
Toys for cats themselves: a master class, as well as interesting photos and videos

  • Toys for cats themselves: a master class, as well as interesting photos and videos

    We make toys for cats by our own hands: examples and master classes for making game complexes, as well as simple toys

    In the paws of a kitten, even the most common thing becomes a toy. Depending on the type of object, it can be chewed, chased on the floor or just torn. Even if the school pussy does not find anything, your own tail will be an excellent entertainment. Especially caring owners master for toys with their own hands, because this is a great way to save money and make a unique product.

    What do cats like?

    1. Boxes

    All cats are just delighted with boxes! They like to climb inside and there to lie in wait until someone's feet pass by. From a cardboard or boxes it is possible to do different designs and to hang to them the most ordinary bows from a paper. Here are some interesting examples of structures covered with cloth.

    Photo of the "polygon" made of wood.

    The most interesting thing is that when a cat grows out of a favorite box, it still tries to get through it and sometimes it just breaks it with its dimensions.

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    You can make a box with holes. The last cut at such a distance that there was not for the paws of the "dead zone".Run there balls, a handful of fodder or fluffy mice and the cat for a while will stop screwing circles around the apartment.


    packages Many housewives observed a special love of kittens for packages. Very much they like to check their contents. Especially there is a funny spectacle of the game with a package, in which until recently lay the sausage.

    3. Mirror

    When the kittens are still small, it's very interesting for them to play with their reflection. They do not understand where the pussy comes from and where it goes.

    4. Pencils

    They are suspended on ropes or simply given to roll on the floor.

    5. Balls, bottles from bottles

    Flips and jumps of a kitten with a ball deliver fun not only to kittens, but also to observers.

    6. Foil, newspaper, rustling paper

    Of them make bows on strings and hang. With the help of such homemade children love to play with cats in catch-up.

    7. Mouse

    To sew it will need a little artificial fur and catnip. Sew it very easy: cut two pieces of fur somewhere 10 × 10 cm, sew the wrong side, turn it out and stuff it with mint. Make a tail. If there is a desire, you can sew on eyes, nose and even tie a ribbon around your neck, although the kitten will appreciate the work of your beloved master.


    toy toys Plastic eggs from chocolate eggs, filled with croup, easily roll around the floor with a noise effect that attracts the attention of the kitten. Hanging bells also will not leave the mischievous person indifferent.

    Game "complex" of water pipes

    To design the model, you will need:

    • corners of drain pipes 4 pcs.;
    • drill with a nozzle for large holes;
    • plastic eggs or balls.

    Below is how to make a toy for the cat.

    Connect the angles to each other in a closed ring.

    Make drill holes in any order. Only from above they should be more in diameter, so that it would be easy to fall asleep and pour out the balls.

    It turns out so:

    The edges of the holes are aligned with a knife. Pour the balls into the tube. Now give the opportunity to pussy to evaluate the game arena.

    Be sure to check out the video.

    Ball of foil

    To make such a toy, it will take only a few minutes. Take foil, a small ball and yarn.

    Let's see pictures of the master class.

    Wind the yarn on the ball so it is not visible.

    Leave the end of the length that is convenient for suspension and fasten it so that the ball does not unwind. Foil to wrap a ball.

    Interactive toys

    How to make interactive toys for cats, see below.

    A few more interesting videos on the topic:

    To fluffy shalunishki not hung on the curtains and do not climb the cabinets, for many owners of toys will be just saving the order in the house.

    In the paws of a kitten, even the most common thing becomes a toy. Depending on the type of object, it can be chewed, chased on the floor or just torn. Even if the school pussy does not find anything, your own tail will be an excellent entertainment. Especially caring owners master for for cats toys with their own hands, because this is a great way to save money, and make a unique product.

    What do cats like?

    1. Boxes

    All cats are just thrilled with boxes! They like to climb inside and there to lie in wait until someone's feet pass by. From a cardboard or boxes it is possible to do different designs and to hang to them the most ordinary bows from a paper. Here are some interesting examples of structures covered with cloth.

    Photo of the "polygon" made of wood.

    The most interesting is that when a cat grows out of a favorite box, it still tries to get through it and sometimes it just breaks it with its dimensions.

    You can make a box with holes. The last cut at such a distance that there was not for the paws of the "dead zone".Run there balls, a handful of fodder or fluffy mice and the cat for a while will stop screwing circles around the apartment.

    2. Packages

    Many housewives observed a special love of kittens for packages. Very much they like to check their contents. Especially there is a funny spectacle of the game with a package, in which until recently lay the sausage.

    3. Mirror

    When the kittens are still small, it is very interesting to play with their reflection. They do not understand where the pussy comes from and where it goes.

    4. Pencils

    They are hung on ropes or simply given to ride on the floor.

    5. Balls, bottles from bottles

    Tumbling and jumping kitten with a ball deliver fun not only to the kittens, but also to the observers.

    6. Foil, newspaper, rustling paper

    Of them make bows on strings and hang. With the help of such homemade children love to play with cats in catch-up.

    7. Mouse

    To sew it will need a little artificial fur and catnip. Sew it very easy: cut two pieces of fur somewhere 10 × 10 cm, sew the wrong side, turn it out and stuff it with mint. Make a tail. If there is a desire, you can sew on eyes, nose and even tie a ribbon around your neck, although the kitten will appreciate the work of your beloved master.

    8. Toys - thresher

    Plastic eggs from chocolate eggs, filled with croup, easily roll on the floor with a noise effect that attracts the attention of the kitten. Hanging bells also will not leave the mischievous person indifferent.

    Game "complex" of water pipes

    To design the model, you will need:

    • corners of drain pipes 4 pcs.;
    • drill with a nozzle for large holes;
    • plastic eggs or balls.

    Below is how to make a toy for the cat.

    Connect the corners to each other in a closed ring.

    Make drills in any order. Only from above they should be more in diameter, so that it would be easy to fall asleep and pour out the balls.

    It turns out so:

    The edges of the holes align with a knife. Pour the balls into the tube. Now give the opportunity to pussy to evaluate the game arena.

    Be sure to check out the video.

    Ball of foil

    To make such a toy, it will take only a few minutes. Take foil, a small ball and yarn.

    Let's see pictures of the master class.

    Wrap the yarn on the ball so it is not visible.

    Leave the end of the length that is convenient for suspension and fasten it so that the ball does not unwind. Foil to wrap a ball.

    Interactive toys

    How to make interactive toys for cats, see below.

    A few more interesting videos on the topic:

    To fluffy shalunishki not hung on the curtains and did not climb the cabinets, for many owners of toys will become just the salvation of order in the house.