
Unpleasant odor from the mouth - Causes, symptoms and treatment. MF.

  • Unpleasant odor from the mouth - Causes, symptoms and treatment. MF.

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    Bad smell from the mouth is caused, as a rule, by a disease of the digestive organs( stomach, liver, intestines, teeth and mouth).

    This is the result of a disease known also as "halitosis".This problem is by no means insoluble. Methods of its treatment are usually very simple and effective - you just need to correctly recognize the main cause of the appearance of an unpleasant odor. In most cases, it occurs due to the accumulation in the mouth of a person - in the tongue, around the teeth and between the teeth - a large number of anaerobic bacteria.

    Do you have an unpleasant odor from your mouth? Of course, under certain circumstances, each of us may have an unpleasant smell from the mouth - and we ourselves will be able to learn more about this only from the reactions of people around us. To determine if you have an unpleasant odor from your mouth is often difficult, primarily because the oral cavity, the source of all these odors, is connected to the nose with a hole in the back of the mouth, in the soft palate. And since the nose "filters" the smells that arise in the posterior region of the mouth, it also filters this most unpleasant odor. That is, you, quite possibly, have this smell from the mouth - but you yourself do not know about it.
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    Even if our own noses can not help us with confidence to determine how our breath smells - can we still find out about this? One way is to get an opinion on this from one of your next of kin. You can also apply with the same request to a close friend, or to your dentist at the next visit to him. If this question seems too personal to you and you are afraid to "trust" his adult people, do not be embarrassed and ask your children about it. As we well know, it is often their mouth that speaks the truth.

    Is it possible to determine how your breath smells?

    Such methods are also known. For example, lick your wrist, let the saliva dry for about five seconds, and then sniff it. Well, how? That's about how you smell. Or, to be precise, the front part of your tongue smells so.

    Now try to figure out how the back of your tongue smells. Take a spoon, turn it over, and scratch the farthest part of the tongue.(Do not be surprised if you start to choke).Look at the substance left on the spoon, which you scraped off the tongue, usually it is dense and whitish. Now smell it. This is the smell of your breath( unlike the smell of the front of the tongue), most likely, feel the surrounding.

    The main reason for the unpleasant odor of

    Now you know that in most cases the source of bad breath is a white substance covering the back of the tongue. Or, to be more precise, bacteria that live in this white substance.(There is another, also very common cause of an unpleasant smell - bacteria that accumulate in other areas of the mouth).

    What conditions or circumstances can cause or enhance an unpleasant odor?
    Many of these factors are somehow related to:

    - Bacteria of the oral cavity.

    - Conditions that stimulate the growth of these bacteria.

    - Poor cleaning of areas where bacteria accumulate.

    Can food cause unpleasant odors?

    Some foods have a long-standing fame of guilty odors, such as onions or garlic. When digesting food products, the molecules that make up them are absorbed by our body and then the blood flow is removed from it.

    Some of these molecules, which have very characteristic and unpleasant odors, along with the flow of blood, enter our lungs. From the lungs, they are excreted when exhaled - hence the unpleasant odor. Although the unpleasant smell of this kind - the problem is rather annoying, on these pages we will not discuss it in detail. An unpleasant smell caused by the use of certain foods, usually disappears by itself in a day or two - as soon as the body displays all the "foul-smelling" molecules. And get rid of this smell is simple enough - you just need to exclude from your diet such products or reduce their use to a minimum.

    Does smoking contribute to the formation of an unpleasant smell?

    You most certainly had to meet with heavily smoking people whose breath has a specific smell. Although many factors influence the formation of an unpleasant odor associated with smoking, the main ones are nicotine, tar and other foul-smelling substances contained in tobacco smoke. These substances accumulate on the teeth and soft tissues of the mouth of the smoker - the gums, the buccal tissue, the tongue. And again, we will make a reservation - we will not discuss this unpleasant smell in detail on these pages. The only way to completely get rid of this smell is to stop smoking( although if you improve the hygiene of the mouth, this smell can be somewhat weakened).Note also that smoking itself dehydrates the tissues of the mouth. This weakens the moisturizing and disinfecting effect of saliva, which cleanses the bacteria and the products of their vital activity. Dry mouth is discussed in more detail below. It is known that smokers often have problems associated with periodontal disease( "gum disease").

    Periodontal disease also occurs due to the activity of bacteria. Gum disease and its association with an unpleasant odor are discussed in more detail below.

    Does xerostomia( dry mouth) contribute to the development of an unpleasant odor?

    Even if you do not have specific problems associated with an unpleasant odor, you nevertheless certainly noticed that in the morning when you just woke up, your breathing is much less fresh. This is due to the fact that at night our mouth "dries up" - because during sleep our body produces saliva in less quantity. The result of this drying is the "morning breath".A similar "drying effect" is often noticed in oneself, for example, by teachers or lawyers, who have to speak for several hours, because of this the mouth also dries up. Some people suffer from chronic dry mouth - this disease is called "xerostomia."They are even more difficult to solve problems with fresh breath. The moisture in our mouths helps to cleanse. We constantly swallow saliva - and with each gulp from the mouth millions of bacteria are washed out, as well as the food particles that these bacteria feed on. In addition, the saliva dissolves and rinses the waste products of the bacteria that live in the mouth.

    Saliva is a special form of mouth moisturizing fluid, a kind of natural cleanser for the mouth. Cleansing and dissolving effects can be caused by any moisture;Saliva, moreover, contains special components that kill bacteria and neutralize the products of their vital functions. With the drying out of the mouth, the saliva's beneficial effect is greatly reduced. Neutralization of bacteria slows down, and conditions for their growth improve.

    Chronic mouth drying - xerostomia - may be a side effect of taking certain medications. Xerostomia can cause antihistamines( drugs for allergies and colds), antidepressants, drugs that regulate blood pressure, diuretics, tranquilizers, narcotic substances. With age, dry mouth can become worse. Over time, our salivary glands stop working with the same efficiency, and the composition of saliva changes. This leads to the fact that the cleansing properties of saliva weakens. People suffering from xerostomia for a long time often have periodontal disease( gum disease).Disease gums can also be the cause of an unpleasant odor.

    Can periodontal disease cause an unpleasant odor?

    Periodontal diseases, which are commonly referred to simply as "gum disease" can also be the cause of bad breath. Ask any dentist - the smell of gum disease is very specific, and an experienced doctor can determine the presence of such a disease even before the patient's examination begins. Periodontal diseases are the second most common cause of bad breath( the first, as you remember, is the accumulation of bacteria).Most often they occur in people older than 35 years - that is, the older a person is, the more likely that problems with fresh breathing are caused by the condition of his gums. Periodontal disease - bacterial infection of soft tissues surrounding the teeth. If such a disease is started, it can lead to serious damage to the bone, into which our teeth are inserted. Often, if the disease progresses, gaps form between the teeth and gums( dentists call them "periodontal pockets"), in which a large number of bacteria accumulate. These pockets are so deep that it is difficult to properly clean them;The bacteria accumulating in them and the products of their vital activity also cause an unpleasant odor.

    Can a respiratory disease cause an unpleasant odor?

    Of course, it can. Diseases of the upper respiratory tract, allergies - all these diseases lead to the fact that the mucus discharge begins to flow from the nasal cavity into the oral cavity, through the hole in the soft palate. The accumulation of these secretions in the mouth can also cause an unpleasant odor.

    In people suffering from sinus disease, the nose often becomes embedded, which forces them to breathe with their mouths. Breathing through the mouth contributes to its drying, which, as we already know, also causes an unpleasant smell. When sinus disease is often taken antihistamine( antiallergic) drugs, which also contribute to the drying out of the mouth.

    What dental conditions can cause an unpleasant smell?
    In most cases, the appearance of an unpleasant odor in the mouth is associated with various diseases of the oral cavity itself. Any active infection in the mouth, associated, for example, with an abscess of the tooth or a partially erupted tooth of wisdom, can cause an unpleasant odor. Extensive untreated carious cavities on the teeth can accumulate a large number of bacteria and food residues, which also cause an unpleasant odor. If you have such a disease, when examined, your dentist will definitely identify them and offer effective methods of treatment.

    Can other unpleasant diseases cause an unpleasant smell?

    Some diseases of the internal organs can also cause an unpleasant odor, although its more frequent cause is the accumulation of bacteria in the mouth. If the patient has tried all the usual ways of eliminating an unpleasant smell in such cases, but they did not lead to anything - then the visit to the therapist does not interfere. Your doctor, of course, knows which diseases are most likely in your case;but, for general information - unpleasant odor from the mouth can occur with diseases of the respiratory tract, liver, kidneys, gastrointestinal diseases.

    Can dentures cause an unpleasant smell?

    Dentures( full, partial, removable, etc.) can have a significant impact on the freshness of your breathing. If you wear any dental prosthesis, you can conduct a simple test that will show if your denture contributes to an unpleasant smell:

    Remove your dentures and place them in a closed container, for example, a plastic lunch box. Close it tight and leave it for five minutes. Then open it up and sniff it. Approximately such a smell from your mouth and feel the people with whom you speak.

    Although in most cases, the appearance of bad breath is associated with the accumulation of bacteria in the tongue, teeth or around them( periodontal disease), bacteria can accumulate on the surface of dentures - and this also causes an unpleasant odor.

    What is really the main cause of the unpleasant smell?

    In most cases, the appearance of bad breath from the mouth is associated with the state of the mouth. Namely - an unpleasant smell is usually caused by the bacteria that live in it. Bacteria, like humans, consume food throughout life and allocate its waste. Wastes from the life of certain bacteria are sulfur compounds, and they are the cause of an unpleasant odor. Remember how the rotten egg smells? This smell is also caused by the formation in the egg of a sulfur compound - hydrogen sulphide. The characteristic smell of compost heaps or farmyards also owes its "fragrance" to the presence of a sulfur compound - methyl mercaptan. And both these compounds secrete bacteria living in our mouths. These substances are collectively referred to as "volatile sulfur compounds"( LCS).The term "volatile" means that these substances evaporate rapidly, even at normal temperatures. The "volatility" of these compounds explains their ability to quickly penetrate, so to speak, into the noses of the people around us. Although these substances mainly form an unpleasant odor from the mouth, bacteria.living in the oral cavity, and other products that have a very unpleasant odor. Here are some of them:

    - Kadavrin - a substance that forms a characteristic cadaveric odor.

    - Putrescine - forming a stench when decaying meat.

    - Scatol - the main constituent of the smell of human feces.

    You probably will be surprised to learn that in the ordinary human mouth there can be such a "bouquet" of unpleasant odors - but this is so, and there are no exceptions, unfortunately. Each person has, in varying degrees, in his breath these, if I may say so, fragrances. Fortunately, human smell does not catch these smells if their concentration in the breath is low. Only when it rises, the same characteristic unpleasant odor is formed.

    What kinds of bacteria cause an unpleasant odor?

    Most chemical compounds that cause an unpleasant odor( hydrogen sulphide, methyl mercaptan, cadavrin, putrescine, scatol) are anaerobic bacteria( their more accurate name is gram-negative anaerobes).The term "anaerobic" means that they live best and multiply in places where there is no oxygen. In our mouths there is a constant struggle for the living space between the bacteria that produce odor-producing products and other bacteria that do not. The freshness of our respiration is determined, in fact, by the degree of equilibrium in the presence of both of these bacteria. The accumulation of plaque( a white film that is formed on the tongue and teeth - on the gumline and below) can change this balance in favor of bacteria that produce an unpleasant odor. Imagine - a layer of plaque that is only one or two tenths of a millimeter thick( that is, about a bill of money thick) already does not contain oxygen at all - that is, there is no better place for bacteria to be found. Therefore, as the raid accumulates, it is inhabited by more bacteria that form an unpleasant smell - which means that each of our exhalations contains more and more compounds released by these bacteria.

    What do anaerobic bacteria produce that produce an unpleasant odor?

    Most of the badly smelling substances that form an unpleasant odor from the mouth, bacteria are isolated after consumption of proteins. That is, when we eat foods like meat or fish, we get our share of food and bacteria living in our mouth. And what they give out after eating, and there are those same compounds.which cause an unpleasant odor. Anaerobic bacteria will find proteins - their favorite food - in anything, even in a cheeseburger you've eaten. In addition, in our mouths there is always "natural" protein food for them - for example, dead skin cells, or numerous protein components contained in saliva. If you do not regularly use a toothbrush and thread, a real feast is formed in your mouth for bacteria - the remains of food from today's breakfast, yesterday's dinner, the day before yesterday's dinner. ..

    What foods contain the most protein?

    Meat, fish and seafood, eggs, dairy products( milk, cheeses and yoghurts) - in all these products of protein is very much. Most people get about two-thirds of the necessary proteins from them. Other sources of protein are cereals and their products, nuts, and pods( peas, beans and lentils).Ingredients that make up many of our favorite desserts( for example, cakes and pies), turn these delicious dishes into real protein stores.

    Where do bacteria that cause an unpleasant odor live?

    In most cases these bacteria accumulate in the language, but they have many other "habitats".


    Remember the "experiment", which we recommended you do at the beginning of this section. Although the smell formed in the anterior area of ​​our tongue, and may not be the most pleasant, it is usually not the main source of problems with fresh breath. The main "component" of an unpleasant odor is formed in the back area of ​​the tongue. Approach the mirror, stick out the tongue and carefully consider it. You will surely see a whitish coating on its surface. Closer to the posterior region of the tongue, this plaque becomes more dense. The number of bacteria that accumulate in the human language depends on the texture of its surface. In people whose tongue surface has more folds, grooves and grooves, this amount will be greater than in people with a smoother surface of the tongue. In order to create a favorable environment for the life of bacteria in the white layer in the language - i.e.deprived of oxygen - this layer can have a thickness of only one to two tenths of a millimeter. Such an "oxygen-free" medium is also called "anaerobic";it is in it that bacteria live and breed best. Studies have shown that the number of bacteria in human language directly depends on the thickness of the white layer covering it. And as you can guess, it is the number of bacteria that determines the freshness of your breath: the fewer, the fresh it is.

    Periodontal sources

    Bacteria that cause an unpleasant smell are quite comfortable in other areas of the oral cavity besides the tongue. Maybe you noticed that during the cleaning of teeth with a thread, an unpleasant smell sometimes also appears. And perhaps, this smell becomes more tangible when you start brushing between the back teeth. In the intervals between the teeth, bacteria that form an unpleasant smell also find shelter. These areas of dentists are called "periodontal"( "the steam" means "about", and "dont" - "tooth").Even in a more or less healthy mouth, bacteria can find an oxygen deprived( anaerobic) environment, for example, under the gum line, around and between the teeth. And in people suffering from periodontal diseases( "gum disease"), the number of such anaerobic "corners" multiplies many times. Periodontal disease often leads to damage to the bone that surrounds the teeth. This, in turn, leads to the formation of depressions between the teeth and gums( dentists call them "periodontal pockets").These pockets are usually very difficult or impossible to clean, and they become the ideal anaerobic environment in which bacteria that cause an unpleasant smell live and breed.

    How to get rid of an unpleasant smell?

    Since the main source of bad breath is foul-smelling bacteria( volatile sulfur compounds), the main way to get rid of them is to clean the oral cavity so that:

    - De-nutrient bacteria.

    - Reduce the number of bacteria already accumulated in the mouth.

    - Weaken the anaerobic environment in which bacteria live and reproduce.

    - Do not allow the formation of new breeding grounds for bacteria.

    In addition, it is possible to use cleaners that impair the activity of odorous volatile sulfur compounds.

    How to deprive bacteria of nutrients?

    As you remember, the main source of bad breath is the foul-smelling waste of the bacteria that they secrete when digesting proteins. Therefore, people who adhere to vegetarian food( consisting mainly of fruits and vegetables) are less likely to have trouble breathing freshly than those who consume a lot of protein foods - for example, meat. In addition, it is very important to cleanse the mouth in a timely and proper way - especially after consuming protein-rich foods. After the end of breakfast, lunch or dinner in our mouths remain the smallest food particles that get stuck between the teeth, and also settle in a white raid on the back of the tongue. And since it is in these places that anaerobic bacteria that cause an unpleasant smell accumulate, then, without cleaning your mouth properly after ingestion, you will provide them with a sufficient amount of nutrients for a long time.

    To get rid of an unpleasant odor, you need to clean the teeth and gums
    Bacteria that produce foods that form bad breath, also live in dental plaque, which accumulates on the teeth and on the gum line. In order to reduce this plaque, to prevent its further accumulation and to remove food debris that "linger" in the mouth and serve as a food for bacteria, it is necessary to thoroughly clean teeth and gums with a toothbrush and floss. About the dental floss, let us remind you again. If you do not scrub carefully and daily the gaps between the teeth, where the toothbrush can not penetrate, it is unlikely to be able to part with an unpleasant odor from the mouth.

    Visit your dentist

    If after all the measures taken, the smell does not disappear from the mouth - call and make an appointment with your dentist, where you can not only discuss the problem in detail, but also carry out the necessary procedures for cleaning up your mouth. This may be the best solution, because:

    1) Not all people know how to use dental floss and tooth flap most effectively. After examining your mouth, the doctor will teach you the necessary techniques.

    2) Effective cleaning of teeth can interfere with the tartar that has grown on them. Your dentist will remove it.

    3) If you have signs of periodontal disease( "gum disease"), the doctor will identify them and give you appropriate treatment. Periodontal disease can seriously damage your teeth and the surrounding bone. In this case, between the teeth and gums, deep "pockets" are formed in which bacteria accumulate, and it is so deep that it is difficult or even impossible to clean them.

    4) During the examination, your doctor will identify - if any - other untreated illnesses that may aggravate an unpleasant odor.

    5) If your doctor seems unlikely.that these diseases are the cause of an unpleasant smell, he will suggest you make an appointment with a therapist and give appropriate explanations.


    language needs to be thoroughly cleaned. Since most people tend to ignore this procedure, try to make it part of your daily oral care. Very often, the use of this method alone - without additional measures - helps to remove the unpleasant odor. Remember again the "experiment", which we recommended you to do at the beginning of this section. Then we found that the front of the tongue has a less unpleasant odor than the back. This is because the front area of ​​the tongue is constantly self-cleaning - and therefore less anaerobic bacteria accumulate on it. In the process of the movement of the tongue, its front part constantly rubs against the hard sky - and purification takes place.preventing the accumulation of bacteria. Unlike the front, the back of the tongue touches only with the soft sky during its movement. At the same time, effective cleaning is not obtained. Therefore, the bacteria that cause an unpleasant smell accumulate mainly on the back of the tongue, and therefore this area needs periodic cleaning.

    How to clean the language? In order to clean the back of the tongue, there are several ways, but they all have the same goal - to remove the bacteria and food residues that accumulate in this area. When cleaning the tongue - no matter what method you use - you should try to penetrate as far as possible to clear as much of its surface area as possible. If you start to choke - do not be surprised. This is a natural reaction, but over time this reflex should weaken.

    How to clean the tongue with a toothbrush or a special brush.

    To clean the tongue surface, you can use a toothbrush or a special brush to clean the tongue. Begin cleaning from the farthest areas you can reach, then gradually shift the brush movements( directed toward the front) to the front area of ​​the tongue. Movements should be made with some pressure on the surface of the tongue - but, of course, not too strong to not cause irritation. For more effective cleaning of your tongue, you can use toothpaste - because it contains the same ingredients as in mouth-cleaning liquids. You can find out more about this on the page devoted to cleaners for the oral cavity. Pastes, neutralizing volatile sulfur compounds. Since it is the LSS that causes an unpleasant odor, toothpastes containing neutralizing LSS, such as chlorine dioxide or zinc, improve the freshness of your breathing.

    Pastes with antibacterial properties

    If the paste you are using contains antibacterial substances - for example, chlorine dioxide or cetylpyridone chloride - when cleaning the tongue, you can "expel" and destroy anaerobic bacteria.

    Although cleaning the tongue with a toothbrush can bring quite satisfactory results, many people prefer to use a special spoon to scrape the tongue, believing this method is more effective. Some patients argue that less pressure is applied to scraping a tongue with a spoon than when cleaning it with a toothbrush or a special brush. In order to test your reaction to this method, you can conduct a simple experiment. Take in the kitchen an ordinary spoon( preferably a tea room, than a dining room), turn it over and try to scrape her tongue. To do this, touch the back of the tongue with a spoon, gently press it and pull forward. Do this carefully, but without effort. Do not scrub too hard - this can cause irritation to the surface of the tongue. If scraping as a method does not raise objections to you, buy a special spoon designed for this purpose in the pharmacy. It is quite possible that she will clean out the language more effectively than a teaspoonful.

    What kind of liquid mouth cleaners can help get rid of an unpleasant smell?
    Liquid mouthwash, if used along with regular and effective cleaning of the tongue, cleaning the teeth with a brush and thread, can also help a lot in getting rid of an unpleasant odor. Do not just rely on the conditioner and neglect the rest of the measures listed. The ability of a liquid rinse effectively to combat an unpleasant odor from the mouth is associated with some of its properties, namely:

    A) Antibacterial properties. If the rinse aid has the ability to kill bacteria, it can help reduce the amount of anaerobic bacteria in the mouth. Since these bacteria release volatile sulfur compounds, which in turn form an unpleasant odor from the mouth, the less these bacteria will be in the mouth, the better.

    B) The ability to neutralize volatile sulfur compounds. The rinsing agents include components that have the ability to neutralize volatile sulfur compounds and their constituents. As you remember, volatile sulfur compounds are foul-smelling substances, which form an unpleasant smell. If the cleaner is able to reduce their content in your breath, then it will naturally be more fresh.

    The following are some substances that have the ability to effectively neutralize an unpleasant odor. These substances, as a rule, are part of the rinsers sold in pharmacies.

    A) Rinse aid with chlorine dioxide or sodium chlorite( Antibacterial / Neutralize volatile sulfur compounds)
    Many dentists believe that softeners containing chlorine dioxide or its constituent sodium chlorite play a crucial role in neutralizing bad breath. These studies suggest that chlorine dioxide has a twofold effect:

    Chlorine dioxide is an oxidizing agent( this means that it releases oxygen).Since most bacteria that cause an unpleasant smell, anaerobic( that is, they prefer to live in places where there is no oxygen), the effect of the oxidizing agent helps to reduce their number, which, accordingly, also reduces the unpleasant odor.

    Chlorine dioxide also affects the level of volatile sulfur compounds in the mouth. It neutralizes those compounds that bacteria have already isolated, and simultaneously destroys those substances from which these compounds subsequently form. The result - the concentration of volatile sulfur compounds in the mouth drops sharply, and breathing, of course, becomes purer.

    B) Zinc Conditioners( Neutralize Volatile Sulfur Compounds)
    Studies have shown that rinsers containing zinc ions can also reduce the concentration of volatile sulfur compounds. It is suggested that this is due to the ability of zinc ions to destroy those substances from which bacteria "make" sulfur compounds.

    B) "Antiseptic" rinsing agents( Antibacterial)
    "Antiseptic" cleaners( for example, "Listerine" and its equivalents) are also considered suitable odor neutralizers. The effectiveness of these products is related to their ability to kill bacteria that produce volatile sulfur compounds. However, these compounds "antiseptic" rinsers can not destroy. Many dentists believe that "antiseptic" rinsers are not the best choice. These statements are also caused by the fact that the "antiseptic" rinsers have a high alcohol content( often about 25 percent).Alcohol is a strong desiccant( dehydrating agent), and therefore it drains the soft tissues of the mouth. And if you remember our section on xerostomia, dry mouth can be one of the causes of an unpleasant smell.

    D) Cetylpyridone chloride rinsing agents( Antibacterial)
    Cetylpyridinium chloride( cetylpyridinium chloride) is a component that is sometimes included in liquid rinses. Having antibacterial action, it helps to reduce the amount of anaerobic bacteria.

    Do mint pills, lollipops, drops, sprays and chewing gum help get rid of the unpleasant smell?

    Like liquid rinse aid, mint pills, candies, drops, sprays, chewing gum, etc.in themselves are not the most effective means of eliminating an unpleasant odor. However, if these products are used in combination with a thorough and regular cleaning of the tongue, brushing with a brush and thread, their effect can be very positive - especially if they contain substances( for example, chlorine dioxide, sodium chlorite and zinc) that can neutralize volatilesulfur compounds. In addition, mint tablets, lozenges and chewing gum stimulate the formation of saliva. And we already know that saliva cleans the mouth of bacteria and their secretions, and therefore helps to get rid of the unpleasant odor.

    How to use a liquid conditioner to achieve the greatest effect?
    Bacteria that form an unpleasant odor live both on the surface and in the depth of a white deposit that accumulates on the teeth, gums, tongue and around them. Antibacterial conditioner itself can not penetrate into the depth of this deposit, and therefore before using such a cleaner it is better to remove as much of the plaque as you normally would - scraping out the tongue, cleaning the teeth with a brush and thread. After rinsing the mouth with a conditioner after these procedures, you can remove the remaining bacteria. The rinse-aid needs not just to be put in the mouth, but how to rinse it. Before rinsing, say "ah-ah-ah" - this will allow you to stick out your tongue, so that the rinse aid gets to its back area, where just the bacteria accumulate. After rinsing, the rinse aid should be immediately spit out. This is why you should not allow children to use a conditioner - they can accidentally swallow it.

    How to clean the prosthesis

    If your dentist installed dentures in your mouth, he must explain it to you.how to properly clean them. Since bacteria accumulate on your prosthesis just like on natural teeth, on the tongue and gums, the doctor will advise you to clean your prosthesis with a conventional toothbrush or a special brush, both external and internal parts. After cleaning the prosthesis, they need to be placed in a container with antiseptic fluid( which is exactly what your dentist will advise you).

    What measures for getting rid of an unpleasant odor can I take myself?

    Drink more water
    Ironically, but consumption throughout the day in large quantities of water will also help you to ease the unpleasant odor. With a lack of water, your body will try to keep it, thereby reducing the formation of saliva, and it will less efficiently dissolve and wash off bacteria and their secretions, which form an unpleasant odor. Daily intake of water in sufficient quantities is especially important for those suffering from xerostomia( chronic drying of the mouth).

    Rinse your mouth with water
    Mouthwash with plain water will also help you to ease an unpleasant smell for a short period of time. Rinse also dissolves and rinses off the secretions of bacteria that harm the freshness of your breathing.

    Stimulate the salivary secretion of
    This will also help you to relieve the unpleasant odor. You remember that saliva cleans the mouth, dissolves and flushes the bacteria and their secretions. The simplest way to stimulate the secretion of saliva is to chew something. When chewing - whatever it is - your body seems that you are taking food, and therefore it gives a signal to increase the selection of saliva.(Saliva is a very important ingredient in the digestion of food).You can, for example, chew seeds of cloves, dill, mint or parsley. Helps salivate mint pills, chewing gum and mint candies. But: if you prefer these products, make sure that they do not have sugar. Sugar contributes to the growth of those bacteria that can cause caries.

    Monitor mouth hygiene especially carefully after consuming protein food
    Anaerobic bacteria release volatile sulfur compounds - the cause of an unpleasant odor - as a result of protein intake. After you have eaten meat, fish or any other protein-rich food, thoroughly clean your mouth so that the smallest particles of protein food do not serve as a nutrient medium for anaerobic bacteria.

    Helminth treatment helps to eliminate bad breath in children
    The scientific medical literature uses several terms to determine bad breath: halitosis, ozostomy, dentodizodia, fetor oris. Researchers from the Medical University of Zonguldak, Turkey, reported on the results of a recent study. Scientists note that parents often notice bad breath in children with intestinal helminthiases( especially with enterobiasis), which occurs after the eradication of helminths. Scientists suggest that the cause of an unpleasant smell may be congestion of intestinal contents due to the presence of parasites.

    The study involved 162 children aged 5 to 16 years who have bad breath. Patients were randomized into two groups, one receiving mebendazole( 82 children) and the other receiving placebo( 80 children).Mebendazole was used in a dose of 100 mg twice a day for 3 days, placebo was used according to the same scheme.

    As the results of the study showed, in 52 out of 162 children one or more intestinal parasites were detected, including 28 children receiving mebendazole and 24 children receiving a placebo. It should be noted that the treatment of halitosis was achieved in 18( 64%) patients treated with mebendazole and in 2( 8%) patients in the control group.

    The results obtained are quite unexpected, as it was previously known that bad breath can be caused by diseases of the oral cavity, paranasal sinuses, but not intestinal parasites.

    What diseases causes bad breath

    • Diseases of the teeth
    • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

    Which doctors should be treated if there is a bad breath:

    • Dentist
    • Gastroenterologist