  • Lishay multi-colored: photos, symptoms and treatment, causes

    Multicolored or pityriasis lichen( another name - "sun fungus") - a long-term skin disease, or rather, the horny( the most superficial) layer of the epidermis.

    The causative agent of this is a yeast-like fungus( exists in the form of three forms: round, mycelial and oval).

    The disease is more common among people living in hot countries with high humidity. It occurs mainly in middle-aged people and is characterized by low contagiousness( infectiousness).

    Causes of

    The causative agent was first discovered in the middle of the 19th century. Under the microscope during the examination of the scales of the stratum corneum, the filaments of mycelium and small spores of round form are noticeable.

    Infection occurs as a result of close household contact as a result of contact of body parts, as well as through bed and underwear, scouring pads, towels, etc. Contributing factors of disease: seborrhea( occurs as a result of copious sebum secretion), uncleanliness and sweat composition changes.
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    Read also, treatment of ringworm in humans.

    Symptoms of varicoloured

    A typical clinical symptom of multi-colored hair loss in humans is the appearance of spots on the body parts with the predominant location of the sebaceous glands.

    To such areas of the body are: the skin of the chest, neck, abdomen, back, head, axillary cavities. Fungus never affects the skin of the palms and feet.

    Immediately after the appearance of the spots have a yellowish-pink color. After a few days they turn brown. The shape of the spot is rounded with clear boundaries, small in size, which varies very far in the periphery. Stains can merge, forming extensive foci of epidermal damage.

    Symptoms of inflammation, which include: swelling, pain, hyperemia, local fever, etc., are not characteristic of the disease. When lightly scraped from the surface of the stains, small scales that resemble bran are rejected. The skin damaged by the fungus is disturbed by a slight itch.

    Clearly visible spots in summer. This is due to the effect of ultraviolet rays of the sun on the skin, under the influence of which it becomes more pigmented( sunbathing).At the site of pathological foci, ultraviolet rays penetrating the layers of the epidermis do not cause any changes in them, but all because the fungus synthesizes azelaic acid, under the influence of which the ability of melanocytes to produce a pigment decreases. That is why the spots remain light against the background of tanned skin. The medical name of this state is pseudo-chromism.

    Pityriasis is a chronic disease characterized by alternating periods of remissions and relapses( exacerbations).In summer, the symptoms of the disease appear less. Very rarely there are cases of self-healing.

    See also the symptoms of herpes zoster.


    Diagnosis is established according to the clinical picture. Confirms the diagnosis of a microscopic examination of scales, in which the elements of the fungus are found.

    Additionally, a skin test( Balser test or other name of Balzer) is applied to confirm it with application of iodine solution or other aniline dyes on healthy and pathological areas.

    Iodine is absorbed intensively into the loosened stratum corneum at the site of the rash, therefore, amid the healthy skin, the affected foci appear darker. On the scalp, pathological foci are detected by the emission of a fluorescent lamp. Her head is illuminated in a dark room, on the affected areas of her skin, a yellowish-brown glow is noticeable.

    Differential diagnosis of the disease. Comparison of symptoms of depriving is carried out with the following diseases:

    1. 1) Leukoderma, which is characterized by the appearance of pathological foci( skin, devoid of pigment) of any size and shape in different parts of the skin;
    2. 2) Syphilis with the appearance of roseol in the stage of their reverse development. Their main features: pale pink color without clear contours. Roses have a smooth surface, do not protrude above the surface of the skin and never merge;
    3. 3) Lisha Zhibera, for which the appearance of a "mother" spot is characteristic. After a while their number increases. Unlike the "mother" spots, "children" are much smaller in size;
    4. 4) Seborrhea - inflammation and flaking of the skin of the scalp, including in the eyebrows, eyelashes, beards.
    Read also how to treat color deprivation in humans.

    Treatment of multicolored lichen

    He is engaged in treatment of a multicolored lichen - dermatologist. It consists in the appointment of local and general drugs.

    The main purpose of prescribing local drugs( Wilkinson's ointment, sulfuric ointment, Andriasan's fluid, etc.) is the acceleration of exfoliation of the stratum corneum of the epidermis. To avoid recurrence of the disease, drugs treat not only pathological, but also healthy skin areas for 5 to 7 days. After the treatment, ultraviolet irradiation is carried out for cosmetic purposes to eliminate pseudochromia( white spots on the skin).

    An effective approach to recovery is therapy, which is directed directly at the pathogen( etiotropic therapy).Proven medicines are: itraconazole, fluconazole, etc.


    Primary prevention is aimed at preventing the infection of a never-sick person."Solar fungus" - not accidentally one of the names of the disease, since the primary infection occurs most often in the summer in open reservoirs. Performing simple rules can significantly reduce the likelihood of infection.

    1. 1) Do not stay in the open sun immediately after bathing. It is necessary to wait in the shade until the skin is dry or wipe it with a towel;
    2. 2) Use special products that protect the skin from excessive ultraviolet radiation, which weakens the protective properties of the skin;
    3. 3) It is not recommended to wear other people's things. Use an individual towel, which must be washed more often;
    4. 4) It is advisable to visit beaches with the least accumulation of holidaymakers.
    Secondary prophylaxis is aimed at preventing the re-infection of a person after a previous illness. It includes a number of activities, including: hardening, treatment of excessive sweating( hyperhidrosis), carrying out water-salt wraps, rubbing the skin with salicylic alcohol, etc.

    All family members should be examined to prevent fungal transmission, as well as re-illness after treatmentdermatologist. Any doubtful rashes, reminiscent of pityriasis and not only - are the reason for contacting a specialist.

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