  • Propagation by lignified cuttings

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    Among the gardeners involved in growing planting material, this method is the most convenient. No special facilities are required in the form of greenhouses or greenhouses, simple care, a high percentage of rooted cuttings.

    Black, red and white currant

    Formation of the mother bush

    For the annual harvesting of cuttings in large quantities, the uterine bushes need to be properly cut and formed. In the first year of planting, the shoots of the seedlings are cut, leaving 3-5 kidneys above the soil surface. In autumn, from the shoots grown in the summer, 1-3 strong are left on each bush, and all the weak cut out without leaving the stumps. Next year, from the two-year-old branches begin to harvest green cuttings. In the autumn, the weak and biennial branches from which the cuttings were taken are completely removed, leaving 4-5 strong shoots on the bush.

    It should be borne in mind that cuttings of red and white currants are rooted worse than black, so they should be planted as early as possible. Cut annual shoots as early as the second half of August, cut the cuttings, process them with stimulants of root formation and immediately planted on the prepared bed. Before the end of the vegetation, the soil is loosened between rows of planted cuttings, watered, if necessary, and the weeds removed.

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    Harvesting cuttings

    The best period for blackcurrant cuttings is September - the first half of October. If you do not have time to fall, you can plant cuttings in the spring, only cut them in the end of February. And the spring planting of cuttings is very compressed. And with hot weather in May, rooting can be low. From the cut annual branches remove all the leaves. Prepared in this way shoots cut into cuttings length of 18-20 cm. Insufficiently lignified tops on the cuttings do not use. The lower cut is made at an angle of 45 ° from the opposite side of the kidney and 1 cm below its base, and the upper one is straight, 1 cm above the kidney.

    Planting cuttings

    Cuttings are planted in a gap 15-20 cm at an angle of 45 °, leaving 1-2 kidneys on the surface. The soil on both sides of the row is well compacted with feet. In this state the cuttings leave in the winter.

    Care for cuttings in spring-summer

    In some years, especially with a weak compaction of the cuttings during planting, in the spring, their strong protrusion from the soil is observed. In this case, fresh cuttings should be cut immediately to the same depth and compacted by hand. It is useful and a small hilling up to the upper kidney.

    In the summer intercropping periodically loosen, remove weeds and watered in hot, arid weather. Together with watering, 2 fertilizing with nitrogen fertilizers( ammonium nitrate, urea) is carried out - in May, during the shoot growth phase and in June, during the active growth phase. If the plants grow poorly, then in July they are once again fed with complex fertilizer.

    If you are late and the kidneys on the shoots become swollen, then cut the cuttings and put them in jars with pure standing water. In a warm room, after 10-12 days, roots begin to form. As soon as the largest root reaches a length of 1 cm, the cuttings are gently transplanted into pots or boxes of juice, dairy products, filled with nutrient soil. First time they cover with plastic bags and shade. Plant the plants in mid-May, deepening by 10-15 cm compared with the original planting.

    If the variety is new and the bush is young, cuttings are cut short-about 5 cm. As a result, even a small bush can cut several dozen cuttings. They have at least 2 kidneys, one at the base, and the other at the top. The number of kidneys can be greater if you take the tops of shoots. Cuttings cut in early spring from pre-harvested autumn or winter shoots. They are planted in cold hotbeds under the film in the same way, that is, obliquely, deepening to the upper kidney. Rooting takes place with high humidity. Therefore every day 2-3 times watered from the watering can. At optimum temperature( about 25 ° С) in 15-25 days on the bottom knots of cuttings there are roots.


    Only the hybrids of American and European varieties can be propagated by lignified cuttings. These are the varieties Smena, Kolobok, Orlyonok, the Northern captain. Cuttings of European varieties are very weakly rooted.

    Shoots for rooting are usually harvested in the fall and stored until spring. The length of the cuttings is 20-22 cm. The cuttings from the middle part of the shoot are best rooted. They are planted in the spring as early as possible, obliquely, leaving 1-2 buds under the soil. During autumn planting cuttings should be cut and planted until leaf fall.

    Cuttings are planted on a bed with loose, fertile, moist soil. After planting, the soil near the cuttings is well compacted. Then watered and necessarily mulched by humus layer of 4-5 cm mulching contributes to the preservation of soil moisture and better rooting. Further care is the same as for cuttings of currants.


    Prepare chibouks in autumn, during pruning, only from the lignified part of the vine. It is better to cut the two-eyed cuttings immediately, which are stored at temperature

    0. .. + 2 ° C in moist, pre-steamed wood sawdust, in an ordinary cellar or basement.

    Preparation of cuttings for planting:

    - in March-early April cuttings are removed from the storage;

    - update the lower section, it should be oblique, under the kidney. The superior section of the straight line, 1.0-1.5 cm above the kidney;

    - cuttings are well washed and laid on a soak in water at room

    . Vineyards of the Moscow region already by the beginning of June grow seedlings of grapes with a well-developed root system. For this purpose, rooting cuttings are planted not in the schoolchildren, but in various larger containers, for example, in buckets, vases, etc. The substrate usually consists of a mixture of sand and peat in a ratio of 1: 1.With good lighting and regular top dressing( 1 g of full mineral fertilizer per 1 liter of water, 1-2 times a week), by the beginning of June, saplings grow with a well-developed root system and one or two shoots sometimes up to 1 m in length. You can plant such seedlings at the beginning of the summer, or you can in autumn or next spring.

    temperature for 2-3 days, changing water daily;

    - then for a day cuttings are placed in a growth stimulant solution( one tablet of heteroauxin per 0.5 l of water) or honey( 1 tablespoon per 1 liter of water), immersing them with their lower ends to a depth of 1-1.5 cm;

    - any sharp object( the point of a knife or a carnation) make several scratches under the lower kidney, without touching it;

    - paraffin the upper ends of the cuttings, dipping them into the molten paraffin.

    Planting of shanks

    Prepared in this way cuttings are planted in plastic bags in clean, steamed, lightly pressed sawdust so that the upper kidney is above the surface. To maintain high humidity, the bag with the handle is covered with another bag. Rooting is done at a temperature of about + 25 ° C.Usually the bags with cuttings are placed on a wooden stand on the heating battery near the window. After all, the main danger in rooting cuttings is the awakening of the kidneys earlier than the roots will appear. Therefore, the soil should be heated from below, and keep the kidneys in the cold. Then for a month or a little more, saplings with a good root system and only budding buds are obtained. Daily open the upper package for several minutes and spray the kidney with warm water from the sprayer. When the first leaves begin to unfold, cuttings are shaded with paper so they do not "burn" in the bright spring sun, and spraying is carried out in the morning and evening. In 20-25 days the first shoots will develop, and below there will be first roots.

    Root in a bottle

    A fertile mixture consisting of one part of humus, one part of peat, two parts of turf ground

    and one part of coarse sand is poured into the bottle. Do not forget to make some drainage holes in the bottom. The top of the bottle serves as a cap-cap and will provide a microclimate for the rooting period of the

    cut. Prepared cuttings are planted in the center of the cup in a rod made with a diameter of approximately 20 mm and covered with coarse-grained sand.

    Plant the rooted cuttings into the open ground after the end of the night frosts, when the temperatures are plus. The seedlings are planted gently, without breaking the roots, obliquely to the north at an angle of 45 °.Above the ridge, a frame with polyethylene film is arranged. Care of plants is in the daily airing, spraying, moistening, loosening the soil, weeding. When the threat of nocturnal frosts passes, the greenhouse is cleaned and the plants are treated normally.

    You can root chibouk and in vessels with water. The stalk is cut 2 cm below the node, treated with growth stimulators and placed in water. A glass jar with cuttings is exposed to light and as soon as the first leaves appear, add 1 drop of complex liquid fertilizer.


    Annual shoots are cut off in late November or early December, or early spring, early March, and stored under snow or indoors at a temperature of 0-2 ° C.

    In spring cuttings length of 15-20 cm and a thickness of at least 0.5 cm are cut. Then, for two to three days they are kept in water at room temperature, changing water every day. Planted vertically, leaving 2-3 buds above the soil, with a distance of 10 x 10 cm. The earth around the cuttings is compacted, well watered and mulched with peat. In the first two to three weeks, watered 2-3 times a day. With proper care to the autumn plants grow with a good aboveground part and root system.