
Vitamins from dryness of the skin of the body, face and hands: which are better to choose

  • Vitamins from dryness of the skin of the body, face and hands: which are better to choose

    Dryness of the skin - this is a fairly common problem, which can appear in everyone. Some try to solve the problem with folk masks, someone goes to the dermatologist, and someone decided to start taking more vitamins to help solve the problem from the inside. All three options are correct, but the latter is most beneficial for better protection of the skin of the body. In this article you will learn about what vitamins from dryness of the skin of the body really help, what are the different vitamins of different groups, in which cases they are used.

    Vitamin A

    Vitamin A is by right the most important group of vitamins to maintain the skin in good condition. If it is not enough, the skin becomes dry, flabby, more vulnerable to external influences, flaky. It can also be noted that hair begins to fall out, nails dry up and excessive dandruff appears. As doctors say, this vitamin is found in products of animal and vegetable origin. Most of it in the liver of fish, in carrots, onions, cottage cheese, sour cream, milk, beef and pork liver. Eat foods with this vitamin content as often as possible, preferably every day.

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    Group Vitamins In

    Everyone from the earliest childhood knows vitamins of group B, which are full in such products as semolina and oatmeal, bread, potatoes, nuts and green vegetables. It can not be said that this vitamin helps from dryness and peeling of the skin, but it prevents aging and smooths wrinkles, makes the skin more elastic. If it is often used, you will get a healthy complexion and a charming smile. And here are the products containing this vitamin: rice, eggs, kidneys, liver, mushrooms, chicken, pork, bananas, avocado and cheese. In fact, you can list for a very long time.

    Vitamin C

    Elasticity and elasticity for the most part depends on vitamin C, which contains collagen, which is very useful for normal and healthy skin condition. With its lack, the skin quickly becomes wrinkled and becomes flabby. From the good properties of vitamin C, it can be noted that frequent use of it lowers the time for healing of abrasions and scratches, excellent strengthening of blood vessels and heart. Vitamin is found in citrus, cauliflower, apples, currants, sea-buckthorn, red pepper, strawberries and currants.

    It is worth saying that these vitamins from dry skin of the face and body are best, but their overdose causes a completely opposite effect. Daily rate - no more than two oranges a day.

    Vitamin E

    This vitamin helps not so much to protect against dryness as to the rapid renewal of dead skin cells. The skin of the hands, face and legs receives enhanced protection against ultraviolet rays. Partial elimination of dryness consists in increasing the efficiency of metabolism due to vitamin E, as well as some skin rejuvenation. It's no secret that in our time, cosmetologists use this vitamin for similar purposes. In addition, vitamin is a part of many lotions and creams.

    It is found in vegetable oils( sunflower, corn, apricot, pumpkin, peach), liver, nuts, dairy products. The best option is to fill salads with butter.

    Vitamins of group D

    Vitamin D can prevent the aging process and the formation of cancer cells. However, the human body itself can produce it under the influence of sunlight. But this does not mean that you can remove foods such as sea kale, butter, mackerel fillets, eggs, herring, parsley, cod liver and halibut from the diet.

    However, in order to clearly see the result, a lot of this vitamin should be consumed per day, much more than others.

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