  • Eczema on the legs: photo, treatment, initial stage, symptoms

    Eczema belongs to one of the most common dermatological pathologies.

    It is a defeat of the skin of an allergic nature. Most often the disease runs chronically.

    Eczema can affect different parts of the body. In the elderly, infants, as well as people working in hazardous industries, it is often located on its feet. With eczema of the feet, the upper layer of the skin suffers: first it cracks, and then becomes covered with a wet crust.

    Despite the fact that at first glance eczema is an external lesion, in most cases it has internal causes. That is why the disease needs careful diagnosis and comprehensive treatment. Specialists will suggest how to treat eczema on the feet quickly at home.

    Causes of eczema on the legs

    The causes of eczema on the legs are very diverse. Disease often occurs as a consequence of chronic stress, which manifests itself as lack of sleep, lack of rest and nutrition. Also, eczema is the result of malfunctions in the work of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract.
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    Dysbacteriosis, chronic gastritis, or stomach ulcer very often become the "culprits" of many dermatological pathologies. In addition, endocrine pathologies, immune system disorders, chronic infectious, fungal and viral diseases can become sources of eczema.

    Eczema on the legs can be the result of an allergic reaction to certain irritants: washing powder, synthetic clothing, cosmetics. Also, this disease can occur due to severe damage to the skin, for example, a severe burn.

    Often the cause of eczema on the feet is climate change, which in turn determines the humidity, temperature regime and other environmental parameters that affect the overall health of the skin. Another common cause of eczema, which is located on the lower limbs, is varicose veins and venous insufficiency.

    Varicosity usually proceeds in a chronic form, accompanied by a difficult circulation, swelling, and the appearance of trophic ulcers. Varicose eczema, as a rule, is difficult to treat, until the underlying disease is cured.

    Read also how to treat eczema on the hands.

    Symptoms of eczema on the legs

    Eczema often appears on the upper part of the foot and on the toes. Symptoms of the disease begin to manifest gradually.

    In the initial stage, one or more reddish, slightly swollen spots appear on the skin. They cause the patient quite a strong itch. After a while, in the area of ​​spots, the skin begins to become covered with small bubbles, inside which there is a clear liquid.

    From constant scratching, bubbles burst, liquid flows out, and the affected areas are covered with crust, first wet, and then dry. When the crust disappears, in its place, as a rule, pigmented spots are formed.

    The presence of eczema on the legs suggests not only external symptoms. Patients with this diagnosis often have various nervous disorders. Most people suffer from excessive irritability, headaches, general weakness, sleep disorders.

    How to treat eczema on the feet

    Treatment of eczema on the feet consists, first of all, in identifying the cause of this pathology. Since eczema is most often a consequence of other diseases, or the result of the action of external stimuli, we must first eliminate the possible causes.

    Therapy of any kind of eczema begins with the use of external means. Local creams and ointments relieve swelling and itching, contribute to the rapid healing of wounds. A good effect for the treatment of eczema of the lower extremities is given by ointments with glucocorticosteroids. Considering the hormonal origin of such drugs and a large list of side effects, they are prescribed and used exclusively under the supervision of the attending physician.

    Also with eczema on the legs, it is mandatory to take antihistamines in the form of tablets or injections. They, in conjunction with external means, help to quickly relieve the aggravation of the disease. In addition, general therapy with eczema on the feet includes the intake of vitamins, desensitizing and sedative drugs.


    Prevention of eczema on the feet begins with the fact that the patient's life is trying to eliminate all the undesirable factors that can lead to the disease. In some cases, you may need to change jobs, or move to a location with a different climate.

    A good result to prevent the initial stage of eczema is ensuring proper nutrition. It is proved that the condition of a person with skin diseases is aggravated if there are many acute dishes, fatty foods, preservatives and artificial additives in the diet. For the same reason, it is worth abandoning bad habits.

    It is useful to combine the correct diet with physical activity, frequent walks in the fresh air. In addition, that this way of life will increase immunity, it will also help to avoid the severe stresses that are so often found in modern life and provoke various diseases, including eczema on the legs.

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