  • The main symptoms of brain atrophy and the causes

    Brain atrophy is a pathological process in which the death of its cells, neural connections and neural structures is gradually occurring. The process can affect the cortex and some subcortical formations.

    Most often, this phenomenon is observed in the elderly, as with age, the volume and weight of the brain begins to decrease. The process occurs mainly in women after 55 years. Sometimes cases of such atrophy occur in newborns, but they usually take a heavy toll and lead to early death.

    Why there is atrophy of the brain

    Many experts believe that brain atrophy is hereditary. In other words, the disease is caused by a genetic predisposition. All other reasons are either aggravating this process, or serve as a trigger mechanism. Among them, it should be noted:

    • chronic intoxication, including alcohol;
    • radiation
    • ischemic changes in vessels in atherosclerosis;
    • severe anemia;
    • injury;
    • acute or chronic infectious diseases with brain damage.

    In fact, secondary causes are rather conditional and are only detected in 1 patient out of 20 with this kind of diagnosis.

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    Signs of brain atrophy

    Symptoms of brain atrophy largely depend on the extent of the lesion. Development of the clinical picture occurs in stages:

    1. Brain atrophy 1 degree. The weakest symptomatology is observed during this period, sometimes it passes asymptomatically. There is a slow progression of the pathological condition.
    2. At the second stage, the patient's personality changes. He becomes conflicted, ceases to catch the essence of the conversation, inadequately responds to criticism in his address. So there is an atrophy of a brain of 2 degrees.
    3. In the third stage, the patient loses even more control over himself. Suddenly there is an unmotivated aggression or a depressed state. Behavior becomes unbearable for others.
    4. Progression of the state in the fourth stage leads to the fact that the patient ceases to understand the meaning of what is happening, does not go into contact and does not understand. When to it address.
    5. The last stage of atrophy is characterized by complete disconnection of the person from the surrounding life and the lack of an emotional component.

    In some patients with brain atrophy and circulatory disorders, destructive changes in the temporal muscle can occur, which can serve as a diagnostic sign of the disease.

    Symptomatology may also differ depending on the localization of the lesion. With violations in the cortex, there is a change in the tone and tone of the voice, the ability to think analytically, memory impairment, down to total loss, problems with fine motor skills.

    If the function of the subcortical structures is disturbed, the following is observed:

    • If the medulla oblongata is affected, there are problems of breathing, digestion, and cardiovascular work.
    • Atrophy of the cerebellum leads to the development of ataxia( impaired coordination), a decrease in muscle tone. The least is the intellectual ability of a person.
    • The defeat of the middle brain leads to disturbances in metabolic processes and thermoregulation.
    • The forebrain atrophy disconnects or dramatically reduces the reflex response

    Mixed atrophy, depending on its location and spreading process, affects life-supporting functions, and even when hospitalized and taken urgent measures, they are injected with death. Fortunately, such changes are extremely rare.

    Clinical varieties of atrophy

    Destructive changes in temporal and frontal lobe give a definite symptom complex, which is defined by clinicians as Pick's disease. He develops at the age of about 54 years and is characterized by inadequate and obscene behavior of the patient. First of all, personal changes take the first place in this disease. Violated speech, the patient can repeat the same phrase many times.

    In comparison with Alzheimer's disease, the process of degradation and atrophy proceeds more malignantly. Dementia and death occur within 6 years from the onset of the development of the first symptoms. Differential diagnosis is based on the prevalence of clinical signs, as well as in the presence of close relatives in the family with the same diagnosis. It is inherited by autosomal dominant type.

    Alzheimer's disease develops less rapidly, and with it the memory function primarily suffers. The formation of other disorders occurs as the disease develops. The patient's life expectancy depends on the age at which the first signs of the disease began.

    Dystrophy of the brain can lead to other neurological pathologies - Parkinson's disease and Huntington's chorea. The first pathology begins development after 50 years, and the second - about 45.

    These diseases characterize the development of ataxia, manifesting itself in varying degrees. Mental abnormalities manifest themselves after many years from the beginning of the first signs. Many experts believe that this is due not to the death of neural connections and cortical structures, but to the social withdrawal of such patients.


    The most objective technique, which reliably indicates a dystrophic brain lesion, is MRI.If for some reason it can not be done, then the doctor puts the diagnosis on the basis of a series of cognitive tests.

    Types of care for brain atrophy

    Treatment of brain destruction is only symptomatic, and is aimed at maximizing the patient's life. The main task at the same time is to keep the patient calm and keep it in the usual conditions. He must live at home and have a certain range of responsibilities. The main thing is to surround him with care and attention.

    Practice shows that finding an elderly person in a hospital makes death much faster.

    For the control of the nervous condition, doctors recommend the administration of a number of drugs - neuroleptics, tranquilizers, antidepressants. To improve the general condition and prolong active life can help nootropic drugs and B vitamins. A good effect is provided by substances to improve metabolism in the cellular structures of the brain.

    This patient is categorically contraindicated to sleep during the day. He must constantly be something to occupy and be in motion.

    Prevention of

    There are no specific preventive measures for this condition. It is necessary to conduct life in motion, to eliminate timely provoking factors, to develop positive thinking.

    Specialists have been noticed that, by themselves, are cheerful and active, they keep sound thinking to their deaths. Signs of cerebral atrophy in most cases are not observed in people of mental labor, if they continue to train memory and thinking.

    An important aspect is the timely access to a doctor for the occurrence of even the most minor violations.

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