
Application Hedgehog from maple leaves in 1 class: step-by-step photo of making crafts

  • Application Hedgehog from maple leaves in 1 class: step-by-step photo of making crafts

    Application of a hedgehog from maple leaves: a step-by-step master class with photos for children and adults

    Thanks to the shape of the leaves and a variety of colors, a variety of crafts can be made from maple leaves, for example, appliqué. A hedgehog from maple leaves can be made even in several versions.

    What do I need to work?

    Whichever version of the application is selected, you will definitely need maple leaves to be collected and dried. You can properly dry the leaves in two ways: arrange the leaves between the pages of the book, it is better to lay each paper with a paper towel, or arrange the leaves on sheets of paper, cover with another sheet of paper and iron with iron. In addition, you need to purchase sheets of cardboard, preferably colored, plasticine, glue, paint and brushes, scissors.

    It is important to remember that wherever a child does appliques, at home or at school, for example, if it is 1 class and the child is just learning how to make crafts, it is necessary to teach the child to prepare a work place before starting work, it is best to cover the working surface with oilcloth.

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    Before you begin the process of gluing leaflets, you need to think over the plot of the future picture, then select the necessary leaves and compose them according to the idea. The first is always a leaflet - the base, for example, in the hedgehog - this is the trunk, then additional leaves. Glue is better to apply to the edges of the leaf, and not to the middle, so that at the time of drying the sheet is not deformed, the finished picture can be put under the press and make a frame for it.

    Methods of making a hedgehog from maple leaves

    One way to make a hedgehog is to prepare one maple leaf, i.e., dry it, and one leaf from another tree, and from them make a silhouette. To do this, it is necessary to paste a maple leaf on the cardboard( preferably green), thereby creating both a trunk and needles, then cut out the muzzle with scissors from another leaf and paste. Next, with the help of paints, you can draw a nose, eyes, mouth and complete the composition, finishing the apples and grass. The results of the work are shown in the photo.

    To make the executed hedgehog from dry leaves looked more colorful, it is possible to make a trunk and spines from several colored leaves of a maple. To do this, you need to draw a contour of a hedgehog on a sheet of colored cardboard with a simple pencil. On the part where the contours of the trunk are drawn, glue maple leaves should be glued. On the part where the muzzle is drawn, you can paste another leaflet or simply outline the outlines with a felt-tip pen.

    Completed application of autumn leaves Hedgehog looks great if both the trunk and the muzzle are made from the leaves of the maple tree. It is advisable to pick up for the muzzle a leaf that is different in color from the leaves from which the trunk is made. First, on a sheet of cardboard you need to paste this leaf, then the leaves prepared for the trunk and needles. Spout, glazik and mouth can either be dorisovat, or cut out of cardboard, or molded from plasticine. You can also make an apple and grass.

    Master classes with step-by-step instructions for making appliqués with the image of the hedgehog

    This article will show videos in which needlewomen will tell you which leafs you can make appliqués with the hedgehog image, how to properly implement the appliqués and will show the options for the finished works.

    Thanks to the shape of the leaves and a variety of colors, a variety of crafts can be made from maple leaves, for example, appliqué. A hedgehog from maple leaves can be made even in several variants.

    What do I need to work?

    Whichever version of the application is selected, you will definitely need maple leaves to be collected and dried. You can properly dry the leaves in two ways: arrange the leaves between the pages of the book, it is better to lay each paper with a paper towel, or arrange the leaves on sheets of paper, cover with another sheet of paper and iron with iron. In addition, you need to purchase sheets of cardboard, preferably colored, plasticine, glue, paint and brushes, scissors.

    It is important to remember that wherever a child does appliques, at home or at school, for example, if it is 1 class and the child is just learning to make crafts, it is necessary to teach the child to prepare a work place before starting work, it is best to cover the working surface with oilcloth.

    Before you begin the process of gluing leaflets, you need to think over the plot of the future picture, then select the necessary leaves and compose them according to the idea. The first is always a leaflet - the base, for example, in the hedgehog - this is the trunk, then additional leaves. Glue is better to apply to the edges of the leaf, and not to the middle, so that at the time of drying the sheet is not deformed, the finished picture can be put under the press and make a frame for it.

    Methods of making a hedgehog from maple leaves

    One way to make a hedgehog is to prepare one maple leaf, i.e., dry it, and one leaf from another tree, and from them make a silhouette. To do this, it is necessary to paste a maple leaf on the cardboard( preferably green), thereby creating both a trunk and needles, then cut out the muzzle with scissors from another leaf and paste. Next, with the help of paints, you can draw a nose, eyes, mouth and complete the composition, finishing the apples and grass. The results of the work are shown in the photo.

    To make the executed hedgehog from dry leaves looked more colorful, it is possible to make a trunk and spines from several colored leaves of a maple. To do this, you need to draw a contour of a hedgehog on a sheet of colored cardboard with a simple pencil. On the part where the contours of the trunk are drawn, glue maple leaves should be glued. On the part where the muzzle is drawn, you can paste another leaflet or simply outline the outlines with a felt-tip pen.

    Completed application of autumn leaves Hedgehog looks great if both the trunk and the muzzle are made from the leaves of the maple tree. It is advisable to pick up for the muzzle a leaf that is different in color from the leaves from which the trunk is made. First, on a sheet of cardboard you need to paste this leaf, then the leaves prepared for the trunk and needles. Spout, glazik and mouth can either be dorisovat, or cut out of cardboard, or molded from plasticine. You can also make an apple and grass.

    Master classes with step-by-step instruction for making an applique with a hedgehog image

    This article will show videos in which needlewomen will tell you which leaves you can make appliqués with a hedgehog image, how to properly implement the appliqués and will show the options for the finished works.