
How to make a bracelet of threads with your own hands: diagrams and video

  • How to make a bracelet of threads with your own hands: diagrams and video

    Bracelets - this is a great addition to any image, while running around the shops and looking for the right option is not always necessary. Make a bracelet that you need, with your own hands! The materials from which these ornaments make are numerous, and every day new ideas and ways of their realization appear. It remains only to find the best option and forward. One of the most common ways to create bracelets is weaving of threads.

    In this article we will talk about bracelets that weave from threads, beads and other decorative elements. First of all, it is worth considering the way weave the baubles, they are usually made of thread mulina, which are also widely used in embroidery.

    Master class on braiding baubles from threads of mulina

    Here is one of the easiest ways for those who are just starting to master this type of needlework. For work you will need:

    • Threads of a mule of two colors, which you prefer.
    • Pillow and pin. They are needed in order to fix the work.
    • Scissors.
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    Take a thread of one color and cut from it 4 strings of 60 cm each, do the same with a thread of another shade. In total, there will be 8 threads. Now arrange them, alternating colors. Back off 8 cm from the beginning and tie the knot. Take the pin and thread it through the bundle, and then fasten it on the pillow. The cushion is best clamped between the knees. In this way, you fix the threads. But you can choose a method that is more convenient for you. For example, a board and a clerical clamp.

    We begin to weave a bracelet with the left red thread. Wrap it around the next, white thread, and pull to the very top, so that a knot comes out. In the same way, and with the same threads repeat the whole process, you need to do always two nodules. Another important point - try to tighten all the nodules the same way, otherwise the work will not be very smooth.

    The same red thread is wrapped around the 2nd and 3rd threads, the whole process is the same as with the 1st. As a result, the red thread should be the 4th in the middle.

    Now leave this thread and switch to a thread of the same color, only the extreme on the right. We do everything the same, only the work will go from right to left.

    When your right red thread is in the center, the first row is finished. Proceed to the second. Here the whole process goes exactly the same, only the leading threads on the left and on the right are blue. In the end they will also be in the center. Do not forget that each time you need to knit two nodules.

    Now form the heart. To do this, take the second thread on the left and tie it around the first red thread on the left.

    We pass to the other side and the second blue thread on the right binds the first thread of red color.

    Now, on the left, take the second thread, red, and move it to the middle, making the nodules on the 3rd and 4th threads. Do the same on the right.

    Again, take the second thread on the left and wrap the first thread, the same way on the right. After the blue thread, the second from the left, we tie the 3rd and 4th to the middle, and the same we do on the right.

    Now repeat the 2 very first rows. And then start again with the second thread, as described above. Alternate all actions in accordance with the description.

    When the bracelet reaches the desired length, tie the threads to the knot, cut the excess threads. Everything, the bracelet is ready, and you learned how to weave simple baubles of thread.

    In order to weave bracelets from threads, you need not only patience and perseverance, but also schemes, which are of a huge variety, below are the most popular ones. And also ways of weaving such bracelets.

    Types of weaving of baubles from a floss

    Peacock . This kind of weaving resembles a peacock's tail, this result is achieved due to a certain kind of weaving and the specific shades that are used for such bracelets. Below is a photo of several options.

    Arrow, or just Classic. This is the simplest and most common drawing in the weaving of baubles. In this kind of weaving no more than 4 colors of threads are used.


    Peruvian Wave:




    Desire Bracelets

    As a child, many of us had wish bracelets on a red string. Each of the nodules symbolized one conceived desire. Now, strangely enough, such jewelry can be found more often, and not only in children.

    It is believed that this tradition goes back to Israel. They believe that such jewelry is a protection against evil, and also gives a person strength. The Slavs believed that such a thread on the hand protects from the evil eye and treats some diseases. But in India, the red thread on the hand denotes a kindred love, in the sense that with the help of this bracelet you can be related to a person close to the heart. Also a desire bracelet in the form of a red thread is present in such a teaching as Kabbalah.

    It is believed that a thread of this color is tied on the wrist or ankle to give strength and protection to man from evil. It is up to you to decide which hand to wear such an ornament, but there are some definitions for the left and right hands in this case. If you wear such a thread on your left hand, it is believed that a person protects himself from negative influence, evil, evil eye and spoilage. If you wear a bracelet on your right wrist, then you can attract luck and wealth to yourself.

    Now you know not only how to make a bracelet out of threads with your own hands, but also about what can bring to our lives such a talisman as a bracelet of desires. And below you will find a video detailing the weaving of several types of baubles.