
Athetosis, as a defeat of the structures of the central nervous system

  • Athetosis, as a defeat of the structures of the central nervous system

    Athetosis is a hyperkinesis of extrapyramidal origin. It occupies the middle position between such types of pathological involuntary muscle contractions as dystonia and chorea.

    Characteristic features of athetosis

    Typical features of manifestation of athetosis are constant slow motion in the distal parts of the limbs, as well as heads, faces( the appearance of frizzy make-up, mismatch of the mouth) or tongue. This is less common for the trunk or proximal parts of the arms and legs. The process can include all muscle groups - agonists and antagonists. Some fingers of the hand may bend, while others flex. The sequence of such movements is absent.

    The degree of cramping can vary, manifested in different muscle groups. Movements of this kind are similar to "floating" or "worm-like".With athetosis, contractions often occur due to the constant variability of muscle tone( the decrease alternates with the increase).This is called "rolling spasm".

    Attempts of active movement or excitement intensify the manifestation of athetosis, and in a calm state and during the night rest it noticeably weakens.

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    If the muscles of the mouth or the tongue are involved in the process, speech is disturbed. Occasionally, only one, a certain group of muscles is involved in the process.

    At what infringements the disease is formed

    The disease arises as a sign of subcortical paralysis and is most often found in people with disturbances in the area of ​​the striatum. The causes of atherosis development can be various traumatic injuries or pronounced inflammatory processes. In childhood, it is observed with encephalopathies or encephalitis.

    Athetosis is one-sided is a symptom, but there is also a well-studied self-contained nosological unit, such as double athetosis. This pathology, as well as hemiathetosis, occurs against the background of damage to subcortical structures. Sporadically it is found in children of premature or born asphyxia in childbirth.

    Usually, symptoms of double athetosis do not increase, and by the age of 15 can be significantly leveled, however, as a rule, complete recovery does not occur. The theory of the hereditary effect of the development of the disease has not yet been proved. With normal care, the prognosis for life expectancy is usually favorable.

    Paralysis with double athetosis is not present, but the kid does not hold the head and trunk badly, does not control the movement of the hands, he has difficulty in trying to walk because of muscle weakness. Sensitivity usually does not change. Sometimes the disease is accompanied by spastic diplegia. Mental disorders are rare. Some experts consider this deviation as a kind of cerebral palsy.

    The expressed clinical picture of double athetosis can be accompanied by mental retardation, epileptic seizures, deterioration or loss of hearing, signs of a change in the functions of the cerebellum.

    If such a child with a large delay can walk, then he has an incorrect setting of the feet, tonic contractions of the pelvic muscles and the shoulder girdle, turns in different directions of the neck and trunk.

    The reasons for the occurrence of athetosis can be as follows:

    • Congenital pathology of subcortical structures. In this case, there is no athetosis in its pure form, other neurological disorders and hyperkinesias join this symptom.
    • Trauma in childbirth. Dystrophic changes occur when the part of the brain tissue is compressed by hematoma.
    • Toxic effect of bilirubin in nuclear jaundice in newborns.
    • Strokes. In the ischemic variant, parts of the brain die due to a disturbed diet, and hemorrhagic stroke acts in two ways - against the background of altered trophism, there is also a squeezing as a result of the formation of a hematoma.
    • The most rare causes are certain brain diseases, for example, neurosyphilis, as well as tumor processes, toxic effects of drugs or poisoning substances, autoimmune diseases.

    Diagnosis and therapy of athetosis

    To establish the diagnosis, it is necessary to differentiate atherosis and athetoid hyperkinesis in newborns, which occurs as a result of hydrocephalus or cerebral palsy.

    sometimes worm-like jerky movements may occur in disorders of the structures of the thalamus or parietal cortex, but they are accompanied by profound changes in the sensitivity and appear only in the absence of visual control( when the patient closes his eyes and in the dark).

    Surveys to confirm the diagnosis are appointed by the doctor. The patient undergoes encephalography, CT, MRI.

    The possibilities of drug correction of this condition are rather limited. Many drugs have more side effects than real relief. For treatment sometimes sedatives are used, in more severe cases, antipsychotics and anxiolytics or centrally acting anticholinergics.

    In some studies, cases of positive dynamics with levodopa have been confirmed. basic assistance is to teach children to self-care( for mild athetosis) and instilling basic skills work.

    significant relief may bring a class physical therapy, vitamin therapy, prolonged intake of glutamic acid( particularly relevant in the application of children with intellectual disabilities).When epileptic seizures occur, anticonvulsants are used.

    On the effectiveness of stereotactic surgery, the opinions of specialists are divided. Some believe such tactics as possible, but there is a saying that the result may do more harm than good. This is expressed in the possible development of pseudobulbar disorders with speech changes and swallowing disorders.

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