  • How can I increase the production of milk?

    In most cases, problems with milk production are the result of one or more of the following factors: incorrect position during feeding and abnormal breast grabbing by the child, violation of mother's and child's harmony by third parties, mother's fatigue in a crowded house or feeding on schedule. Complete the following steps.

    Weigh the baby more often. Negotiate with your doctor to come with the baby for weigh-in twice a week.

    Look for help. Contact your breastfeeding specialist to check if the correct position you take during feeding and whether the baby takes the breast correctly, and also appreciates how your baby sucks.

    Look for support. Contact an organization that helps parents and nursing mothers, such as the local La Leche League.

    Interrupt all contact with harmful advisers. "Are you sure that the baby is getting enough milk?", "I also could not breastfeed. .." You do not need discouraging statements at all while you are trying to

    Create your dairy bank

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    Breastfeeding goes with you asby oil. The amount of your milk corresponds to the needs of the child, and the idea of ​​giving your child milk from a can is unfamiliar to you. But the best plans for nursing mothers are sometimes violated. Circumstances beyond your control, such as sudden hospitalization, can lead to a sharp, unexpected break in breastfeeding. Prepare for this cloudy day."Open an account" in your freezer. Reserve this white gold so that it lasted for at least a few days. This is a good dietary investment in the future of your child( for details on expressing and storing breast milk, see "Expressing Milk").

    gain self-confidence as a young mother. Surround yourself with people who are ready to support. Breastfeeding is a game that requires confidence.

    Check your nest. Is not

    too crowded with your house? Temporarily put off all the deeds and responsibilities that draw energy out of you, leaving no strength to breastfeed your baby.

    Take the baby to your bed.

    Feed, comfortably arranged with the child as close as possible to each other. Feeding during day and night sleep are powerful stimulants of milk production, because the hormones responsible for the production of milk are best produced when you are sleeping.

    Undress your baby for the duration of the feeding. If the child has very little weight( less than 3.6 kg), you need to keep it warm, wrapping the blanket over it, but still ensuring that the stomach contacts the stomach. Contact skin to the skin helps to awaken sleepy children and stimulates bad eaters.

    Increase the frequency of feeding.

    Feed at least every two hours and wake the baby by day if he sleeps more than three hours in a row. If you have a very sleepy child, put him to sleep on his chest.

    This skin contact stimulates the flow of milk.

    Think about the baby, think about the milk. When you are breastfeeding, iron more and caress your baby, providing as much skin contact as possible. This maternal behavior stimulates the release of hormones responsible for the production of milk.

    Sleep when your baby is sleeping.

    This means that you have to postpone or shift to someone else a mountain of household chores that seem urgent. If you are lucky enough to have a child that needs to be fed often, you may think: "I have not time to do anything."But in reality something you can do well. You are doing the most important work in the world - grow a new person.

    Try feeding with shifting. The traditional method of feeding is that you give the baby to suck as long as he likes, one breast( usually about ten minutes), and then to complete the meal shift it to the other breast, starting next time with the opposite chest. Feeding with shifting, also called regurgitation and shifting technique, is as follows: give your baby to suck the first breast until the intensity of his sucking and swallowing movements decreases and his eyes begin to close( usually in three to five minutes).Do not look at the clock, but look at your child, waiting for these signs of loss of interest in further sucking this breast. As soon as these signs appear, take the baby from the chest, tap on the back so that he will regurgitate, and shift to the other breast;Wait until the child again begins to suck more sluggishly;stop, let the baby regurgitate a second time and repeat the whole process, attaching the child back to the first breast and then back to the second. This technique contributes to the release of fatty, high-calorie back milk, because every time you shift the baby, the lactation reflex is stimulated. This technique is especially effective if you have a very sleepy baby who sleeps at the chest and does not show much interest in feeding. Frequent shifting from place to place does not allow him to fall asleep, and regurgitation provides more room for milk in a tiny stomach.

    Try to feed twice. This technique is based on the same principle as feeding with shifting, and is aimed at increasing the volume of your milk and increasing its fat content. After you have fed the baby and he seems pleased, wear it around the house in a bag for a while, instead of immediately starting to rock. Give him a good pat on the back so he can regurgitate, and in about twenty minutes, feed him a second time. Keep the child in an upright position from ten to twenty minutes so that the swallowed air bubble can come up, freeing up the place for milk filling.

    Wear a child. Between feedings, carry the baby in a baby bag as often as you can. The proximity of the breast to the baby not only stimulates the production of milk by your body, but also reminds the child of food. When the child starts looking for your chest, feed him

    right in your bag. Some children suck breast better on the go.(See recommendations how to breastfeed directly in the bag.)

    Massage your breasts before and after feeding. This helps release the last milk.

    Try to relax while you are nursing. Your physical and emotional stress can depress the lactation reflex. You resort to the relaxation techniques that you were taught in breastfeeding courses, use pillows, let someone rub your back, imagine running water streams, listen to relaxing music, and inspire a sense of self-confidence.(See additional recommendations on how to relax during lactation.)

    Try herbal teas. Natural means for increasing milk production are based mostly on folklore, rather than on real evidence of effectiveness. From our practice and from our own experience of breastfeeding, we learned that the production of milk improves fenugreek, or shamballa. Here is our recipe: pour one teaspoon of fenugreek seeds with a glass of boiling water and insist for about five minutes or until the water slightly tints and gets a fragrance( the tea has the

    sweet taste reminiscent of maple).Marta found that a few cups of this tea are very helpful in periods when milk is not enough. Some mothers report that the best result is given by the "Mothers Milk" tea, which also includes fenugreek, and other teas indicated in the phytotherapeutic literature as stimulating the flow of milk. Whether these teas help physically or psychologically - it does not matter. So try - relax and enjoy.