
Diet with a sick liver: menus, recipes and advice on nutrition for patients with cirrhosis of the liver

  • Diet with a sick liver: menus, recipes and advice on nutrition for patients with cirrhosis of the liver

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    There are diets for losing weight, for pregnant and lactating, for vegetarians, but for people with various diseases. For each disease, they are even numbered for convenience: diet No. 1, 2, 3. .. With liver diseases - No. 5. It is enough for her to know the general recommendations, and the rest can be easily calculated and compiled independently.

    Take this method seriously, follow all the instructions, because much depends on nutrition in our health. Therapeutic diets are far from new, they have been tested for many decades and, with the right approach, help the patient to feel better, and at the initial stages - even completely heal from the disease.

    All diets for patients do not treat themselves, they prepare the body, clean it, so that sick organs can function correctly, because a sick body is one whose work is broken.

    What kind of diet is needed for a sick liver

    Diet No. 5 is based on the following principle: it is necessary to completely remove from the diet what is oxalic acid, purines, cholesterol, extractives, essential oils, as well as fried and fatty foods.

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    In this case, you need to consume a large amount of protein and carbohydrates, fiber, and be sure to observe the drinking regime. Caloric content of all foods eaten per day should be about 2700 calories( on average).All food should be warm, and the number of its meals - 5-6 times. Similar nutrition for patients with cirrhosis of the liver.

    Products banned by this diet:

    • Foods banned by this diet:
      • Fresh baked goods
      • All fried
      • Puff pastry
      • Broth meat and fish, mushroom
      • Okroshka, soup
      • Meat, sausages, canned, smoked, by-products
      • Any fish, except boiled or steam,canned fish
      • Dairy products with high fat content( allowed in very limited quantities)
      • Fat( beef, pork, lamb)
      • Margarine, mayonnaise
      • Chocolate
      • Ice cream
      • Spicy seasonings( mustard, hot pepper, horseradish)
      • Solene and pickled products
      • Coffee and cocoa
      • Sorrel, radish, garlic, spinach, radish, mushrooms, onions( incl. green)
      • Cold drinks

      Foods allowed in the diet menu for liver disease:

      • Bread, pasta, cookieslong, biscuit, baked, not baked
      • Vegetable soups, with cereals, fruit, dairy
      • Meat and poultry - not fatty, in the form of boiled and steam dishes
      • Rarely - sausages of milk
      • Fish - boiled whole or fish cutlets, souffle
      • Curd cheese, milk, kefir with low fat content
      • Boiled eggs, omple
      • fresh, boiled, stewed vegetables
      • Berries,
      • Fruit Butter - only in ready meals
      • Refined vegetable oil( any)

      diet Recipes for a sick liver

      1. Rice milk porridge( butter, sugar - to a minimum)
      2. Soft-boiled eggs
      3. Cottage cheese casserole with 10% sour cream
      4. Cabbage soup
      5. Boiled beef + stewed carrots
      6. Cooked macaroni sprinkled with grated cheese
      7. Carrot and apple salad( raw, grated)
      8. Mashed potatoes and carrots soup
      9. Steamed cutlets with milk sauce
      10. Boiled fish with potatoes
      11. Baked buckwheat
      12. Omelet protein
      13. Oatmeal( milk)
      14. Baked apples
      15. Cooked chicken and rice
      16. Puree from carrotsOshki
      17. Cottage cheese and sour cream( 10%)
      18. pasta with steam fish cakes
      19. Stuffed with ground beef
      20. Borsch meatless
      21. carrot puree with beet salad
      22. Lapshevnik meat boiled
      23. Milk soup with noodles
      24. Semolina on
      25. milk salad and potatoCucumbers with vegetable oil
      26. Soufflé from fish
      27. Vareniki with cottage cheese
      28. Drinks: tea, juice, mineral water, rosehip breeze, kefir, kissel, mors, compote

      Any dishes that exclude prohibited foods, everything depends onyour personal culinary skills! Become healthier without doctors!

      Video about liver health