
Bonsai own hands: a master class how to make a real and artificial bonsai

  • Bonsai own hands: a master class how to make a real and artificial bonsai

    We create real and artificial bonsai with our own hands( 2 master classes with step-by-step photos)

    Bonsai is a kind of garden and park art. There was this kind of art in China, in the interval between the 8th and 10th centuries. The essence of it is that trees that grow in nature, and eventually become large enough, put in pots and various kinds of supports. Due to the constant cropping of the crown and the fact that the root system becomes flat, these dwarf trees are obtained.

    Creating a real bonsai tree from pine with your own hands

    It takes a lot of time and effort to grow bonsai from pine, but the result is worth it.

    Start with the collection of seedlings. It is best to take not one, so that in the process of their growth you could choose the most liked tree, and it is easier to experiment with the crown on several samples. An important point in growing bonsai from pine is that it has 2 phases of growth in the year: the end of summer and late spring.

    In the first year of growth bonsai special hassle with it is not, as the tree just begins to take roots, and there are kidneys, that is, you do not need to cut. In the late spring, in the first phase of growth, the branches of the pine grow longer, but at the end of summer, in the second phase, the branches of the tree become thicker and the roots begin to accumulate the substances necessary for growth. Therefore, in the second phase, do not cut the roots of the tree. Another important detail is that young seedlings of pine need a lot of light, as well as good drainage, otherwise the roots will just begin to rot. A pot of pine should be placed away from drafts, since the plant is very afraid of the wind.

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    In the second year of growth, in the first place, the seedlings are cut at 7-12 cm, but it is very important to ensure that on the shoot thereafter the healthy needles remain, which, in no case, can not be damaged. Cutting should be done at an angle of 45 ° and necessarily at the end of March. Before you get ready bonsai, its root system needs to be cut every year.

    But if suddenly the needles of your tree grows above the desired level, it is better not to touch anything, and think of another way to grow the bonsai crown.

    After trimming the shoot, the trunk of the pine will begin to thicken. Also, needles can become very lush, so you need to thin it, so that each needle gets sunlight. The main thing is do not overdo it. For pruning, you need to purchase a special pruner, which will bring much less harm to the plant.

    After these manipulations, wire is applied to the seedling to form the barrel shape. The main thing is to ensure that the frame does not grow into the trunk, because as it thickens it will crash into the trunk, and as soon as it starts to happen, it is necessary to remove and change the wire. The tips of the branches during this period are plucked, then they start to branch better.

    Now the tree will grow the way you want by guiding it with wire. During this period it is necessary to regularly shorten young shoots, then it will remain the right shape and will continue to branch.

    Then you need to continue in the same direction, but without the wire. All that is necessary is to regularly monitor the formation of the crown, removing excess. Now the tree can be transplanted into a permanent bowl, decorating it to your liking.

    Your bonsai is ready!

    Master class on creating artificial bonsai

    Bonsai is a wonderful element for decor in your house, but as you know, it takes a lot of time to create such beauty. And after all to decorate the house with an ornamental tree in this style it would be desirable already now. Of course, such a problem can be solved during the day - to buy, but it is much more pleasant to create such a tree with your own hands. Here, to help, there are numerous ways to create such a decorative item from artificial materials.

    Material that we need for the work of

    • Any ceramic plate or pots, they will become a stand for wood.
    • Three-wire three-wire, 40 cm each. It will be needed to form the trunk frame and branches of the future bonsai.
    • Adhesive gun.
    • Gypsum, which will be needed to form the trunk and branches on the frame.
    • Adhesive PVA.
    • Acrylic paints for the final design of work.
    • Artificial greens, which will need to be divided into inflorescences.

    Creating the trunk and branches

    Take the three-wire wire and peel from one end to 10-12 cm, from this side there will be future branches. Also do the other two.

    Now fix all three wires on the future stand with a thermo gun. Connect them together and also fasten with hot glue, after you have greased the entire structure with PVA glue.

    Next, you need to dilute the gypsum, as indicated on the package, also add to the mixture PVA.The consistency of the solution should be like a thick sour cream. Apply to the frame of the tree and form the trunk and branches. Leave the tree for a day, it must dry thoroughly.

    After a day's passage, take PVA glue and once more, grease the whole tree. When the glue dries, paint the trunk brown. The paint should be mixed with PVA in a proportion of 3: 1, and applied with a sponge. After that, you can apply ocher on top. For drying, you need to wait two hours.

    Creation of tree crown and its design

    After the barrel has completely dried up, it is possible to start fixing leaves to twigs. This is done with a thermo gun.

    Now the last step is left - it will beautifully decorate the stand. To create grass on it, take the manga and PVA glue and mix in a 2: 1 ratio, add green paint to this mixture until the shade you want appears. Apply a mixture on the bottom of the stand can be a spoon for cocktails, this method will help create natural irregularities and relief. After the base of the trunk, glue the grains of coffee - these will be pebbles. And in the finale, attach to the grass any toy in the form of an animal or what you like best. Leave all this again for a day to dry.

    Everything is ready, and you, using this master class , created a bonsai that looks like alive, in record time.

    And for those who want to see more clearly how to create an artificial bonsai and grow a real one, there are video lessons:

    Bonsai is a kind of garden and park art. There was this kind of art in China, in the interval between the 8th and 10th centuries. The essence of it is that trees that grow in nature, and eventually become large enough, put in pots and various kinds of supports. Due to the constant cropping of the crown and the fact that the root system becomes flat, these dwarf trees are obtained.

    Creating a real bonsai tree from pine with your own hands

    In order to grow bonsai from pine, it will take a lot of time and effort, but the result is worth it.

    We should start with the collection of seedlings. It is best to take not one, so that in the process of their growth you could choose the most liked tree, and it is easier to experiment with the crown on several samples. An important point in growing bonsai from pine is that it has 2 phases of growth in the year: the end of summer and late spring.

    In the first year of growth bonsai special hassle with it is not, since the tree is just beginning to take roots, and there are kidneys, that is, you do not need to cut. In the late spring, in the first phase of growth, the branches of the pine grow longer, but at the end of summer, in the second phase, the branches of the tree become thicker and the roots begin to accumulate the substances necessary for growth. Therefore, in the second phase, do not cut the roots of the tree. Another important detail is that young seedlings of pine need a lot of light, as well as good drainage, otherwise the roots will just begin to rot. A pot of pine should be placed away from drafts, since the plant is very afraid of the wind.

    In the second year of growth, in the first place, the seedlings are cut at 7-12 cm, but it is very important to ensure that after this there remains a healthy needles on the shoot which, in no case, can be damaged. Cutting should be done at an angle of 45 ° and necessarily at the end of March. Before you get ready bonsai, its root system needs to be cut every year.

    But if suddenly the needles of your tree grows above the desired level, it is better not to touch anything yet, and think of another way to grow the bonsai crown.

    After trimming the shoot, the trunk of the pine will begin to thicken. Also, needles can become very lush, so you need to thin it, so that each needle gets sunlight. The main thing is do not overdo it. For pruning, you need to purchase a special pruner, which will bring much less harm to the plant.

    After these manipulations, wire is applied to the seedling to form the barrel shape. The main thing is to ensure that the frame does not grow into the trunk, because as it thickens it will crash into the trunk, and as soon as it starts to happen, it is necessary to remove and change the wire. The tips of the branches during this period are plucked, then they start to branch better.

    Now the tree will grow the way you want by guiding it with wire. During this period it is necessary to regularly shorten young shoots, then it will remain the right shape and will continue to branch.

    Then you need to continue in the same direction, but without the wire. All that is necessary is to regularly monitor the formation of the crown, removing excess. Now the tree can be transplanted into a permanent bowl, decorating it to your liking.

    Your bonsai is ready!

    Master class on creating artificial bonsai

    Bonsai is a wonderful element for decor in your house, but as you know, it takes a lot of time to create such beauty. And after all to decorate the house with an ornamental tree in this style it would be desirable already now. Of course, such a problem can be solved during the day - to buy, but it is much more pleasant to create such a tree with your own hands. Here, to help, there are numerous ways to create such a decorative item from artificial materials.

    Material that we need for the work of

    • Any ceramic plate or pot, they will become a stand for wood.
    • Three-wire three-wire, 40 cm each. It will be needed to form the trunk frame and branches of the future bonsai.
    • Adhesive gun.
    • Gypsum, which will be needed to form the trunk and branches on the frame.
    • Adhesive PVA.
    • Acrylic paints for the final design of work.
    • Artificial greens, which will need to be divided into inflorescences.

    Creating a trunk and branches

    Take a three-wire wire and peel from one end to 10-12 cm, from this side there will be future branches. Also do the other two.

    Now fasten all three wires to the future stand with a thermo gun. Connect them together and also fasten with hot glue, after you have greased the entire structure with PVA glue.

    Next, you need to dilute the gypsum, as indicated on the package, also add PVA to the mixture. The consistency of the solution should be like a thick sour cream. Apply to the frame of the tree and form the trunk and branches. Leave the tree for a day, it must dry thoroughly.

    After the passage of days, take the PVA glue and once more, grease the whole tree. When the glue dries, paint the trunk brown. The paint should be mixed with PVA in a proportion of 3: 1, and applied with a sponge. After that, you can apply ocher on top. For drying, you need to wait two hours.

    Creation of the tree crown and its design

    After the barrel is completely dry, it is possible to start fixing the leaves to the twigs. This is done with a thermo gun.

    Now is the last step - beautifully draws the stand. To create grass on it, take the manga and PVA glue and mix in a 2: 1 ratio, add green paint to this mixture until the shade you want appears. Apply a mixture on the bottom of the stand can be a spoon for cocktails, this method will help create natural irregularities and relief. After the base of the trunk, glue the grains of coffee - these will be pebbles. And in the finale, attach to the grass any toy in the form of an animal or what you like best. Leave all this again for a day to dry.

    Everything is ready, and you, using this master class , created a bonsai that looks like alive, in record time.

    And for those who want to see more clearly how to create an artificial bonsai and grow a real one, there are video lessons: