  • How to braid a pigtail to a child in stages: diagrams and video

    Young girls can not always walk with their hair loose, as they will interfere with playing and learning about the world around them. Therefore, moms try to learn how to make various simple hair styles, for example, tail. Now it is very popular to be able to braid a girl with a variety of braids, but, unfortunately, moms often have very little time to create a hairstyle. Many people ask themselves: how to learn the original weaving? We offer you an express course on how to quickly and step-by-step braid the pigtail to a child.

    To school

    So, what options can be for the school?

    "Sliding Pigtail"

    1. The hairstyle is suitable for long curly or straight hair.
    2. Well comb your hair and make a side part.
    3. Separate the strand from the part, from which you will weave a pigtail.
    4. For comfortable weaving, sprinkle hair with water. The weaving should not be too loose and not tight.
    5. Once you completely braid an ordinary pigtail, do not fix it with an elastic band. Fix your hand with a middle strand from the braid.
    6. instagram viewer
    7. Hold the remaining loose strips gently upward. They will easily slide to the roots, and the pigtail will look like an accordion.
    8. Begin the alignment of the braid. Slightly pull down gathered at the roots of the string, at the same time give them the desired shape.
    9. When you form a braid of the desired shape, fix it with an elastic band, ribbon or hair clip.


    Divide the hair into four parts using horizontal and vertical slicing.

    Begin the weaving from the center. When you twist the pigtail already to the middle, then you need to turn the weave in the opposite direction. Continue to braid the pigtail in the opposite direction.

    Use the same principle to braid the remaining three pigtails. At the end of free hair, you can braid the common pigtail, you can make a bun or make an ordinary high tail.

    Two bundles with bundles

    1. Comb the hair on the side part. If the child has strong hair, then apply evenly the gel or mousse along the entire length.
    2. Separate the strand from the opposite side from the suction from the ear to the temple.
    3. Separate the same strand from the other side. Procresses should be symmetrical.
    4. Divide each strand into three strands.
    5. Take one string and start making a flagellum. Gradually add new strands and twist them in one mass.
    6. Do the same with the remaining strands. In the end you should have six flagella.
    7. The remaining loose hair is divided into a straight part from the back of the head.
    8. Make a tail out of one strand.
    9. Connect the three flagella together with the tail and fix with an elastic band.
    10. Twist the tail into a bundle. It is necessary to twist in the side of the face.
    11. Make a gum from the resulting bundle. Fix it with an elastic band and straighten the tips, they will hide the rubber band.
    12. Do the same on the other side.

    On short hair

    Many mothers think that only for long hair there are many variants of hairstyles with weaving. Look at the description of several simple hairstyles with small pigtails.


    1. Hair is best done on hair is not the first freshness.
    2. Spread a horizontal parting from one ear to the other and separate the bangs.
    3. Divide this part into three strands and begin to weave the French pigtail on the contrary. That is, you must cross the strands not above the middle strand, but under it. The direction of the weaving should be up from the ear.
    4. When you braid the pigtail to the second ear, fix it with a rubber band.
    5. Gently pull out the pigtail eyelets for volume. Tuck her hide under her free hair.

    If desired, you can braid the small pigtails down the sides or make a few flowers in the form of a flower that will go in different directions from the parting.


    1. Weave should go oblique, from temple to temple.
    2. Divide the hair into an oblique parting. At the base of the forehead, take three strands.
    3. Begin to braid the traditional pigtail, but the lower strands are constantly released from the weave and take in their place a new one, that is, do pickup only on the upper side.
    4. For tight fixation of the pigtail, take one strand over the ear.
    5. Continue to weave a pigtail with the release of the lower strands until you reach the next ear.
    6. Fasten the weaving with a small silicone rubber.

    Diagrams of children's hairstyles with weaving

    If you have any questions, then look at the detailed videos and photos.