
Haircut Italian: 60 photos of female and male models, technology of execution and video lessons

  • Haircut Italian: 60 photos of female and male models, technology of execution and video lessons

    A voluminous and weather-resistant hairdress is the dream of any fashionista, and just a confident woman. In this any girl will help haircut "Italian", received its name thanks to the stylist from Milan Arlando Tossi in the early 80's. Around such an unusual and comfortable hairstyle quickly gathered a real excitement and glorified the name of the stylist and the hairstyle.

    What is its benefit? First, the technique of doing, the hairdresser creates a small hat from hair by applying strands on the strand, and the rest of the hair simply streams over the shoulders, because of this, this haircut always retains its volume. Secondly, this technique is very beneficial for wavy hair, as it looks better on them. I propose to consider what the Italian woman's haircut looks like in the photo.

    For short hair

    This hairstyle for short hair is probably not the most profitable option, but still worth a try. The first advantage of an Italian woman in short hair is that she can easily emphasize the contours of your face, so it is always suitable for women with an oval, triangular and round shape. Also, things are fine for women, whose neck can be called swan, or just quite long and slim.

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    But those whose appearance does not fit the above, do not worry in vain, perhaps you can emphasize your dignity with makeup, and then this hair will suit you, or, consider an Italian to medium hair.

    In fact, the technology of haircuts is quite simple, and if you understand the theory, then in practice there will be no problems. Let's consider, as the scheme of the given hairstyle looks like.

    1) In the area of ​​the temporal zone, specify the length and type of the control strand;

    2) Cut with vertical strands at an angle of 90 degrees, combing the hair from the temple to the back of the head, and then to the opposite temple;

    3) In the occipital region, we cut the strand behind the strand with a brace of 90 degrees;

    4) Cut the dark sector with vertical apertures with a reference point on KP1, extending the hair to the forehead with a detachment for the cut strand perpendicular to the head.

    Options Italian for short hair:

    For medium hair

    It's no secret that this haircut is best for medium hair, here and the length is sufficient to create the desired volume, and not much hair, and therefore, it's easier to work. The range of persons that an Italian woman can use for medium hair is very wide, even the shape of your face is not so important here, although if she is very stretched, then it's worth taking care of the correct make-up.

    The most profitable form of the face is an oval, a triangle and a square, and a circle is possible, but more often it happens that the extra volume of such women only harms. Rectangle and elongated oval are less profitable.

    And now I suggest that you consider the variations of this hairstyle for medium hair.

    And here is the haircut scheme.

    As you can see, this scheme practically does not differ from the scheme for short hair. The only nuance, do not forget to increase the length of hair from face to neck, as in the technique of cascade and ladder.

    This haircut, incidentally, is one of the leading this year.

    For long hair

    The Italian for long hair is only long and differs from the previous one, but for long hair it is much more difficult to make a beautiful haircut without damaging the excess. Moreover, sometimes the length may even be superfluous, especially when the strands hang down below the waist, in which case you'd better not take voluminous haircuts, for then there will be significant problems not only with styling, but with combing.

    But the technique of doing this haircut is exactly the same as the technique of the previous one, by applying strands at an angle of 90 degrees.

    Male version of

    I wanted to note that in our time there is also a male Italian, I suggest you see her options in the photo. This haircut for men is high and looks very representative.