  • Rectum polyps: symptoms and signs

    Benign entities that grow from the intestinal wall into its lumen are called polyps of the rectum. When several colon polyps are formed in the intestine, this condition is called polyposis of the rectum.

    Any occurrence must be considered as a precancerous condition. However, it is also necessary to know that with the prolonged existence of the disease, the polyp can go to the stage of a malignant tumor of colorectal cancer.

    Causes of polyps

    To date, it is impossible to say unambiguously why in the human body such formations appear, and there is hardly one reason for the occurrence of polyposis. But, nevertheless, polyposis can be quite widespread, when tumor-like neoplasms are located on the entire surface of the intestine. It will never develop on healthy tissue.

    The proliferation of new formations on the mucosa is promoted by chronic inflammatory diseases, which lead to rapid aging of the colon epithelium. Such diseases include ulcerative colitis, typhoid fever, dysentery and other diseases. It is not uncommon for polyps to occur as a result of frequent constipation and dyskinesia of the intestine.

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    The polyp of the rectum in a child can arise in the same way as in an adult, with the only difference being that they develop against a background of complete health. In this case, we can conclude that this disease also carries a genetic predisposition.

    Symptoms of formation of the disease

    Most often this disease does not make itself felt and is found only at inspection on absolutely other occasion or at target inspections. Most often, the disease occurs in people older than 50 years.

    For a long period of time, single polyps may not appear. If the disease is joined by another inflammation or a rupture, then in the liquid stool may be visible impurities of blood and mucus. If the patient has polyposis, then in this case the disease will be accompanied by bleeding, a frequent stool with mucus and a gradual exhaustion of the body.

    In order to diagnose a disease of the rectum, the symptoms of which have a not pronounced characteristic, you need to go for a checkup to the proctologist. This disease can be detected by finger research.

    Methods of organization of treatment

    The most radical method of treatment of polyps of the rectum is excision. Since these formations are precancerous, after the removal of polyps in the rectum, the patient is assigned special observation with the help of a colonoscopy and a sigmoidoscopy.

    If polyposis is a consequence of a history of ulcerative colitis or another disease, first of all, the main problem is necessary to treat. Symptoms of ubiquitous polyp of the rectum are as follows: bleeding, proctitis with abundant release of mucus and pus, then in this case a complete or partial removal of the rectum is required.

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