
Salty dough for crafts: cooking recipe and video lessons

  • Salty dough for crafts: cooking recipe and video lessons

    Salt dough for crafts: recipe and rules for working with the

    test. The salty dough used for making hand-made articles has become a truly ingenious invention. The advantage of this material is that it is safe, as well as cheap. And the product that will turn out to be durable. There are many recipes for making salted dough for crafts, one of them is presented below.

    Salted dough recipe

    To begin with, we will need measuring utensils, usually an ordinary glass is used for this, but from experience I can say that using a whole glass of salt and a few glasses of flour, you can get so much dough that it's enough for not one but a lotcrafts. You can, of course, store it in the freezer, but personally it seems to me that it's better to mold crafts from fresh material. Therefore, we take as a measure a small coffee cup, with a volume of about 100 grams. In principle, a simple plastic cup is perfect.

    The proportions are as follows:

    • 1 cup salt;
    • 1 cup of water;
    • 2 cups of flour;
    • 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil.
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    All ingredients must be mixed together and mixed well. It is necessary to follow one rule: flour is introduced gradually. First one glass, after it was mixed, the second. After the consistency is ready, it is necessary to cover the container with the dough, so that it does not dry up. For this purpose, a food film is perfect. It is necessary to pick off the salted dough in small portions, and all the rest of the material and continue to be stored under the film.

    How to sculpt an artifact made from salted dough?

    After the recipe for the salted dough for souvenirs became known to us, and the dough turned out to be excellent, it's worthwhile to proceed to the modeling process. In general, it is worth noting that the molding from the salted dough is almost the same as the modeling of plasticine or, for example, clay. A small nuance is that the crafts made from salted dough is better to make flat. And this means that it is best to make pictures of him, frames for photos, magnets on the refrigerator.

    If you decide to make something voluminous, for example, a toy, then you need to use skeletons for three-dimensional details, such as legs, neck, handles and so on. The frame can be made from ordinary wire or toothpicks. It is also very important to use for the head and body various pieces of salted dough, because the solid lump will dry for a long time. In general, the process looks like this: the base is made, foil or scotch can be used for it, you just need to roll the ball, and then to make a salt dough. Base allow to dry, and only then start to add parts.

    In order for the parts to be easily connected, it is sufficient to moisten the joints with water, and then simply apply them to each other.

    In the process of molding from a salted dough the following devices can be used:

    • Plastic or usual small knife( of course, for modeling it will be more convenient to use a knife stack, which is used for molding from plasticine);
    • Ruler is necessary for measuring dimensions;
    • Rolka, with its help the salt test is given the necessary form;
    • Toothpicks that will serve as a frame;
    • The Garlic. With her, it's enough just to make hair for a toy;
    • Decoration items, for example, beads, balls;
    • Foil - used for drying the product;
    • A glass of water and a brush for connecting the parts together.

    Dry hand-made artifacts from salted dough

    Of course, preparing a salty dough for crafts-it was not easy, which can not be said about drying a finished product. After all, in order to dry the craft from the salted dough, it is enough to just leave it to dry naturally by room conditions. Usually the process of complete drying takes up to several days. By the way, many needlewomen bake handicrafts.

    It is very important to remember that it is necessary to mold the product on the same surface, where it will dry, as it can be damaged when moving it. As a rule, foil is used for this. The main thing to remember is that you should not use paper, because when baking it will stick to the product.

    To properly bake an odd job, you need to put it in a cold oven, and then just turn it on, do not immediately put a large temperature, 50 degrees is enough. This is necessary to ensure that the craft does not crack from a sharp temperature drop. And only after 30 minutes it is necessary to increase the temperature to 100 degrees.

    Usually the drying time is about 1-2 hours, it all depends on the thickness of the product. If you do not plan to paint your product, then immediately after drying you can cover with varnish. In the event that parts of the craft were damaged, it is enough to just use glue, and the article is restored.

    Painting a product from salted dough

    Products from salted dough have a good appearance even without staining, as mentioned above, they are quite enough to cover with varnish and they will please with their appearance. And if you still want your product to become more colorful, then you should buy acrylic paints, because they are very bright and quickly dry.

    Acrylic paints are quite expensive, and the salted dough is not finicky, so you can do with cheaper colors, such as gouache or watercolor.

    As the dye can be used and coffee, then in addition to the fact that the product will be filled with color, it will exude a fragrance.

    If you would like to learn more about the process of creating a salt test, then you should definitely watch the video , which step by step describes the entire process of :

    Video compilation for creating the required test

    Salty dough, which is used for the manufacture of hand-made articles, has become a truly ingenious invention. The advantage of this material is that it is safe, as well as cheap. And the product that will turn out to be durable. There are many recipes for making salted dough for crafts, one of them is presented below.

    Salted dough recipe

    To begin with, we will need measuring utensils, usually an ordinary glass is used for this, but from experience I can say that using a whole glass of salt and a few glasses of flour, you can get so much dough that it's enough for not one but a lotcrafts. You can, of course, store it in the freezer, but personally it seems to me that it's better to mold crafts from fresh material. Therefore, we take as a measure a small coffee cup, with a volume of about 100 grams. In principle, a simple plastic cup is perfect.

    The proportions are as follows:

    • 1 cup salt;
    • 1 cup of water;
    • 2 cups of flour;
    • 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil.

    All ingredients must be mixed together and mixed well. It is necessary to follow one rule: flour is introduced gradually. First one glass, after it was mixed, the second. After the consistency is ready, it is necessary to cover the container with the dough, so that it does not dry up. For this purpose, a food film is perfect. It is necessary to pick off the salted dough in small portions, and all the rest of the material and continue to be stored under the film.

    How to sculpt an odonto from a salted dough?

    After the recipe for salted dough for souvenirs became known to us, and the dough turned out to be excellent, it's worthwhile to proceed to the modeling process. In general, it is worth noting that the molding from the salted dough is almost the same as the modeling of plasticine or, for example, clay. A small nuance is that the crafts made from salted dough is better to make flat. And this means that it is best to make pictures of him, frames for photos, magnets on the refrigerator.

    If you decide to make something voluminous, for example, a toy, then you need to use skeletons for three-dimensional details, such as legs, neck, handles and so on. The frame can be made from ordinary wire or toothpicks. It is also very important to use for the head and body various pieces of salted dough, because the solid lump will dry for a long time. In general, the process is as follows: a base is made, foil or scotch can be used for it, you just need to roll the ball, and then to make a salt dough. Base allow to dry, and only then start to add parts.

    In order for the parts to be easily connected, it is enough to moisten the joints with water, and then simply apply them to each other.

    In the process of molding from salted dough the following devices can be used:

    • Plastic or usual small knife( of course, for modeling it will be more convenient to use a stack - knife, which is used for molding from plasticine);
    • Ruler - necessary for measuring dimensions;
    • Rolka, with its help the salt test is given the necessary form;
    • Toothpicks that will serve as a frame;
    • Chesnochnitsa. With her, it's enough just to make hair for a toy;
    • Decoration items, for example, beads, balls;
    • Foil - used for drying the product;
    • A glass of water and a brush for connecting the parts together.

    Sushi crafts made from salted dough

    Of course, the preparation of a salty dough for crafts-it was not easy, which can not be said about drying a finished product. After all, in order to dry the craft from the salted dough, it is enough to just leave it to dry naturally by room conditions. Usually the process of complete drying takes up to several days. By the way, many needlewomen bake handicrafts.

    It is very important to remember that it is necessary to mold the product on the same surface, where it will dry, as it can be damaged when moving it. As a rule, foil is used for this. The main thing to remember is that you should not use paper, because when baking it will stick to the product.

    To properly bake an odd job, you need to put it in a cold oven, and then just turn it on, do not immediately put a large temperature, 50 degrees is enough. This is necessary to ensure that the craft does not crack from a sharp temperature drop. And only after 30 minutes it is necessary to increase the temperature to 100 degrees.

    Usually the drying time is about 1-2 hours, it all depends on the thickness of the product. If you do not plan to paint your product, then immediately after drying you can cover with varnish. In the event that parts of the craft were damaged, it is enough to just use glue, and the article is restored.

    Painting a product from salted dough

    Products from salted dough have a good appearance even without staining, as mentioned above, they are quite enough to cover with varnish and they will please with their appearance. And if you still want your product to become more colorful, then you should buy acrylic paints, because they are very bright and quickly dry.

    Acrylic paints are quite expensive, and the salted dough is not finicky, so you can do with cheaper colors, such as gouache or watercolor.

    As the dye can be used and coffee, then in addition to the fact that the product will be filled with color, it will exude a fragrance.

    If you would like to learn more about the process of creating a salt test, then you should definitely watch the video , which step by step describes the entire process of :

    Video compilation for creating the required test