a groove in the middle), and say the sound [c] or [s] slowly. Show the articulation( the position of the lips, teeth, tongue) must be made in front of the mirror.

    If by imitation sound can not be caused, then it is necessary to conduct preparatory exercises aimed at developing the desired position of the articulatory apparatus, the ability to form a groove in the middle of the tongue. To do this, ask the child to smile so that all the teeth are visible( stretching the lips), and hold your lips in this position for a while;with extended lips stick out the flattened tongue out and blow on the tip of the tongue.

    Sometimes a child can not make a groove in the middle of the tongue. To get it, ask the child to first stick out the wide tip of the tongue outwards, then, after putting a teaspoon in the middle of the tongue with a rib and making a small depression in it, ask the child to blow air through this groove. The kid can not sometimes fulfill this task because the muscles of the tongue are not sufficiently developed yet. Suggest him to blow on cotton wool, thin strips of paper. This exercise helps to strengthen the muscles. After the child learns to easily hold the tongue in this position, ask him to pronounce the sound [s]( the tongue is removed for the lower teeth, the lips of the position do not change).

    A child who utters whistling sounds when the tongue is pushed out( the sounds are distorted at the same time), should do the following exercise: long to pronounce the sound [s] with stretched lips, but with tightly compressed teeth( the tongue will involuntarily rest against the lower teeth).

    The sound setting [q] is carried out after mastering and correct pronunciation of the sound [s].The child at first slowly, and then quickly, in one exhalation, utters the sounds [t] and [c] together until he learns to pronounce the sound [c] in a pure manner.

    After the child learns to pronounce an isolated sound, it is necessary to proceed to its fixation in syllables, words, in phrases.

    In cases where the child is able to pronounce whistling sounds isolatedly, but mixes them with others( for example, the sound [c] - with the sound [c], the sound [c] - with the sound [w], the sound [s] - with the sound [g]), you should teach him to distinguish them by ear. To do this, say one of the sounds, and the baby is asked to guess which object or which animal can produce this sound. For example, an adult utters a lingering sound [c], and then asks the child: "What is this?" A child can say: "So the water flows or pump is pumped".

    Then the adult offers the child to raise his hand or clap his hands when he hears the saga sa, sa, wa, sha, ca, yes, sa, na, sha, tsa.

    You can ask the child to raise his hand when he hears words in which there is a sound [s]: sugar, teapot, fur coat, chicken, sled, hat, scooter.