
We knit crochets for chairs with our own hands crochet: schemes and step-by-step instructions

  • We knit crochets for chairs with our own hands crochet: schemes and step-by-step instructions

    If you are familiar with the art of knitting, then you can try to diversify their skills and try to tie exclusive and beautiful capes on chairs with their own hands crochet, schemes can come up yourself or use already ready.

    Bright colors

    With the practice of knitting and the ability to work with the main loops, you can try to tie the cloak to the seat of the stool. To do this, carefully follow the instructions below:

    1. To begin with, you need to pick multi-colored threads of the same thickness. This is necessary to ensure that the blade is the same across the entire width.

    2. Tie a lot of different colored strips and connect them together, tying the loops in rows.

    As a result, you will get this kind of beauty.

    A voluminous cape on a chair with a floral ornament

    And you can also use floral ornaments, for example, as in this example:

    This cape on a chair turns out to be voluminous and with a beautiful floral ornament. The picture shows a knitting pattern:

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    Round cloak on a chair

    Knitted capes on chairs with their own hands can be different: square, rectangular or, as in this case, round. Such an openwork cape is suitable for a chair, a stool and even an armchair. Choosing the yarn for it should be based on what kind of interior you have at home.

    In general, you will need:

    • For 20 grams of yarn of three colors;
    • Hook No. 5;
    • Cardboard.

    Proceed as follows:

    1. We collect the necessary number of air loops. We connect them in a ring. After that, go to knitting circles.

    For the first circle we tie the ring 16 in columns without a crochet, the hook must be inserted into the hole of the circle.

    The second circle is performed as follows: 2 air loops for lifting, farther 4 s / n through the first loop of the previous row, then perform 2 cp.and we continue knitting, tying on 4 stakes through the same loop of the bottom row.

    Next, change the color of the yarn and begin to knit the third circle: 3 loops for lifting, and then 4 bars s / n in the loop of the previous row, which is designed for lifting. The last air loop is attached to the first column with the crochet of this circle. Obtained 16 pattern fragments of 4 columns in each.

    Now take the cardboard and wind it with 6 turns of thread. The hook is inserted under the thread, we grab the working thread and stretch it under the threads.

    Further, without loosing the hinges from the hook, grasp the working thread over the yarn rings and stretch the loop on the hook using an air loop. The hook should remain in the loop, and the threads should be carefully removed from the cardboard. Half of the ring is tied with 12 stitches without a crochet, inserting a hook into the hole of the circle.

    Next, the cardboard is again wrapped in threads in 6 turns, and the threads of the loops are attached in exactly the same way. Half of the ring is tied with 12 stitches without a crochet. Do not tear off the thread from the last, sequentially tied with columns without nakidov all rings on the other side. On each half we make 12 posts.

    The same principle should be used to make a path of 14 rings of the color of another yarn.

    Cape is ready. A selection of training videos for beginners