
Amigurumi schemes in Russian: penguin, dolphin, tiger

  • Amigurumi schemes in Russian: penguin, dolphin, tiger

    Diagrams of amigurumi toys: penguin, dolphin, tiger, cat

    Knitted amigurumi toys, made with the use of a hook, have become very popular in Russia among needlewomen. Light in performance and very cute amigurumi animals do not leave indifferent both adults and children. To date, adapted almost all schemes amigurumi: in Russian you can find a wide variety of toy models.

    In order to tie any toy to an amigurumi, minimal crochet skills are required. First of all, it is necessary to study circular knitting and the execution of columns without a crochet. You can learn how to perform these elements according to the scheme:

    After viewing over 200 amigurumi schemes in Russian, I selected the most interesting toy models and decided to share lessons on their knitting.

    Diagrams amigurumi


    To knit a cute little penguin( just 7 cm in height) we need materials for work and your inspiration.

    Working materials:

    • Three-color knitting yarn
    • eye beads
    • filler( holofiber or cotton wool)
    • knitting hook
    instagram viewer

    Work progress:


    Beginning knitting of the penguin from the trunk and 2 air.loops( VP).

    1 row: in the 2nd from the hook loop we sew 6 tbsp.without a crochet( RLS).

    2 series: extend the workpiece, tying in each loop 2 scs. As a result, there should be 12 RLS.

    3 series: we are tying up to the end of the rapport-1 RLS, followed by 2 scs to get 18 scs.

    4 series: again increase the number of bars, repeating the combination - 1 sc, 1 sc, 2 sc. Now we have 24 scs.

    5 series: we sew without additional scores 24 RLS.

    6 row: continue to evenly add loops, following the pattern of knitting in a circle. It should be 30 sc.

    7 series: again, we are tying all 30 RLS without adding.

    8 row: increase the number of loops in a circular row to 36.

    9-11 series: do 1 sc of each loops.

    12 series: we make the last row of increments by tying 2 RLS in each 6 pcs. It should turn out 42 p.

    The next 8 rows are knitted without increasing the blade, 1 RN in each loop. After this, we turn to decrements.

    22 series: we make the loops decrease every 5 pts to get 36 RLS again.

    23 series: we knit again 1 RLS in each column.

    24 series: we continue the uniform reduction of the fabric, making a loss through each 5 bar. Total in the series of 30 sc.

    At this stage, we begin to fill the toy neatly with filler.

    In the next 3 rows, we continue to make a reduction in the circular knitting pattern, so that in the 28th row we have 6 RLSs, which we pull together and thereby complete the knitting of the trunk.


    Now go to the oval part of the abdomen of the penguin. Knitting is performed according to the crochet crochet pattern:

    We start with 12 VP.Then make 2 RLS in the 2 nd from the hook n., The remaining loops knit, as usual, and 2 RLS do in the two remaining at the end of the loop row. Turn knitting and repeat the process of adding loops along the edges of the row.26 loops were issued.

    In the second row, we should have 32 RLSs by following the scheme: 2 RLS in 1 loop, 2 RLS, 2 RNS in 1 loop, 3 SNN, again 2 RNS in 1 loop, followed by 3 RLS and 3 RN.execute 2 RLS in each loop, 2 RLS, 2 RNS in 1 loop, again 3 SSN and 2 SNN in 1 loop, repeat 3 RLS and finish the RLS 2 row in the next 2 loops.

    In the last 3 rd row we knit 38 stitches according to the scheme: the first 12 RLS knit without addition, then in the next 3 loops we knit 2 RLS, again 13 RLS and 3 times 2 RLS in one loop, we finish the row 1 SN.


    Beginning to knit the beak with 2 VP, then untie the 4 RLS also in the 2nd from the VP hook. In the second row we knit 2 RLS in each loop. And in the 3rd and 4th rows we increase the number of columns. In the 3rd row, you need to associate 2 RLSs to 1 loop, then 3 RLS and repeat the rapport 2 more times. In the 4th row after 2 RLS in 1 loop we knit another 4 RLS and repeat 2 times.


    The knitting of the feet starts again with 2 ct. Then we sew 6 RLS to the second loop. From the second row we begin to make increases, first tying 2 RLS to 1 loop, and then 1 RLS.Repeat the repeat to the end of the row. In the next row 2 RLS we knit in every 3rd loop and get 12 RLS.The next 2 rows we knit without any increase. In the 6th row, we untype 2 RLS in each 4 loop, in the 7th row - in each 5 loop, and in the 8th row in each row 6. We finish knitting the paw. Knit the second leg in a similar way. Finished details are tied around the edge of the RLS, and the first, central and last loops are tied with the SSN to form the penguin's paw.


    Wings of the penguin consist of 10 rows each. We begin knitting as usual with 2 EaP.The first row of the blank consists of 5 RLS.From the 2nd row we make the increments, tying in the 3rd loop 3 RLS.As a result, 7 RLS was obtained. Now in the new row we knit 3 RLS in 4 loops, and in the 4th row - 3 RLS in 6 loop. The next 6 rows we knit without any increase. When completing knitting, do not forget to leave about 20 cm of thread to sew up the legs to the torso.


    For the tail, type again 2 EP and bind 6 RLS.In the first row, you need to tie 2 RLS in each loop, and in the last row - 1 RLS in each loop. At the end of the knitting we also leave a length of 20 cm for sewing to the body.

    Our penguin is ready:

    There is a generally accepted format of visual materials for knitting an amigurumi toy: schematics and description. The use of the description is very suitable for beginners of this kind of art, and for the more experienced - the use of the scheme is the best option.

    Here are some schemes of amigurumi toys without description:

    Video tutorial:

    Knitted amigurumi toys, made with the use of a hook, have become very popular in Russia among needlewomen. Light in performance and very cute amigurumi animals do not leave indifferent both adults and children. To date, adapted almost all schemes amigurumi: in Russian you can find a wide variety of toy models.

    In order to tie any toy to an amigurumi, minimal crochet skills are required. First of all, it is necessary to study circular knitting and the execution of columns without a crochet. You can learn how to perform these elements according to the scheme:

    After viewing over 200 amigurumi schemes in Russian, I selected the most interesting toy models and decided to share lessons on their knitting.

    Diagrams amigurumi


    For knitting a cute little penguin( just 7 cm in height) we need materials for work and your inspiration.

    Work materials:

    • Three-color knitting yarn
    • eye beads
    • filler( holofaiber or cotton wool)
    • knitting hook

    Work progress:


    Beginning knitting of the penguin from the trunk and 2 air.loops( VP).

    1 row: in the 2nd from the hook loop we sew 6 tbsp.without a crochet( RLS).

    2 series: expand the workpiece, tying in each loop 2 scs. As a result, there should be 12 RLS.

    3 ranks: we tie to the end of the rapport-1 RLS, followed by 2 scs to get 18 scs.

    4 row: again increase the number of columns, repeating the combination - 1 sc, 1 sc, 2 sc. Now we have 24 scs.

    5 series: we sew without additional scores 24 sc.

    6 row: continue to evenly add loops, following the pattern of knitting in a circle. It should be 30 sc.

    7 series: again, we are tying all 30 RLS without adding.

    8 row: increase the number of loops in a circular array to 36.

    9-11 series: do 1 sc of each loops.

    12 series: we make the last row of increments by tying 2 RLS in each 6 p. It should turn out 42 p.

    The next 8 rows are knitted without increasing the blade, 1 RLS in each loop. After this, we turn to decrements.

    22 row: we make the loops decrease every 5 pts to get again 36 RLS.

    23 series: we knit again 1 sc in each column.

    24 series: we continue the uniform reduction of the fabric, making a loss through each 5 bar. Total in the series of 30 sc.

    At this stage, we begin to fill the toy neatly with filler.

    In the next 3 rows, we continue to make a reduction in the circular knitting pattern, so that in the 28th row we have 6 RLSs, which we pull together and thereby complete the knitting of the trunk.


    Now go to the oval part of the abdomen of the penguin. Knitting is performed according to the crochet crochet pattern:

    We start with 12 VP.Then make 2 RLS in the 2 nd from the hook n., The remaining loops knit, as usual, and 2 RLS do in the two remaining at the end of the loop row. Turn knitting and repeat the process of adding loops along the edges of the row.26 loops were issued.

    In the second row, we must have 32 RLSs by following the scheme: 2 RLS in 1 loop, 2 RLS, 2 RNS in 1 loop, 3 SNN, again 2 RNS in 1 loop, then 3 RLS and 3 RN.execute 2 RLS in each loop, 2 RLS, 2 RNS in 1 loop, again 3 SSN and 2 SNN in 1 loop, repeat 3 RLS and finish the RLS 2 row in the next 2 loops.

    In the last 3 rd row we knit 38 stitches according to the scheme: the first 12 RLS knit without addition, then the next 3 loops we knit 2 RLS, again 13 RLS and 3 times 2 RLS in one loop, we finish the row 1 SN.


    Beginning to knit the beak with 2 VP, then untie the 4 RLS also in the 2nd from the VP hook. In the second row we knit 2 RLS in each loop. And in the 3rd and 4th rows we increase the number of columns. In the 3rd row, you need to associate 2 RLSs to 1 loop, then 3 RLS and repeat the rapport 2 more times. In the 4th row after 2 RLS in 1 loop we knit another 4 RLS and repeat 2 times.


    The knitting of the feet starts again with 2 ct. Then we sew 6 RLS to the second loop. From the second row we begin to make increases, first tying 2 RLS to 1 loop, and then 1 RLS.Repeat the repeat to the end of the row. In the next row 2 RLS we knit in every 3rd loop and get 12 RLS.The next 2 rows we knit without any increase. In the 6th row, we untype 2 RLS in each 4 loop, in the 7th row - in each 5 loop, and in the 8th row in each row 6. We finish knitting the paw. Knit the second leg in a similar way. Finished details are tied around the edge of the RLS, and the first, central and last loops are tied with the SSN to form the penguin's paw.


    Wings of the penguin consist of 10 rows each. We begin knitting as usual with 2 EaP.The first row of the blank consists of 5 RLS.From the 2nd row we make the increments, tying in the 3rd loop 3 RLS.As a result, 7 RLS was obtained. Now in the new row we knit 3 RLS in 4 loops, and in the 4th row - 3 RLS in 6 loop. The next 6 rows we knit without any increase. When completing knitting, do not forget to leave about 20 cm of thread to sew up the legs to the torso.


    For the tail, type again 2 EP and bind 6 RLS.In the first row, you need to tie 2 RLS in each loop, and in the last row - 1 RLS in each loop. At the end of the knitting we also leave a length of 20 cm for sewing to the body.

    Our penguin is ready:

    There is a generally accepted format of visual materials for knitting an amigurumi toy: schematics and description. The use of the description is very suitable for beginners of this kind of art, and for the more experienced - the use of the scheme is the best option.

    Here are some schemes of amigurumi toys without description:

    Video tutorial: