
Felting out of a wool toy for beginners: photo instruction and a step-by-step mc

  • Felting out of a wool toy for beginners: photo instruction and a step-by-step mc

    Felting wool today is quite a popular form of creativity. You can play anything ─ beads, bags, brooches, cases for phones and much more, which is enough for fantasy. But from all the variety of wares from wool, felted toys turn out to be the most lovely and some of them look even like real ones. However, toys do not come out like this for the first time. As in any case, experience is needed here to get your hand. In this article, a master class of felting out of a wool toy for beginners is considered.

    At first glance it may seem that felting is a very difficult process and a beginner can not cope with such a thing. However, do not be afraid to start, here the main thing is patience and accuracy. But first, there is a bit of theory to better understand how the felting process is going on, and then the master class itself fetters with their own hands.

    How does felting wool

    Felting uses natural wool, mostly sheep. Now it is not a problem to purchase, wool can be found in any store for creativity. It is sold in a variety of colors, different quality and thickness. It should also be mentioned that the technique of felting out of wool is of two kinds:

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    Dry felting with , the process of which consists in tangling the wool with special needles, while wool is not wetted. Basically, this type of felting is used for making bulky items( beads, toys, etc.);

    Wet felting is used for making flat products( paintings, scarves, stoles, etc.).In this case, the wool is wetted with a water-soap solution.

    More details about wet felting can be found among the many videos on the Internet. In the same article, dry felting is considered, because it is this method that creates toys.

    All you need to know about felting needles

    In the process of dry felting an important role is played by special needles, because it is with their help that the fibers of the wool are tangled and dumped. Needles are of different diameters and have different sections, each of which is used at different stages of felting. The incisions on the needle are located in opposite directions, which allows to coat the wool to a high density.

    Tips for beginners

    • Before you start, you should pay attention to some points of work:
    • Needle must be entered perpendicularly to the surface of the wool;
    • Hand movements, when sticking a needle, it is important to produce clearly and identically;
    • The needle must be above the product during operation, and not vice versa;
    • At the initial stage it is important not to respect the workpiece to the final density, otherwise it will be impossible to work with the product.

    Step-by-step master class on felting toys

    On the Internet you can find a lot of photos of ready-made felted toys, which will certainly cause a desire to try to make such a toy for yourself or for a gift. Next we will talk about the most interesting - step-by-step felting out of a toy wool m. The first step is to prepare everything you need, namely:

    • Wool of the right colors;
    • Eye beads or ready-made toy eyes;
    • Glue for gluing eyes;
    • Needles for felting of various diameters and sections;
    • Foam or special brush to protect the table from scratches.

    Depending on which particular animal it is necessary to create, it may be necessary to have additional hardware or wire for the frame of the toy, etc.

    It is important to remember that in the process of felting the wool significantly decreases in size, so it should be taken twice as much as the intended sizetoy parts. Always work is from a greater detail to a smaller one. Therefore, to start better with the torso of the future toy. First you need to fluff the wool and twist it into an approximate shape of the part. Now the wool lies on the brush or foam and is evenly pierced with a needle.

    It is very important that at this stage the needle is stuck as deeply as possible, while the wool will fall down inside the workpiece. When stalling parts of the toy, the joints of the parts remain fluffed, not dumped, so that later it would be easier to connect the parts.

    After the trunk of the toy is ready, the toy's head falls off just as well. To connect the head and trunk, the place of attachment of the head is inflated, a head is inserted into this place and the whole fluffed part is thrown into the head of the toy to get a smooth transition from the head to the trunk.

    If it is necessary to add a different color, then the wool of the desired shade is taken, swollen, applied to the main workpiece and, just as well, the needle collapses until a smooth surface is obtained.

    In the same way the rest of the details of the future toy are created and attached to the trunk. To form a place under the eyes or other depressions in the product, you need to stick the needle into the right place several times. The more such a sticking occurs, the deeper the groove will become.

    Further, when all the details of the toy are completely assembled, with the help of the so-called needle of the back stroke, the surface of the article is swollen. The final step in creating a toy is to decorate it. Here everything depends on the imagination of the needlewoman. It can be additional cilia, bows, beads, etc.

    This instruction on felting out of wool toys serves to create only the most basic products. But starting to create toys with their own hands, experience will inevitably come, excitement and toys will be born more and more difficult and interesting!