  • Haircut page: 37 photos and technique of this hairstyle

    The hairstyle of the page has gained immense popularity immediately after its appearance in the 60s, when short haircuts quickly found to themselves philistines, then it again sparkled on the catwalks already in the 90's. And, as we all know, everything new is a long-forgotten old. And not so long ago, the haircut page again became popular in our time, although many women consider it to be an absolute novelty or confuse it with a hairdo.

    This is undoubtedly a short smooth and voluminous haircut, very similar to the haircut of the hat, but more hair is retained from behind.

    By now, its appearance has undoubtedly changed, but the main features have remained untouched. Now you are given a huge choice of this hair for any length of hair, since just a couple of years ago there was an extended page. Let's look at the photo of the haircuts page to better imagine its prospects.

    For short hair

    And now we will separately consider the types of haircut pages for different lengths of hair and start with the option for short hair.

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    It's no secret that this was the first initial type of page, and it was he who gained immense popularity in the 60's. But even now, very many women like this hairstyle, and they strive to make it for themselves. But before you run to the hairdresser, you need to know exactly whether your hair will fit.

    So, here are some criteria for the owner of the short page:

    1. This is a short haircut, which means that it does not cover the girl's neck, that is, it will perfectly suit the owners of the swan neck and is unlikely to fit the full girls;
    2. Since this is a three-dimensional haircut, it is suitable for face shapes such as a square, an oval, a circle and a triangle, but perhaps some particular features of your face will perfectly blend with this hair and no other;
    3. Accessories are not suitable for it, so do not advise yourself to make such a haircut if you are a lover to decorate your hair with a beautiful barrette or something else;
    4. The page without a bangs will only work if you have a small forehead and you are the owner of a round or oval face, in other cases, most likely, it will look careless.

    So, we have considered the main requirements for this hairstyle, and now I propose to watch master classes from the best hairdressers, so you will better understand the process of creation.

    For medium and long hair

    Technique for this hairstyle for long hair is much different from the original for short hair. If you are the owner of long hair, then you open wide horizons of various variations of haircut pages, which I suggest you consider.

    A long page with a bang.

    A volumetric variant for medium hair.

    Smooth on long hair.

    And, of course, a classic model.

    We note that the variety of page for long and medium hair appeared quite recently, in our time, thus, more women decided to make a new haircut, thinking that this haircut is really new and not borrowed.

    Let's consider, who will approach such a haircut.

    1. It is not necessary to have a long swan neck, even a page on medium hair will hide your shortcomings.
    2. If you are going to make a large page, it will fit any shape of the face, everything depends on individual defects. If you make a smooth page, then the criteria become stiffer, the haircut is suitable for oval, round, triangular, square and rectangular shapes of the face.
    3. On this haircut you can safely try on various accessories.
    4. The absence of a bang is not very welcome in this hairstyle, but if you do not want to do a bang, you can not do it, but then the haircut is suitable for a round, oval and triangular shape of the face.

    And now I propose to look at various variations of the page for medium and long hair.