
How to weave bra from the thread of a mulina: weaving schemes and video for beginners

  • How to weave bra from the thread of a mulina: weaving schemes and video for beginners

    How to weave the baubles of thread mulina: weaving schemes and master class for beginners

    Fenichka is considered a friendship bracelet made by hand. As a material, threads of a mulina are usually used, but also such bracelets can be made from beads or ribbons.

    These elegant and beautiful bracelets can be made from threads of a moulin:

    To learn the science of how to weave braces from threads of a floss, you should learn several ways of fixing the threads. To do this, you must have in your arsenal a special clip, a board with clamps or pins.

    Basic ways of fixing threads

    Threads are laid out in order, corresponding to the planned pattern, and according to this sequence, a clip is attached to a solid base, for example, to a book.

    In a certain sequence, the threads are attached to a special board with clamps.

    With the help of pins on the threads knot knots and fasten to any convenient surface.

    In order to be able to easily read the patterns of weaving of baubles in the future, it is necessary to consider in detail the main nodes by means of which the yarns are connected together.

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    4 main types of nodes

    1. The left node is called so because it is obtained by tying the left thread around the right. Each knot in the manufacture of a bracelet is knitted in two stages. Move the left over the right thread, then into the loop formed pass it from below and tighten it. Return the left thread to its initial position and repeat the procedure again. At the end of the second stage, you do not need to return the thread to its original position.
    2. The right node is tied according to the same scheme as described above, only from right to left.
    3. Left frivolite. When creating such a node, the left node is first beaten and, without returning the thread to its original position, the right node is padded.
    4. The right frivolity is similarly woven, only the right knot is first tied, and then the left knot.

    In the diagrams, these nodes look like this:

    Once you have been able to figure out the thread attachment methods and the main nodes, you should go directly to the weave itself and consider in detail the basics of this process.

    Step-by-step master class

    Use the rightmost thread to tie a knot on the nearest thread on the left. Next, we continue tying the knots with the same thread on the next, in the direction from the right to the left, until you reach the edge. As a result, a number of nodules are arranged horizontally. It can be seen that the leading thread is now the extreme left. We start in the same way to form the second row, but now from left to right. In the same way, it is necessary to repeat the rows until the required length is reached. Completely finished bracelet can now be removed from the fasteners and fix the ends of the threads, twisting their braids. This is a classic variant of creating a bouquet.

    To fix the material, you should see a video in which step by step the process is shown how to weave braces of threads for beginners.

    We make a pigtail

    There is also an uncomplicated way of braiding the baubles of 3 threads, which will be easily learned by beginners - weaving braids.

    For this you need 3 threads of different colors, which are tied at one end into a knot fixed on the work surface. Conditionally we will denote threads with the letters a, b and c. The braid is woven as follows:

    Thread A is tossed across B so that it is in the middle. Now B is thrown through A. As a result of this, the strings are in the following order: B, B, A. Then we continue to act in the same way: B we toss through B to the middle, then A toss over B, etc. Continuing the braiding of the pigtail in this way, we terminate it with a knot.

    Braid of 3 threads:

    The braid can also be woven from 2 threads or from 4 threads of a floss.

    In the first variant, each of the two threads folds in half, which in the end gives 4 threads, in the second case it is 4 different threads.

    Braid of 2 threads:

    Braid of 4 threads:

    Video tutorials for beginners

    Fenichka is considered to be a friendship bracelet made by hand. As a material, floss is usually used, but also such bracelets can be made from beads or ribbons.

    Here are such elegant and beautiful bracelets can be made from thread muline:

    To learn the science of how to weave bra from the thread of a floss, you need to learn several ways to fix the threads. To do this, you must have in your arsenal a special clip, a board with clamps or pins.

    Basic ways of fixing threads

    Threads are laid out in order, corresponding to the planned pattern, and according to this sequence, a clip is attached to a solid base, for example, to a book.

    In a certain sequence, the threads are attached to a special board with clamps.

    With the help of pins on the threads knot knots and fasten to any convenient surface.

    In order that in the future it would be easy to read the patterns of weaving of baubles, it is necessary to consider in detail the main nodes by means of which the yarns are connected together.

    4 main types of nodes

    1. The left node is called so because it is obtained by tying the left thread around the right. Each knot in the manufacture of a bracelet is knitted in two stages. Move the left over the right thread, then into the loop formed pass it from below and tighten it. Return the left thread to its initial position and repeat the procedure again. At the end of the second stage, you do not need to return the thread to its original position.
    2. The right node is tied according to the same scheme as described above, only from right to left.
    3. Left frivolite. When creating such a node, the left node is first beaten and, without returning the thread to its original position, the right node is padded.
    4. The right frivolity is similarly woven, only the right knot is first tied and then the left knot.

    In the diagrams, these nodes look like this:

    Once you have been able to figure out the thread attachment methods and the main nodes, you should go directly to the weave itself and consider in detail the basics of this process.

    Step-by-step master class

    It is necessary to tie a knot with the rightmost thread on the nearest thread on the left. Next, we continue tying the knots with the same thread on the subsequent ones, from the right to the left, until you reach the edge. As a result, a number of nodules are arranged horizontally. It can be seen that the leading thread is now the extreme left. We start in the same way to form the second row, but now from left to right. In the same way, it is necessary to repeat the rows until the required length is reached. Completely finished bracelet can now be removed from the fasteners and fix the ends of the threads, twisting their braids. This is a classic variant of creating a bouquet.

    To fix the material, you should see a video in which step by step the process is shown how to weave braces of threads for beginners.

    We make a pigtail

    There is also an uncomplicated way of weaving braces from 3 threads, which will be easily mastered by beginners - weaving braids.

    For this you need 3 threads of different colors, which are tied at one end into a knot fixed on the work surface. Conditionally we will denote threads with the letters a, b and c. The braid is padded as follows:

    Thread A is tossed across B so that it is in the middle. Now B is thrown through A. As a result of this, the strings are in the following order: B, B, A. Then we continue to act in the same way: B we toss through B to the middle, then A toss over B, etc. Continuing the braiding of the pigtail in this way, we terminate it with a knot.

    Braid of 3 threads:

    The braid can also be woven from 2 threads or from 4 threads of a floss.

    In the first variant, each of the two threads folds in half, which in the end gives 4 threads, in the second case it is 4 different threads.

    Braid of 2 threads:

    Braid of 4 threads:

    Video tutorials for beginners