  • What is the cause of kidney problems during pregnancy?

    During pregnancy in the body of a woman, the load on all organs increases, and the kidneys also do not become an exception. The uterus increases in size and interferes with the normal outflow of urine, so the kidneys often get sick during pregnancy. At times, the kidney lesions proceed almost imperceptibly and are like appendicitis, ARVI, etc.

    Symptoms of kidney damage in a pregnant woman include:

    • Blunt and sharp pain in the abdomen and lower back.
    • Pain that does not go away even when the body position changes.
    • Frequent urination, supplemented by pain and discomfort, and burning.
    • Sensation of inferiority of emptying the bladder.
    • Puffiness, which especially affects the eyelids, but falls off throughout the day.
    • Increase in blood pressure indicators. Chills, headaches, fever.
    • Nausea with vomiting, lack of appetite.
    • Diagnosis of presence in the urine of proteins, erythrocytes, leukocytes and bacteria.

    If any of these signs are found during pregnancy, it is necessary to visit an obstetrician or urologist urgently to organize a special examination.

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    Kidney damage and pregnancy

    Kidney disease has a bad effect on the body in a pregnant woman. Pregnancy is considered to be a provoking factor in kidney disease, and it can also exacerbate the latent form of pyelonephritis or urolithiasis. Kidney diseases can cause gestosis, premature birth, miscarriage, infection of the fetus, fetal hypotrophy and other equally serious consequences.

    Causes of kidney pain during pregnancy

    In general, kidney pain during pregnancy occurs with the development of the following pathologies:

    • pyelonephritis;
    • urolithiasis;
    • glomerulonephritis.

    If pyelonephritis first develops during the period of gestation, then this is its gestational form. It is diagnosed in 6 - 7% of pregnancies and is manifested, as a rule, in the second half of the term. In addition, there may be an exacerbation of the chronic form of pyelonephritis, which exists in a woman even before pregnancy. Sometimes a woman does not suspect the presence of chronic glomerulonephritis in the body, because it can be asymptomatic.

    This is important! At certain dates of childbearing, the risk of pyelonephritis increases due to hormonal changes, large loads on the kidneys and violations of urinary diversion.

    The acute form of pyelonephritis or exacerbation of the chronic form is manifested by an unexpected deterioration in health, an increase in body temperature up to 40 degrees, low back pain, chills, frequent and painful discharge of urine. Mostly the right kidney hurts during pregnancy, since it is lower than the left kidney and is more exposed to urine stagnation and an increase in the number of bacteria in it.

    In the process of fetal development in the female body, there is a change in the phosphorus-calcium metabolism, metabolism of urinary and oxalic acid. At this time, there is an expansion of the ureters and renal pelvis with a simultaneous decrease in their tone. The difficulties of urine outflow also begin, and its concentration increases. The listed changes provoke the formation of concrements in the pelvis of the kidneys. In this case, an important role is played by latent infection. Urolithiasis in pregnant women makes itself felt through classical renal colic.

    A woman is concerned:

    1. has sharp paroxysms of pain in one of the kidneys that are given into the groin;
    2. appearance of blood in the urine;
    3. Exiting stones after reducing the intensity of pain.

    Glomerulonephritis in a woman in a position can develop after the transference of a sore throat. The disease is manifested by pain in the lumbar region, swelling of the face, shins of the anterior abdominal wall. An increase in blood pressure indices causes headaches, dizziness and disruption of the visual organs.

    Organization of treatment of kidney pathology during pregnancy

    In a situation where the left kidney or right kidney hurts during pregnancy, the treatment is selected strictly on an individual basis in accordance with the period of gestation, general health and the form of kidney damage. In the acute form of pyelonephritis, the causative agent of which bacteria are considered, the use of antibiotic drugs is mandatory. At the same time it is allowed to take only medicines prescribed by the doctor, which do not affect the development of the fetus.

    In the treatment of affected kidneys in the course of pregnancy, phytotherapy plays an important role. When it is forbidden to take diuretics and antibiotics, you can use infusions and decoctions of phytospores. But some plants are also forbidden to use for pregnant women, because they can provoke miscarriage or premature birth of a child.

    This is important! Phytotherapy is preferred for plants with antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and diuretic effects. When developing any disease in pregnant women, it is important to observe the correct nutrition recommended by a specialist.

    Prevention for the Prevention of

    Disease If you know why your kidneys are hurting during pregnancy, you need to follow some rules that will help prevent defeat:

    • Drinking cranberry juice helps prevent multiple urinary system damage.
    • Every pregnant woman should, from the very first days, refuse to eat spicy, fatty, smoked, fried foods with plenty of salt.
    • The optimal volume of constantly drunk liquid for a day should be approximately two liters.
    • The toilet should be walked as often as possible, because tolerate in this position is very harmful.
    • Do not wear tight underwear and clothes that will squeeze the blood vessels.
    • The linen must be sewn from natural or cotton fabrics and it is desirable that it be designed specifically for pregnant women.
    • It is better to take a shower during pregnancy, rather than swim in the bathroom.
    • And, finally, the stance of a pregnant woman in a position on all fours gives excellent results. Take this pose, doctors recommend at least three times a day. Linger in this position should be at least ten or even fifteen minutes. In this position, the stomach hangs down a little, and the enlarged uterus ceases to press on the organs located next to it, including the kidney channels and other components. At this time, the kidneys themselves can at least rest a little from the peculiar cargo. It is this exercise that is very useful and simple to perform for the purpose of prevention. In addition, the exercise significantly alleviates pain in the back and prevents various complications after the birth of the child.
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