
How to make a rose from beads for beginners: a scheme and video lessons

  • How to make a rose from beads for beginners: a scheme and video lessons

    Every craftsman, starting to make beadwork, dreams to create something really beautiful. However, often really beautiful things require more knowledge and experience than the beginner has. But do not despair: there are always simple variations of weaving, subject to any novice master. Especially for those who are just learning the basics of beading, we will tell you how to make a rose from beads for beginners.

    Materials that we will need

    First of all, it is necessary to determine the color of the future product. Our flower will be pink, but it can be red, yellow, terracotta, even black or blue - of your choice.

    • for the base - wire, diameter 0.25;
    • beads: white, pink, green;
    • floristic tape or thread - green;
    • PVA glue, if you use threads, floristic wire if you decide to choose a tape;
    • of course, the scheme of weaving, enthusiasm and good mood.

    Shamrock petals

    On the wire string 1 bead exactly in the middle.

    On any of the free ends, we put on two more, and the second end of the wire is threaded in them so that both look at each other.

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    So continue to weave further, with each row adding beads according to the scheme:


    After completing the last row, we need to return the wire to the beginning. To do this, string the beads on our base( depending on its size, you may need a different amount) and turn the wire, skirting the petal. The end is passed to the very first bead.

    Repeat the action for the other side of the petal.

    We weave the ends of the wire.3-4 turns will be enough.

    For a single rose in this scheme, you need to make 8 petals.

    Middle of the bud

    Cut off 30 cm of wire.

    We put on 7 beads, count 3 of them, and through the remaining 4 hold the free end as in the picture.

    On the same piece of wire, a plait of another 2 such stamens.


    The principle of weaving sepals is exactly the same as that of the petals, only the wire is not returned to the first bead, but we bend and twist at the last point. Scheme: 1-2-3-3-3-2-1.We make 6 pieces for each rose.


    We continue to improve the technique of parallel weaving. This time, let's do the leaves for the rose.

    Leaflets plait, using the scheme of the number of beads in the row: 1 bead-2-3-4-5-5-5-4-3-4-2-1 bead.

    We will prepare 10 leaves for a single rose.

    Combine the sheets into twigs, twisting the wires together. For each branch we take 5 leaves, as in the photo.

    Assembling the product

    We will use floral wire and floral paper. We cut off about 40 cm of wire, from above we place a stamen. Wire "leg" stamens wrap floristic wire.

    From the petals we now gently collect the bud, placing them evenly on all sides of the stem, around the stamen. We fix by wrapping the stem with floristic paper.

    Under the inflorescence, we also equally have sepals. We bend them, giving more natural form. Again using floristic paper we wind the stem.

    Lastly, we attach the leaflets. Mount them to the stem can be at different heights, we fix the first 3 cm below the sepals, the second - 5-6 from the first.

    Finally wrap the paper with a stem until the very end.

    If you decide to use thread and glue for the winding, the stem of the rose will be twisted from the wire of the elements. After this, it will have to be wrapped in threads and glued with PVA.

    Masters have developed a lot of techniques how to weave a rose from beads, video lessons from some of them we advise you to view and learn new techniques that you can combine in one product.