  • Urinary incontinence in boys.

    Some psychiatrists who have studied bedwetting in boys ( 80 percent of enuretics are boys) believe that the typical case is this. The boy lacks self-confidence, he easily begins to believe in his inability to fit into the world. He may be afraid of rivalry with other boys, he is afraid to stand up with them on an equal footing. Such a boy can have a powerful mother. She is devoted to him, but at times too impatient and too often interferes in his affairs. The child is too strictly educated to resist it openly. And so he resists passively, hesitates or is silently annoyed. The mother can not restrain her displeasure with them. Often in such cases, the father does not support his son morally.

    Measures that parents take to enuretics of this type, sometimes act in the opposite direction. To raise every night a sleepy child( enuresis usually sleep very tightly) and take him to the toilet - it means only to strengthen his idea of ​​himself as an infant. If you limit him to drinking after 5 pm, he begins to feel that he is thirsty( the same would be with me and with you), and this almost guarantees every evening arguments between the child and the mother, which is bad for them both. Forcing the boy to wash and hang out his sheets, you terrify him at the thought that other boys will find out about his shame. Any boy over five years of age would give a million dollars to solve this problem. He wants to restrain himself, but is not in a position to control such subconscious procedure as urinary incontinence in a dream.

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    Most of all an enuretic boy needs confidence that he is able to cope, and this confidence can only be worked out gradually and with the help of others. The most direct way is to help a psychiatrist or child psychiatric clinic, especially if the child has other problems. But if this is not possible, there are many things that parents can take depending on the circumstances. They should encourage the child. You can tell him that so many boys have the same problems, but eventually they manage it. You can express confidence that he, too, will cope.

    I believe that in most cases it is necessary to abandon methods such as raising a child at night and limiting the fluid.

    The gluing of gold stars on the days of the calendar helps little boys aged no more than five to seven years. You can promise a much-desired reward - skates, bicycles, sports equipment. You may not believe me, but it is even better to give the boy immediately what he really wanted, but that you did not allow. The main thing is that he should feel himself on an equal basis with other boys as soon as possible. .

    If until now the father has been eliminated from raising children in the family, his active inclusion will help. You can learn the boy's favorite pastime and from time to time do it together. If the mother scolded him for other things, for example, for lessons or because he dresses slowly in the morning, you need to soften. It is useful to talk with the teacher and exchange observations.