  • Special forms of composting

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    One of the forms of the compost heap is the so-called "endless" shroud The essence of this composting method is that instead of consecutive three or more parallel composting beads with different levels of decomposition process and different compost readiness, one bort is used.one side of the collar produces collection, accumulation, grinding and layerwise laying of raw materials for composting, and on the other hand, a ready compost is selected. "Infinite" collar allows to establish steplessand soil microorganisms are able to migrate inside the heap, moving to different sites depending on the

    As an independent form of the compost barge, one can distinguish the so-called "infinite" shoulder, its main advantage is that the process of composting and using the finished materialgoes

    continuously: on the left - the material is collected and layered into the compost pile;right - at the far end of the collar the compost is already ripe and ready for use, it can be taken and transported along the

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    site of the composting stage. The compost should be carefully covered with straw, reed mats or a thick layer of coarse mulching material to protect against waterlogging and overheating. A special form of composting can also be considered compost pits or ditches. They are made not more than 30 cm deep and of an arbitrary size, mainly in those places where trees, bushes, hedges or other permanent vegetation are expected to be planted next season. In the compost pits and ditches, household and garden waste are also laid, which are then covered with earth. The decomposition process proceeds steadily and quickly enough, since moisture keeps well in the cavity. However, during prolonged rains, there is a danger of overmoistening and rotting of the material, so it is especially necessary to carefully monitor the degree of moisture. The composting option in the pit is composting in the wells. This method is especially justified on heavy soils. In the holes made by drill, depth 50-70 cm and diameter 20-30 cm, lay layers for composting and cover with earth. The wells are distributed along permanently growing crops or between them. Thus, humus is created directly on the site of the growth of plants and during digging it mixes with the soil, improving its structure and feeding plants.