Accustoming to the regime of a child who is on artificial feeding
Children receiving artificial feeding, accustom to the regime is easier than children who are breastfed. Since artificial mixtures are digested more slowly( proteins are more coarse), the interval between feedings in children on artificial feeding is usually longer.
There are two approaches to feeding a child: feeding on demand, when the child is fed every time, as his small tummy will require, and the feeding according to the schedule, in which the child is fed at the appointed time in the daytime, usually every three hours, and at night - on awakening. Feeding on demand - for the pleasure and satisfaction of the child;feeding on schedule - for your convenience. All your cares for the baby, and especially the feeding, are a complex search for the golden mean between the needs of the child and your needs. Small children have small tummies. More children are more likely to eat more frequent small meals. If you give the baby a bottle every three hours( rather than every four hours), you will be closer to the golden middle between the satisfaction of the child and the parental lifestyle. Most parents who breastfeed a baby come to a compromise;to feeding partially on demand, when two feedings take place every day at the set time, while the rest are scattered in the gaps and are carried out at the child's first request.
In the first few weeks, wake up your baby for feeding,
if he sleeps during the day more than four hours in a row. If you allow a child to sleep during the day between feedings for more than four hours, this can lead to the fact that he develops a regime where he sleeps all day and is awake all night and wants to eat, which will be extremely tiring for you. Try to arrange so that the longest periods of sleep fall at night. More frequent feedings during the day and a bottle at 7:00 pm and 10:00 pm usually form a more comfortable feeding regime for most parents. This gives parents some free time late at night;and if you feed the child before going to bed, most likely, he will be full until 3:00 or 4:00 in the morning, and you will have to wake up at night only once.
Interpreting the baby's signals
No matter how tempting it is to put a bottle in the child every time he cries, if you use the formula as a means of soothing, you can overfeed the baby. Learn alternative ways of calm, instead of automatically reaching for the bottle at the first sign of discontent. A child may just need to be picked up, played with it, a bottle of water may be needed when it is thirsty, a clean
diaper or simply a change of activity. Mothers who chose artificial feeding, in fact, require a greater variety of techniques of calming the child than mothers breastfeeding. Much less likely that the overfeeding will result in the use as a means of soothing the chest.
Always wash your hands thoroughly before preparing the mixture and any other food for the baby, and use only clean kitchen utensils( see sterilization instructions below).The accessories that you will need for feeding include bottles, nipples and various instruments.
Bottles. First, take four bottles of 120 ml, and after you and your child determine the favorite type of bottle and the child will drink more than 120 ml for feeding, you may need eight to ten bottles with a capacity of 240 ml. Glass is easier to wash, but it beats. In addition to conventional bottles, there are plastic devices like confectionery bags, which are a holder with disposable packages containing milk and the walls of which stick together as the child drinks
milk, which reduces the amount of ingested air during feeding. For older children, there are cunning bottles in the form of rings, which the child can hold himself. We do not recommend using these bottles for self-feeding, as they deprive the child of the priceless communication that occurs during feeding, because he has to wander alone around the house with a bottle in his hand.
Nipples. These rubber and silicone substitutes are available in a variety of shapes, each of which is supplied as a copying natural form and features of the physiology of the maternal breast. And none of this is really possible! Orthodontic teats enter the baby's mouth deeper, causing a more natural movement of the tongue to squeeze out milk, but presents an inconvenience, as it is required to decide "which side to turn the nipple".The child must necessarily suck the thickened base of the nipple, and not just the tip. Pulling nipples are designed to lengthen during sucking, but only if the baby opens the mouth wide enough and sucks energetically enough to pull the nipple deep inside. Most children, however, suck only the protruding part. For a child who receives and the mother's breast, this nipple is not suitable, because the child can acquire the benefit of the