
Useful and medicinal properties of flower pollen

  • Useful and medicinal properties of flower pollen

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    The author writes that when using pollen, any disease in the short term weakens or disappears. He explains that the opinion about pollen allergenicity is erroneous: "Allergies can cause pollen, carried by the wind, but the bees, collecting it, add a little nectar and saliva that destroy allergens."

    In shops "Beekeeping" is sold pollen of two kinds - in a mixture with honey and in granules. Since the pollen is very hygroscopic, it is dangerous for it to damp, destroying it and even doing it harmful to health. Therefore, storing pollen mixed with honey is very difficult( this is possible only for a short time).Pollen in granules( Baltic production) is preserved better and more convenient for consumption. Alain Cayas stressed that all people should apply flower pollen, and not only patients. However, this product is concentrated, so it is enough to take pollen for a month several times a year, especially at the beginning of each season, 1 teaspoon per day, preferably on an empty stomach, mixing it with honey and washing down with warm or cool water. Pollen is not recommended for nighttime or late evening.

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    Pollen must be fresh: after a year of storage, it loses 75 percent of its value, and after 2 years it becomes useless. Store it in the refrigerator at a temperature of 9 ° C.Pollen is a biological stimulant, perfectly acting on sex hormones, as it is sometimes believed.

    When taking pollen, it is necessary to reduce the amount of food consumed, especially animal proteins. There are studies proving that 20 g of pollen corresponds to 1 kg of meat, but this is an uncountable number of times a more valuable protein product.

    The well-known specialist in beekeeping NP Jorish said: "41 g of pollen contains as many daily doses of vitamin R( rutile), which can protect several people from hemorrhage to the brain, the retina of the eye and the heart."

    Flower pollen is a male element of a flower, it is a natural high-quality concentrated nutritional and biologically active food product.

    Flower pollen contains all the essential substances necessary for the construction, development and implementation of a living organism: proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, amino acids, antibiotics, growth stimulants, etc. Flower pollen is a bee semi-finished product, is of great importance in preserving human health.