  • Accessories for watering

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    Depending on the size of the watered area and the associated tasks, you can choose different watering devices. The simplest and most affordable of these is the garden watering can with the nozzle. Its main advantage lies in the purposefulness of irrigation, since all water flows directly to the chosen space or to a particular plant. There are different types and varieties of leks of different volumes, but, as practice shows, the most convenient is a watering can with a capacity of 10 liters. Watering cans of a larger volume become very heavy when filled, and in watering cans of a smaller volume it is often necessary to add water. The watering can should have a long nose and a comfortable handle, it should be well balanced when filling, the material from which the watering can is made is a matter of taste. Most of the pens are equipped with spray nozzles or grids with various sizes of holes: from small ones, like those of a sieve, to large ones. Grids with small holes are used for watering seeds and tender shoots. The watering can is convenient for watering a small area or solitary plants, but when it is necessary to water a large area, the watering can is ineffective. In this case, it is best to use the

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    hose, the connected to the water pipe and stretched over the site, or a small maneuverable coil with a hose that makes it easy to move around the site and climb into its outermost corners, which is certainly more convenient. The hose has to pull along the site, and if it is long and heavy enough, it is easy to damage the plantations, the coil on which the hose is wound prevents this. Hoses are of different quality, a good hose should be two-layer, flexible, durable and resistant to bending and creases. The strongest are hoses reinforced with a nylon braid. This product is more expensive, but it is much more durable and economical in operation. In addition, the hose should have a spray nozzle so that a powerful jet of water does not wash away the watered plants. In addition, passing through the nozzle, water comes in small portions and has time to warm up a bit, which is important for high-quality watering. If it is necessary to increase the length of the hose, it is possible to use various adapters and connecting elements securing the lengths of the hose to each other. To simplify the irrigation process, the hose can simply be left on the ground with a weak

    . The coil with the hose wound on it greatly facilitates the watering process and allows you to reach the remotest parts of the

    section with a jet and periodically transfer to a new location. But at the same time it is necessary to ensure that the jet does not wash out the soil and the roots of the plants are not exposed.

    Even such a simple operation, as watering plants from a watering can, has malfunctioning little tricks. Watering crops or young shoots in a bed or in a box starts from one end, with watering beginning even beyond the edge of the bed or box, since the first large drops break the soil, which entails the washing out of seeds and damage to the shoots. Carrying a watering can over the plants, try to maintain a constant head of the jet to evenly moisten the surface. The lake is taken away from the plants, without stopping the water supply, otherwise unexpected water releases from the nozzle of the watering can damage the tender plants and wash the soil.

    The offers a wide range of possibilities for irrigation with a perforated hose, having holes on one or both sides. It can be laid between plants in beds, flowerbeds, along flower borders and hedges and even buried into the ground for 5-10 cm. According to the hose connected to the water supply, water runs under pressure and splashes through small holes in the hose surface, thusSoft dosed watering is carried out, and the soil is deeply impregnated with moisture. For uniformity of watering, the hose on the surface of the section is transferred from time to time. Perforated hose can also be used for drip irrigation. A hose drip is stretched over the planting of crops, fastening on the pegs, and the

    Hose dropper can provide watering of crops even during your absence.

    If the water pressure is minimized, there will be no risk of waterlogging

    and from the source passes through the hose and flows into small holes, entering the soil in the form of droplets. The main advantage of the drop method is that the root region of plants is directly moistened directly and the water flow rate is very moderate. This method is also very convenient because the hose drip can be left in the plantations even during the tempering period, only by means of the pressure regulator it is necessary to establish the minimum head of water. Water will flow to the plants in very small quantities, but constantly, which will prevent the drying of the soil. To irrigate a large lawn area, lawn or just a cultivated area of ​​the garden, various watering plants are widely used. They differ in the degree of complexity of the device and the method of irrigation, but the principle of their operation is basically the same. Water is fed to the watering system through a hose connected to a water source and then sprayed over the surface of the site. The on / off time of the unit can be set and adjusted by the timer. Depending on the size and shape of the irrigated area, you must select the appropriate type of watering installation. The rotating sprinkler sprinkles water through one or more nozzles, the circular movement of which is due to the water pressure. This setting allows the surface to be irrigated. Sprinkler installations of any type are installed on the irrigation area, then simply open the water and you will be spared from tiresome watering of a large area of ​​the hose.

    Soft irrigation is carried out with a perforated hose that can be laid out on the surface between

    plants or buried in the ground on the 5- KO cm

    Pulse irrigation unit

    Recommended for irrigation of a large area with a relatively round shape, characterized by uniform moistening of the surface. The nozzle with the sprinkler rotates impulsively, and the setting makes it possible to water the entire nozzle attachment section as well as its part

    Pendulum irrigation unit

    For irrigation of square or close to it area it is advisable to use a pendulum irrigation installation. The water flows through the holes on the pendulum, which swings in one plane to the left and to the right.

    Rotary watering system

    Ideal for watering the site in a relatively round and fairly large size. The sprinkler nozzle rotates as a result of the force generated by the head of the water and splashes the water, gradually increasing the irrigation radius

    The most complex and expensive devices for irrigation of the site are the various automatic irrigation systems. It is advisable to use them in large gardens, a considerable space of which is occupied by lawns, lawns, flower beds and rabbits and where there is a stationary source of water supply. Pipes for such irrigation systems are laid under the ground, a sprinkler head directly on the surface. When the system is idle, the nozzles are hidden beneath the surface of the soil, which is especially useful when mowing lawns with mowers. When the water is supplied under pressure, the nozzles are brought into operation and rise above the surface of the lawn. The time and duration of irrigation are installed and regulated by the computer. Thus, the system is switched on, the water supply starts and stops automatically, and the installed humidity sensors allow controlling the degree of soil moisture in the root zone of the plants.

    Major pests and diseases of garden crops

    To , plant pests of include insects and animals capable of causing damage to the plant, the damage from which is economically feasible to prevent. Damages are caused in various ways, the main ones being nutrition on plants, laying eggs, transfer of bacterial, viral and fungal diseases. Damage is manifested in the eating out of individual organs and tissues of plants, changing their color, abnormal development of tissues, the appearance of deformation of plant organs and their withering away. So, for example, feeding on vegetative tissue of leaves, buds, flowers and fruits, the herbivorous larvae of the moth-mottled flesh do twisty walkings of mines in the leaf, and the larvae of the sawflies and the fruit moths can bare bushes and trees and completely ruin the crop. By their activity pests lead to a decrease in the quantity and quality of the crop, weaken the general condition of the plants, which leads to the death of plants and whole plantings of crops. Various organs of plants eat more than 600 species of insects, mites, mollusks and other groups of animal organisms. Most pests belong to the class of insects. Most of the crop plants are to some extent damaged by pests and various diseases. In years that are favorable for development, insects multiply particularly actively and are capable of causing serious damage not only to the crop, but also to plant health.

    Under , plant disease is understood as a disturbance of normal metabolism in tissues, cells and plant organs under the influence of the phytopathogen or unfavorable conditions of plant growth. Disorders of this kind are usually associated with a violation of the structure and physiological functions of the body and lead to the damage of individual plant organs or the whole plant as a whole. Plant diseases are characterized by developmental deviations from the normal state determined by the genotype of a particular crop, accompanied by a decrease in the yield and its quality, weakening and even death of the plant. Diseases of plants can be classified:

    for symptoms and types of lesions( pathogens classification); A for the duration of development and course of the disease;

    due to the disease and its causative agent( etiological classification);ft for affected plants( systematic classification).

    According to the symptoms and types of damage, plant diseases are divided into diffuse or systemic, that is affecting to a certain extent all the tissues and organs of the plant( wilting, drying, chlorosis, dwarfism), and local, that is affecting individual tissues andplant organs or parts thereof( spotting, plaque, pustules, swelling, tissue deformation, ulcer).According to the duration of the disease, is given to chronic diseases that occur from the time of its onset until the end of plant life, and seasonal, , within a single vegetative period of the plant. To identify the causes of the disease and choose the necessary protective measures, the most convenient etiologic classification of diseases, according to which all diseases are divided into non-infectious and infectious.

    Non-infectious diseases of are of physiological origin and are caused by abiotic( non-biological) factors. This category of diseases includes all disorders in plant development caused by adverse effects of

    Non-infectious, or physiological diseases

    The group of these diseases include serious disturbances in the normal physiological functions of plant organs, plant development disorders caused by:

    by an abnormal water regime,

    by poor structuresoil,

    with excessive or inadequate fertilization and the associated excess or deficiency of nutrients in the corneal zonethe

    is an inappropriate growing place with an excess or lack of sunlight,

    is not suitable for plant development of soil temperature,

    suffered sunburn,

    exposure to frost,

    by mechanical damages by wind, hail, snow,

    environmental factors( air, soil and groundwater pollution),

    by improper application of chemical plant protection products and so on.


    Non-infectious diseases weaken plants, cause inhibition of its growth, reduce the vital activity of plants, which creates serious prerequisites for infection by their parasitic microorganisms and can provoke any infectious diseases.

    growth medium and the mistakes made by the grower in the cultivation of a particular crop. This manifests itself primarily in the inability to correctly determine the optimum measure of what the plant is able to tolerate and what it really needs. The causes of many disorders in the development of plants are excessive fertilization or, on the contrary, a serious lack of necessary nutrients, an inaccurate calculation of plant water consumption and the irrigation rate, as a result of which it can equally suffer from waterlogging or lack of moisture;in the scale of the climatic zone, and at a site where the plant suffers from excessive sunlight or lags behind in development, being in deep shade. Such gardener errors have serious consequences for plants and are capable of provoking a number of plant diseases. The success of the treatment of noncommunicable plant diseases largely depends on the timely and correct identification of the causes of the disease and

    possible measures to eliminate it. However, it should be remembered that the physiological diseases of plants are easier to prevent than treat.

    One of the most common non-communicable diseases is chlorosis. It develops in plants as a result of excess chlorine in the soil with a systematic excess of mineral fertilizers, in particular potassium chloride. As a result of the disease, the shares of the leaves become narrow, the edges of the leaf plate are turned upward, the chlorophyll content in the plant tissues decreases.

    Infectious diseases of are caused by such pathogens as bacteria, viruses, fungi, mycoplasmas, algae, helminths, insects, mites. Depending on the pathogen, infectious diseases can be transmitted from plant to plant in various ways and often take the form of an epidemic.

    Bacterial diseases are divided into several groups depending on the characteristics. To , the first group of includes lesions accompanied by putrefactive decomposition of soft plant tissues( dry or wet).Most often, such phenomena are caused by the bacteria of genera Pseudomonas and Erwinia. The bacteriosis of the second group appears as spots on the leaves, which then spread to other parts of the plant. In dry weather, the affected areas dry out, and the mucous bacterial mass appears on the moist ones. The causative agents of such diseases are most often the bacteria of the genus Pseudomonas, spreading along with the seeds. To , the third type of bacterial infections are diseases of the plant system. In these cases, bacteria from the genus Xanthomonas, living in the ground, spread through the vascular pathways of damaged roots and affect the entire plant. It gradually becomes brown, withers and dies. Bacteria of this group affect different types of fruit and ornamental tree species( especially young trees and shrubs in nurseries).The disease is also susceptible to flowers( roses, chrysanthemums, geraniums, dahlias, etc.).In its initial stage, the growths are small, soft, whitish, but, growing larger, become the size of a fist, become brown and rusty. Damaged roots are no longer able to perform their functions;The plant is weakened and dies. Bacterial origin and so-called galls( nodules or swellings) formed on the lower parts of stems in the most diverse ornamental plants as a result of

    infection with bacteria Corynebacterium fas-cians ( eg, in chrysanthemums).

    Viral diseases of are most often manifested in changes in natural green color, the appearance of whitish or yellowish spots on leaves and stems. All varieties of such diseases can be combined under a common name - mosaic. A very common causative agent of the disease with similar signs is, for example, the tobacco mosaic virus of cucumbers.

    If the patchiness of the affected parts of the plant is distinct, with a characteristic type of spots, then such viral diseases refer already to the group of ring mosaics or of white and yellow spots. Diseases of this type include ring mosaic of cucumbers, ring mosaic of sweet cherry or pear. The next group of signs of viral diseases of plants is the appearance of necrotic spots on the leaves, which in the future, while still healthy tissue continues to grow, lead to deformities of the leaves. They are caused by the virus Brassica virus 1, being the causative agent and the black spot of cabbage. Many virus diseases are particularly noticeable in flowering plants. The most vivid, for example, viral variegation of tulips caused by Tulipa virus viruses 1 and Tulipa virus 2. Similar variegation of petals can be found in pansies and gladioli. The most frequent vectors of a viral infection are insects that feed on plant juices( aphids, thrips, etc.) and alternately suck healthy and sick plants and thereby promote the spread of viral diseases. Viruses can also be transported mechanically with droplets of vegetable juice, for example, when cutting flowers, digging up plants, harvesting and other garden works. Only a small part of the viruses causing pathogens falls on healthy plants through soil. These include tobacco necrosis or mosaic virus.

    All viruses are transferred and during vegetative propagation of plants - with vaccination of all species and cuttings and, of course, those parts of plants that are used for natural vegetative propagation - bulbs and tubers. Some viruses infect the offspring through seeds or pollen.

    Fungal diseases of are spread by breeding spores. The development, shape, appearance of spores in certain species of fungi is very characteristic and is an important diagnostic sign when determining the causative agent of the disease. Spores are carried by wind, water, as well as insects and other animals;they can spread mechanically along with the plants. Being on plants, spores at a suitable temperature and humidity begin to grow, forming a fungal fiber, which on the surface or inside the affected culture turns into a mycelium( mycelium) of microscopic dimensions. This mycelium, in turn, under favorable conditions creates new spores and the whole cycle of fungus development is repeated at first. Fungal infection of plant tissues is manifested by a number of signs - from prominent powdery mildew( powdery mildews), brownish piles of rust spores and dust deposits of gray mold to the seemingly unexplained wilt of the plant, when the mycelium hides inside the tissues of the affected plant, rotting fruits and roots. More complete information on the signs of the diseases listed above, as well as on the prevention and control methods in the sections "Diseases and pests of fruit crops", "Diseases and pests of vegetable crops" and "Diseases and pests of ornamental crops".

    Fungal diseases of the root system of plants

    The manifestation of diseases on the roots of plants has a different character and depends on the effect of one or another pathogen. Thus, root rot of plants are caused by various kinds of fungi, among which the most common and harmful are: Pythium debaryanum Hesse - causative agent of of black stem of fruit; Rusarium solani( Mart).Arr.and Wr.var.agrillaceum( Fr.) Bilai and others cause the rusting and destruction of the roots and root collar;Botrytis cinerea Fr.- causative agent of root rot of seedlings of seedlings;Phytophthora syringae Kleb is the causative agent of the root rot of the apple tree, affecting seedlings in nurseries and young trees( aged 7-14 years);Phytophthora fragariae Hickman.- causative agent of rot of strawberry roots;Phytophthora cactorum( Leb. Et Cohn) Schroet.- causative agent of gooseberry late blight;Armillariella mellea( Fr.) Karst.- causative agent of root rot of berry crops. The bacterium Agrobacterium tumefaciens Cohn is the causative agent of one of the most harmful and common diseases of fruit and berry plants in nurseries - of root cancers of saplings.

    Diseases and pests of fruit and vegetable crops

    Name of diseases and pests

    Name of diseases and pests

    Affected crops

    Symptoms of defeat

    White rot of wild strawberry


    Leaves and shoots that are pale, gradually dry up, and in damp weather rot, berries also rot, turning into a gruel-like mass

    White leaf spot

    Tomatoes, potatoes, aubergines

    Leaves are affected, single spots of dirty white with dark rim appear on the lower leaves( sometimes already cotyledons).

    Whitefly, larvaeka

    Tomatoes, lettuce, celery, cucumber, pepper, eggplant

    The above-ground part of the plant is affected, larvae suck the juice from the plant, on the sugary isolates of the larvae, black fungi settle, a sooty grease arises that interferes with the leaves of the plant to absorb carbon dioxide, which leads to general oppressionplants

    Buckwheat rust

    Currants, gooseberries

    Leaves, berries, shoots are affected: large red spots appear on them, which are especially noticeable from the back of the sheet, are covered with a small bubblekami, which are disclosed in the form of cups. In case of severe damage leaves and oviposition fall, shoots warp and dry up

    Bronze of leaves


    Leaves are damaged as a result of a lack of potassium in the soil, the leaves become wrinkled with coarse venation. The tissue between the veins darkens, gets a bronze shade, the leaves die

    Bumpy scab( oosporosis)


    The tubers are affected during storage, small dark brown or black pustules appear on the surface of the tuber near the eyes, then they merge and form dents,water they acquire a violet hue

    Brown spot

    of potatoes

    ( alternaria)


    It affects the root system, small brown spots appear on the leaves, the fruits are small, poorripening and stored

    Gall midges, currant leaves, larvae

    Red, white and black currants

    Non-opening folded young leaves are damaged, the larvae eat leaves, as a result of which they curl, drill and dry up, the injured tops of growth shoots die off, lateral shoots abnormally branch, do not have timedevelop and freeze in winter

    Gall mida currant bud, larvae

    Red, white, black currant

    Sprouts and branches are damaged, especially young, larvae develop inbark crusts feed under the bark of branches, as a result they gradually die off

    Gall herself currant flower, larvae

    Red, white, black currant

    Damaged buds that larvae eat from the inside, damaged buds do not blossom, get ugly and fall

    Bitter rot rot

    Apple, plum, apricot, cherry, etc.

    The fruits are affected, they have rounded brown spots, sharply outlined and slightly depressed, on them are located black pustules, the fruits are not subject to xrAnonymous and unusable

    Onion rot( fusariose rot)

    Onion( species), garlic

    The root system is affected, the roots rot in the bulb, the overgrown mycelium develops in the bulbous bulb, the bulbs soften, the tissue becomes watery, the leaves quickly die

    Name of diseases and pests

    Affected cultures

    Symptoms of defeat

    Root neck rot

    Various cultures,


    The base of the stem, root collar, tissues are rotted, broken down into fibers, the skin cracked, the supply of water and nutrients to the plant is disturbed,the plant withers and withers

    The potato's hollow


    potatoes The tubers are affected, voids of various sizes and shapes are formed inside, the hollow cavity is covered with a light skinRust color


    Spotted potatoes


    Potatoes are damaged as a result of a lack of phosphorus in the soil, light brown and rusty spots are scattered in the cut of the tuber

    Yellow gooseberry-sawfly, larvae

    Gooseberries, red currants

    Damagedleaves, larvae eat out leaf tissue between the veins, leaving only streaks, the plant weakens, berries can not develop and fall

    Raspberry bug, larvae


    DamageThe buds, the damaged buds fall off or give ugly berries, the larvae bite into the pedicels and eat the copulation

    Green apple aphid

    Apple trees

    Green leaf tips that protrude from the scales of fruit buds, blossoming leaves,flower buds, the plant does not bloom, is not pollinated, does not form fruits, spoiled buds give flowers defective

    strawberry-raspberry weevil


    of damaged and raspberry buds that will drivebeetles, feeding on unripened flower anthers, piercing the bud at the base, the bud withers and falls, the formation of the fruit becomes impossible

    Cabbage whiting, caterpillars


    Leaves are damaged, the caterpillars penetrate between the leaves, causing rotting of the head.

    Cabbage kilt

    Cruciferous vegetableculture, especially cabbage

    amazed root system on the roots appear swelling, nodules, consisting of hypertrophic plant tissue to accumulate in diseased tissuesspores pest plants lack of water, stunted, leaves yellow and wilt, cabbages shrinking or fastened

    cabbage moth caterpillars

    cabbage, swede

    damage young leaves of head forming, in the sheet pests doing a plate-winding passages mines;on the surface of the sheet appear "little windows" - areas, covered with a thin film, the plant weakens generates bad head

    cabbage moth

    cabbage, peas, beets, potatoes, apples

    damage leaves, scoop eats off superficial tissues of leaves and eats through them, performing moves throughfruit

    Cabbage aphid


    Leaves are damaged, the flea sucks the juice from the leaf plate, the leaves twist, they form white spots, the heads become loose and light

    Cabbage flies, larvae

    Cabbage, radish, turnip, radish

    The underground part is affectedplants, larvae gnaw a groove in the root and damage the vascular bundles, eat up the root, the plant fades

    Name of diseases and pests

    Name of diseases and pests

    Affected crops

    Symptoms of defeat

    Alternaria cruciferous

    Cruciferae vegetable cultures

    All overground parts of plants are affected,grapes, gooseberries, raspberries

    Sprouts and adult plants are affected, aboveground part of plants, leaves, large yellowish rounded spots appear on leaves, along veinsleaves appear pink coating, on the fruits, stems and petioles appear sunken pink spots in the form of ulcers, the lesions acquire a dark red color, the fall blackens, with damage to the root system, the plant dies

    Anthracnose potatoes


    Murals of tubers, the surface formed a hollow, the tissues rot, the affected part of the tuber turns into a mucous mushy mass with an unpleasant odor


    Fruit and berry crops

    Leaves are affected, on leaves of different cultures of fuss

    Bacterial cancer


    All overground parts of plants are affected, leaves appear on the leaves, tomatoes, stems and fruits appear sores, as a result of the defeat of the vascular system, the entire plant and internal tissues of the fetuses are fading

    Title diseases and pests

    Affected culture

    Signs of

    Pockets drain

    Plum, plums, cherries

    Affects fruit, there is excessive ugly proliferation ovary, instead of fruit arise saccular formation representing pockets devoid bones

    Potato Cyst Nematode


    is affected rootsystem, the roots develop poorly, they form small spherical cysts of white and yellow color, the plant lags behind in growth, forms a small kNumber of stems

    Black currant tick

    Black currant

    The kidneys are damaged, the infected kidneys swell up to the size of a pea, ugly deformed leaves are shown from under the expanded outer flakes, the kidney resembles a cabbage that has bursted, feeding and developing inside the kidney, the tick causes them to swell, deform and maketheir absolutely unviable

    Klyasterosporiosis stone fruit( holey spotting)

    Cherries, cherries, plums, apricots


    Leaves and fruits are affected. On the first, light brown spots form, which become brown and fall, leaving holes on the leaves; on the latter there are spots and local thickenings, the fetus disfigures, the flesh ceases to grow, and the fruit dries up to the stone, the fruits fall off, remain underdeveloped, the tree weakens.

    Cockcomycosis of the cherry

    Cherry, cherry, apricot, plum

    The leaves are affected, which are covered with a number of separate red spots, a white coating forms on the lower part of the sheet, later the spots merge, the leaf dries and mass premature fall

    Colorado potato beetroot Potatoes, tomatoes

    Glutinous larvae are especially dangerous during the budding phase and flowering begins when the tuber formation process is going on, eating foliage, moving from the lower tier of leaves to the top

    Ring rot


    Affects tubers, visible on the longitudinal sectionlocated on the ring affected areas, the core of the tuber softens, turns yellow and releases putrefactive mass

    Cabbage fly

    Cabbage flies injure vegetable plants of the cruciferous familyThey lay their eggs in the soil at the stem of cabbage or in the axils of lower leaves. Larvae develop and feed on underground parts of plants, penetrate into root crops and feed on their tissues.

    Leaf blossom

    Lay eggs in soil, the emerging larvae eat young shoots and leaves of planted crops, severely damaging immature plants that become weakened, lag behind and often die

    Onion fly

    Females lay eggs on the feathers of onions, in leaf axils and under the scales of bulbs or in the soil next to them. Larvae penetrate into the flesh of the bulbs and feed on it, causing softening and decay, the onion leaves turn yellow and wither

    Raspberry weevil

    This pest has an unusual appearance: the elongated head is stretched into the proboscis, so the second name of the weevils is elephants. Females lay eggs in the bud, piercing it with a proboscis at the base of the pedicel, and then eat up the pedicel, the bud breaks off and falls to the ground, and the larva, which develops from the egg, feeds inside the bud

    Name diseases and pests


    Ring silkworm, caterpillars

    Apple, pear, plum, cherry, apricot, mountain ash, hazel

    Damage leaves, caterpillars eat them from the edges, leaving the central vein, with massive leaf damage violate natural biological cycleswood, the laying of fruit buds is decreasing

    Brown spotting( macrosporium)

    Tomatoes, potatoes, eggplant, nightshade cultures

    It affects first the upper, then the lower leaves, on leavesx appear rounded clearly defined large brown spots, and later merge and cover the entire leaf, the leaf dies. The fruits of a tomato are also affected, the damaged tissues are covered with a black touch of mycelium

    Red carrot rot( felt disease, rhizoctonia)


    The roots are affected, gray leaden subcutaneous spots appear on the surface, a dense film of felted violet mycelium develops over the surface of affected areas,shriveled and cracked, the leaves turn yellow and dry up, the affected root crops are poorly stored

    Cruciferous fleas

    Vegetable cruciferous cultures

    Allasthenia, mainly leaves, fleas scrape small pits in the leaf plate, appear sores, the affected tissues wither, if the growth point is damaged, the plant dies

    Gooseberries, caterpillars

    Gooseberries, currants

    Damaged flowers, young ovaries, inside of which caterpillar penetrates, gnawing a thin course at the base. They feed on caterpillars mainly with seeds of the ovary, gnawing them completely, leaving only the skin with the flesh. Caterpillars move from berry to berry, pulling together their common web

    Leaflets, caterpillars

    Fruit trees and berry bushes

    Damage to the kidneys and later leaves, caterpillars feeding the leaves fasten leaves with silkworms, damaged leaves fold in the form of boats

    False dew

    Various vegetables, onion,

    Leaves, stems are affected, light gray, gray bloom appears in the form of large whitish spots from the

    Carrot fly

    . Female carrot flies make egg laying in the soil nearwith shoots of carrots and on the basis of stems. Emerging after 10-15 days, the larvae bite into the pulp of the root crop and make long narrow mine passages in it. Protected carrots lose shelf life when stored and quickly rot.


    Nematodes attack the root system of plants, with small white, yellow and brown cysts forming on the roots. Affected plants develop poorly, lag behind and often die

    Name of diseases and pests

    Name of diseases and pests

    Affected crops

    Signs of defeat

    Carrot leaf flea, larvae


    Larvae and juicy petioles are affected, larvae suck juice from plant parts, twisting leaves, growth retardation, young shoots die

    Carrot fly, larva

    Carrots, beets

    The roots are affected, larvae borer its flesh, the leaves of damaged plants acquire a violet hue, turn yellow and wilt, damaged root crops are poorly stored and decayed

    Silkworm calf, caterpillars

    Fruit trees

    Kidneys, leaves that eat caterpillars are damaged, sometimes completely revealing wood, buds, flowers. With a strong degree of damage, remaining without foliage, the tree can dry up

    The present powdery mildew

    Pumpkin crops, berry crops, ornamental plants

    The above-ground part of the plant is affected, a white powdery plaque in the form of large white patches appears on leaves on both sides and plant stemsfrom fungal pathogens, black spots can occur on affected areas, heavily affected leaves and stems wither and die, the plant experiences severe oppression


    Timevegetable potatoes, potatoes, tomatoes

    The root system is affected, small spherical cysts of white, yellow and brown color are formed on the roots, the plant weakens and dies

    Scab pest

    potato Affects tubers, ulcers that, if strongly affected, merge into a continuous crust

    Scab of fruit

    Apple tree, pear

    Leaves, fruits, sometimes shoots are affected, olive-colored spots appear on the leaves, gradually brown, on the fruits the spots are rounded brown, covered with velvetth bloom dispute;the leaves fall off or remain on the tree, the fruits fall off or remain on the tree, the fruits fall off the tree, the fruits lose their quality

    The scab powder


    potato Affects the tubers, the rounded pustules and warts are formed on tubers, then the tubercles develop and form an open pustule with black powder inside

    Scab silver


    Tubers,on the surface of the tubers light-brown slightly depressed spots appear, later the peel exfoliates and the lesion gets a silvery sheen, sometimes a sooty attack occurs


    ( multi-eating


    Cucumbers, pumpkin, peppers, eggplants, beans, spinach, beets, dill, celery, roses, onions, strawberries, annual and perennial flower crops

    Damages the leaves by piercing their peel from the underside and suckingjuice, the leaves become whitish, the physiological functions and normal metabolism are sharply disturbed, the "marbling" of the leaves appears, then they turn yellow and prematurely fall off;all this leads to the death of the plant and a sharp decline in the yield of

    Fruit rot of pome and stone

    Apple, pear, plum,

    Fruit is affected, a small brown spot appears on the surface, which quickly grows and captures the entire fruit, later the fruits are mummified and become glossy black

    Name of Pests and Diseases

    Affected Cultures

    Symptoms of Lesion



    sporulation of fungus pathogens, then gray spots form, they turn yellow and turn brown as a result of tissue death, the stems are warped, become brittle, the leaves crumble, with strong damage on the plant, there may be some petioles from the leaves, the onions lodge and die, bulbsrotted and poorly stored, cucumbers often die with a strong infection

    Onion fly, larvae

    Onion crops: onion, leeks, tiered onions, chives,

    Bulbs are damaged, larvaeThey damage the juicy pulp of the bulbs, they dilute the tissues, the leaves turn yellow and fade, the bulbs rot.

    Lupine fly, larvae

    Pumpkin cultures, beans, beans, spinach, beetroot, corn, sunflower

    Seed germinating, young shoots, larvae drill subfamilyand penetrate into the stem, causing rotting of the plants, damaged seeds do not germinate or give weak shoots.

    . Bear( cabbage).

    Cabbage, beet, carrot, onion, cucumber, tomatoes, eggplant, potatoes, etc.

    PovreWants roots, root crops, bulbs, seeded seeds;plants with a disturbed root system do not receive water and nutrients and die

    Wet bacterial decay


    Tubers injure, tissues soften and turn into rotting mass with an unpleasant odor, the color of the tuber changes from light to dark brown and pink

    Moth apple, caterpillars

    Apple tree

    Young leaves are damaged, caterpillars drill a leaf plate, making narrow mine runs in it, or eating leaves in its entirety, on damaged leaves in places of feeding, caterpillars are formedurye spots, dry up the leaves. Eating leaves causes apple buds to fall down, the bookmark of flowering buds decreases, which leads to a decrease in the harvest of the next year.

    Monster Fruit

    Various fruit crops

    Affected, that is, brown and dry, flowers, leaves, tops of young shoots, fruits,severe lesion the tree quickly loses vitality, does not lay a sufficient number of flowering buds, is in a depressed state

    Name of diseases and pests

    Affected cultures

    Signs of defeat


    Onion cultures

    Leaves are affected. One of the reasons is the

    lack of drying of the

    feather in the soil and air, the lower leaves dry up and die whole

    wire. Virtually all vegetable

    Damage underground plant organs that are over

    ( bug beetle-

    culture, especially

    root causesystems do not receive



    water and nutrients and die

    Bird eye


    All overground parts of plants, leaves, leaves are affected.

    tomatoes,the onions are covered with brown

    ( a variety of

    ulcers of various shapes, on green fruits appear-

    of bacterial cancer)

    white spots with dark cracks in the center are white spots on the red fruits are yellow with a dark center



    First the stems are affected with the formation of an elongated-

    ( foci) decay

    of spots and ulcers, the further development of the disease when storing potatoes, dry flat depressions appear on the tuber, their surface wrinkles and gives longitudinal cracks, from underZhuras stick out small black dots - piknidia



    Tubers are affected that melt, grow ripe, deform, crack. Young shoots of potatoes die due to the formation of black spots at the base of the stem, the plant is browning, the apical leaves are twisted

    Pink rot


    The tubers are affected, browns appear of different shape and size of the spot, the surface between the spots is covered with blackdots, the tuber tissue on the cut acquires a pink shade


    Cucumber, pumpkin

    Seed germinating seeds, young shoots,


    culture, cabbage

    larvae borer the subfamily knee of the shoots and penetrate the stem, causing rotting of the plants, damaged seeds do not germinate or produce weak shoots.

    Ash mash,

    Apple tree

    Damage to fruit in which the caterpillars are drilled -


    narrow passages, significantly damaging the tissues, apples

    Spider mite

    A female tick lays eggs on the underside of plant leaves, the leaves are cobwebby. Adult mites and their larvae damage the leaves from the underside, causing a sharp disruption of normal metabolism in the green mass of plants, the leaves turn yellow and fall

    Skosar sulcus

    Skosar belongs to the family of weevils, female haymakers make egg laying in the ground, larvae develop within three weeksand begin to eat intensively, damaging the root system of plants and their aerial part. A characteristic feature is the arc-shaped cracks on the edges of the sheet plate

    Plum sawfly

    The female sawfly lay eggs on the leaves, the larvae eat out the tissues of the leaf plate between the veins, leaving only veins. As a result, the leaves die and the berries do not develop and fall

    Plum black sawfly

    This species of sawfly affects such stone fruit crops as cherries & gt;and a plum. Flies lay eggs in ovaries, larvae, first age develop and feed on flesh of ovaries, second and third instar larvae eat out the central part of mature fruit, damaging even bone

    Name of diseases and pests

    Affected cultures of

    Symptoms of defeat of

    become unfit for consumption, storage and processing

    Gray mold of strawberry


    Leaves, stems, buds, flowers, fruits are affected, brown watery spots appear on the leaves that cover alland the leaf withers, on the affected parts of the plant there is a raid of gray mold, the cloth browns, softens and rotes

    Hidden onion onion

    Onion cultures

    The leaves are damaged, the beetle feeds on tubular leaves, arrows, pedicels of budding buds, leaving numerous gnawing of tissues on leaves of plants;plants deteriorate, damaged leaves shrink from the tops, leaf loss affects the development of bulbs

    Plum moth Fruit


    Fruit is damaged, the caterpillar makes strokes in the flesh, a wormhole inside the seminal chamber disrupts the fetal vascular system, impairs fruit quality, the affected fruit often falls down and can notstored

    Plum black sawfly, larvae


    Damage to the ovaries, the flesh of which feeds the larvae, young fruits, while even damaging the uncured bone, the fetus, is filledlarvae has an unpleasant bug-like odor and is unsuitable for use.


    Legumes, cruciferous, carrots, cabbage, parsley, turnips, beets, peppers, eggplants, cucumbers, leafy vegetables, lettuce, less often potatoes, etc.

    Damage leaves, eatingleaf plate tissues can completely destroy young tender shoots, eat cavities in potato tubers that are close to the surface of the soil, sometimes feed on the flesh of strawberry berries, ripe fruits of tomatoes

    Currant glazed glass, caterpillars


    Broken branches, caterpillars penetrate into young branches and gnaw through the passages in the core, then pass to old branches, branches wither and die with young shoots and tassels of


    leafy leaf

    Numerous species of aphids form large colonies on leaves, stems and young shoots of plants, they feed on plant juices, sucking them out of tissues, causing the leaves to dehydrate, dry up, twist and die


    These sedentary insects have a dense shield on their body, fromfor which they received their name, form colonies on leaves and young plant stalks and are similar in appearance to scales adhering to the plant. Harmful to many cultivated plants

    Name of diseases and pests

    Affected cultures

    Symptoms of defeat

    Tumors are affected, a dandy lead-gray stain appears on the surface that grows, darkens, exfoliates and cracks, rot penetrates into the root of the

    stem nematode

    Various vegetable crops, potatoes

    Rotary decay


    The tubers are affected during the growing season, on the cut of the tuber, the brown lines of the dead withconvulsions, the peel of the tuber is wrinkled

    Dry rot


    The tubers are affected during storage in weakened by late blight, scab, ring rot of potatoes, a dry stain appears on the tuber that grows, the fabric softens, becomes brownish, falls, internal cavities arise

    Spheroteka( American mealydew)

    Gooseberries, currants

    Leaves, shoots and berries are damaged, whitish-gray arachnoid or mealy coating appears on them, which later becomes denser and becomes dirty-brown. The growth of berries stops, they are covered with a dense brown coating, similar to felt, and fall

    . Alder

    Different types of vegetable and fruit crops.

    . Young shoots, leaves, stems, buds, flowers are damaged, aphids suck out plant juices and enter into tissues specific enzymes that violatein it physiological processes, the tissue in the places of sucking turns pale, turns yellow, withers, the stems of the plants warp, the leaves twist, the growth points stop the development, the buds do not dissolve. Saccharous infections of aphids attract ants, they are infected with black fungus, aphids are carriers of many viral diseases

    Alder leaf gall midge


    Red, white, less often black currant

    Leaves are damaged, especially the upper and young tips of shoots, yellow or reddish necrotic leaves appear on the leavesstains, the plant is sick, weakens, the aging of the fruit deteriorates

    Fruit ugliness


    Tubers are affected, the reason is the abnormal growth of the flower pestle, on the surfaceSTI having healed leathery spots, cracks

    codling moth females lay eggs on fruit, caterpillars hatch start to crawl on the apple and introduced him to the site of damage or puncture the skin or through the hollow petioles. The caterpillar lives and feeds inside the fetus, gradually making a long stroke to the seed chamber the apples damaged by caterpillars fall

    Jabbed moth

    This pest has another popular name - surveyor, which he received for a peculiar way of moving the caterpillar, which, when moving, loops up the middle part of the trunk and pulls the abdominal legs towards the chest, measuring the ground with scales. Caterpillars are very voracious, they damage the buds, buds and leaves of apple trees.

    Name of diseases and pests

    Affected cultures

    Sign of battle

    Bird Fruit

    Potatoes, tomatoes

    Affects leaves that are covered with yellowish-green, turning into brown watery spots, andThe tubers are affected by the spores of fungi washed away from the leaves, dents of brown spots appear on them, the fruits of tomatoes are covered with diffuse, compacted brown spots

    Black potato leg


    The tubers are affected, at the site of the lesion the flesh turns into a slimy mass of dark color with an unpleasant odor, the potato plant stops growing due to the root neck and roots rot.

    Black spot


    The apexes of the tuber are affected, there are blurry spots covered with blackvelvety coating, the fabric under the stains darkens, the peel exfoliates

    Black-berry sawfly, larvae

    Black currant

    Damage to the ovaries in which the larvae feed, youeating seeds, the flesh is slightly affected, the damaged ovaries from the outside are difficult to recognize, later they grow heavily, swell, take a characteristic ribbed shape and fall


    Various cultures

    The overground part of the plant is affected as a result of excess chlorine in the soil, the leaf plate lengthens, becomesnarrow, the edges are wrapped up and dry, the chlorophyll content in the tissues decreases, which causes blanching of the

    leaf plate. Apple Cedar,

    larvae Apple Tree

    The kidneys are damaged in the green cone stage, the larvae first eat on the surface of the tight kidney, penetrate into the kidneys as it dissolves and eat it, the larvae isolate the unopened leaves and the bud does not dissolve. Damaged buds dry up, leaves grow poorly and grow smaller, the bookmark of flower buds diminishes, leaves fall and the ovaries decrease

    Disease name

    Signs of defeat

    Apple tree mullet Apple tree

    Damage to fruit, caterpillar makes strokes in the pulp, wormhole inside the seminal chamber disrupts vascular system of the fetus,worsens the quality of the fruit, the affected fruit often falls down and can not be stored.

    Apple Cvetod apple-lang), larvae

    Flower buds are damaged during the swelling periodNiya, bugs pierce the kidneys and make the clutch, the larvae feed inside the buds, anthers, stamens and pistils of a flower, eating the internal organs bud, petals glued secretions of the larvae, and the flowers do not open