  • What is foot arthritis: treatment, diagnosis and symptoms of the disease

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    If you have arthritis of the foot, take it seriously. Feeling of pain in the foot is very unpleasant and interferes with normal living. Appears lameness. The patient tries not to step on that part of the foot, where the pain is most acute. Sometimes the pain intensifies, a tumor appears. At this time it is difficult to fall asleep at night. Sometimes the pain passes, then again intensifies. However, patients often do not attach any serious importance to this. Do not consult a doctor. It is believed that gradually everything will pass itself, as the bruise passes. Such a disease must be treated. For proper treatment, you need an accurate diagnosis to determine the type of arthritis. Such a diagnosis can be made by a doctor. There are several types of foot arthritis.

    1. Osteoarthritis.
    2. Gouty arthritis.
    3. Rheumatoid arthritis of the foot.

    Arthritis is a disease of the capsule of the joint and articular cartilage. Osteoarthritis is most common. It occurs due to mechanical damage to the joints. If you have this type of foot arthritis - its causes are associated with age, are the result of heavy loads, excess weight. Contribute to the development of osteoarthritis can single bruises, injuries, fractures. It used to be that joints wear out with age, so there is a disease. With age, the elasticity of articular cartilage decreases. This can only be a prerequisite for the disease.

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    The disease begins when the cartilage is erased. Can erase completely and expose bone. Arthrosis arthritis of the foot is a change in the joints. In a healthy joint, the joint capsule has a thin synovial membrane that generates a lubricating fluid into the joint space. Lubricating fluid provides nutrition to the hyaline cartilage and is a reliable lubrication of the articular ends of bones. When the cartilaginous tissue is destroyed, the whole process of normal functioning of the joint is disrupted. This leads to the development of degenerative-dystrophic processes, which cause inflammation in the joints. Arthritis of the foot joints requires medical intervention.

    Treatment and diagnosis of the disease

    For proper treatment you need to determine the type of foot arthritis. Osteoarthritis is determined by the fact that with pain in the foot, no abnormalities or abnormalities are detected in the blood of patients. And other tests do not have abnormalities. Another common type of arthritis, gout, is considered the oldest disease. Gout begins when the urate crystals begin to accumulate in the body. As a result of the cleavage of purines that enter the body with food, uric acid appears in the human blood. It is in the blood plasma in the form of sodium urates - free crystals. Blood is cleared by the kidneys, and uric acid is excreted from the body. But there comes a time when the kidneys stop coping with this work. In the blood begin to accumulate crystals of urate. They begin to be deposited in different places of the body, but most of all they are deposited in the joints.

    Men suffer more from gout than women. The first manifestation of gout is arthritis of the big toe. The thumb begins to ache painfully and become inflamed. To treat gout, you need to find out the root cause, according to which the urate crystals ceased to be excreted by the kidneys from the blood. Without this, gout treatment is impossible. You can reduce the amount of urate sodium in the blood to such an extent that the kidneys manage to cope with this amount. But this can only suspend the disease, and not cure it. As soon as the root cause of the disease becomes known, it is possible to begin a thorough treatment.

    Symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis of the foot

    Rheumatoid arthritis is the most dangerous form of arthritis. His reasons for science are still unknown. This is a serious disease that can cause deformation of the joints and deformation of the foot. A person becomes disabled for life and stops walking. A few fingers and joints are usually deformed. The ankle joint, the calcaneal ankle and ankle area, the attachment area of ​​the tendons and ligaments can be deformed, and the inflammatory processes aggravate the disease. Pain intensifies at night and grows rapidly. The skin on his legs turns red. In modern conditions, medicine can not cure this disease. Medical measures can only relieve the pain and alleviate suffering. The cause of rheumatoid arthritis can be all kinds of infections, as well as complications in chronic diseases. There are folk remedies for arthritis. But arthritis is easier to prevent than cure.

    Arthritis Prevention

    1. It is necessary to monitor the condition of your feet. Wear comfortable shoes.
    2. Protect your feet from injury and constant stress.
    3. Treat chronic diseases. One of the causes of arthritis can be angina and chronic tonsillitis.
    4. Do not allow excess weight. Especially people with thin bones.
    5. Monitor the condition of your kidneys.
    6. Do the curative gymnastics. Avoid smoking.

    Of course you need to maintain a good state of the whole body. Then he will cope with all deviations from the norm.

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