  • Removal of warts at home

    Despite the fact that modern dermatology and medical cosmetology have created a lot of techniques, the timely use of which allows you to eliminate external manifestations of papillomatosis, removal of warts at home is still quite popular.

    And the reasons for this are a few - and the availability of the funds and drugs necessary for such treatment, and their effectiveness is sufficient, and the relative harmlessness of such therapy.

    A patient who has decided to carry out the removal of warts at home in the home at home, must necessarily consult a qualified dermatologist - under the guise of papillomatosis( benign skin lesions), dangerous conditions that require immediate medical intervention may be hidden.

    In addition, it is necessary not only to search for effective ways to remove warts, but also to take care of the state of the body's immune system - papillomas appear only in those patients whose immunity for one reason or another fails, which allows uncontrolled reproduction of the virus in epithelial cells.

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    Methods for removing

    The following wart removal methods are currently available, which have proven effective in the clinical setting and in the home.

    The most common methods of removal are:

    • surgical techniques - excision of warts and surrounding tissues with the help of a scalpel, laser beam, radio wave therapy and cryo-destruction;
    • use of medicinal ointments, which include substances that destroy excessively expanded epithelial cells, or inhibit the multiplication of the virus in the cell;
    • use of methods of alternative medicine, which have proven their effectiveness through centuries of use.

    Actually, the removal of warts at home can be performed using ointments, which should be used by a qualified dermatologist, and with the help of techniques of traditional medicine.

    When using such methods of treatment it is important to remember that the removal of warts on the face that can leave an indelible mark on the appearance of a person or treatment of warts in children in children in children should be entrusted to professionals - this reduces the probability of complications several times( bleeding, suppuration, scars,disfiguring appearance).

    Removal of warts at home - how to treat

    To remove warts at home,

    • methods are most often used, the action of which is rather based on the psychotherapeutic effect - they activate their own protective powers of the patient's body. It is to them that the smearing of the surface of the wart is cut with potato, beans or an apple, which after that must be buried in the ground - after the decomposition of the object the effects of the warts must disappear;
    • techniques, which use "dressing" warts with silk thread or thin twine;
    • techniques in which, for medical purposes, the surface of the wart should be lubricated with the juice of medicinal plants or substances that have a keratolytic and anti-inflammatory effect.

    The means of keratolytic action include acetic and salicylic acid, celandine juice, but when using these substances it is important to remember that they can not be used when warts are found in children.

    These substances are quite toxic and when used in pediatric practice it is not possible to calculate the required dose of the drug.

    The means of anti-inflammatory action include decoctions or juice of medicinal plants - aloe, dogrose, calendula, Kalanchoe, mountain ash, garlic, wormwood.

    These drugs have a pronounced effect only with prolonged use, however, this technique helps to carry out the safe removal of warts in children. Undoubtedly, removal is most often necessary, since these local skin growths, which slightly rise above the surface of a healthy skin, are revealed in most cases. It is with such benign neoplasms that patients ask themselves how to get rid of flat warts at home and avoid their re-emergence.

    In this case, the appointment of immunomodulatory therapy is important, which will help restore the disturbed status of the immune system - this will prevent the recurrence of the disease. To prescribe such treatment should be a doctor, because immunomodulators and immunostimulants, in addition to indications for use, have a fairly large list of contraindications.

    Local treatment of flat warts often involves the treatment of their surface with concentrated solutions of organic acids - apple, salicylic, acetic. The drug is applied only to the altered area of ​​the skin and covered with a protective bandage on top, left in this form for a while, after which the dead part can be removed without difficulty after applying a warm compress or a bath.

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