
How to straighten your hair iron beautifully, quickly and correctly: photo and video instruction

  • How to straighten your hair iron beautifully, quickly and correctly: photo and video instruction

    Iron, or styler - a wonderful invention for girls with any type of wavy hair. However, many girls, even with this miracle object in their arsenal for hair styling, have a bad idea of ​​how they should use it. In a word, how to straighten hair with a nice iron and good quality?

    Preparation of curls

    If you do not know how to straighten hair with iron correctly, it is better to read the instructions below. It consists of several stages, the first of which is called the preparatory phase.

    To straighten hair ironing for a long time, you need, first of all, to stock up on the right hairdressing items and in the right amount.

    So, you will need:

    styling and hair with thermal protection;

    metal comb( plastic can not be taken, as it will electrify the hair);


    hair clips for fixing strands;

    gel conditioner.

    The first thing to do is to wash your head well and lightly dry your hair with a towel( not a hairdryer!).After washing your head, you should put on the hair styling agent with thermal protection and slightly dry hair with a hair dryer.

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    We work with hot "ironing"

    At the basic stage of the procedure for straightening hair, we will work directly by the "ironing" itself, heating it to a very high temperature.

    The whole process is that the hair is ironed like an undergarment or a strip of fabric. In order not to miss a single centimeter of hair, the whole head of hair must first be divided into small strands and work with each separately. While you are ironing one strand, others are desirable to pin up with clamps.

    Ideally, you should at the very beginning of the procedure pin all the separated strands on the vertex, and then gradually release each and iron with iron.

    It is very important to work properly with the styler( "ironing").Remember that it can not be heated above a temperature of two hundred degrees( the exact figures are best seen in the instructions accompanying the device).

    Perfect straightening of hair with ironing is possible only if you pull the hair correctly - in one motion, without delaying for long at any part of the strand, rising gradually from the tips of the hair to the roots.

    If you keep a "ironing" for a long time on any part of the hair, there is a risk of burning the strand. It is allowed to pass "ironing" along the same strand several times until it becomes perfectly smooth. At the final stage, the "ironing machine" should slide smoothly through the hair, like on ice.

    Fixing the result

    After using straightened hair, you need to fix the result. For this you can use a gel-conditioner.

    Tips for newcomers

    Do not neglect the application of a thermal protective agent on the hair. It will protect strands from burning, when you heat the iron too much.

    Do not straighten hair that is too damp.

    Always straighten the hair behind strand. Ideally, if the strands are thin.

    If you do not know how to quickly make hair is not just smooth and smooth, but also voluminous, try applying a means to get the volume on the hair roots.

    To keep the volume at the roots, always stretch the hair perpendicular to the head. If you do not know how it should look, look at the photo and video instructions on the web.

    How to choose a styler?

    & gt; And a few words about the choice of the styler( "ironing").First, you need to pay attention to the coating of the styler. It must be ceramic, tourmaline or Teflon. It is these types of coating that can protect hair from overheating and prevent them from tangling when stacked.

    & gt; Secondly, you need to pay attention to the length of the plates. The ideal length is 5-7 cm for long hair and 2.5 for short hair.

    Third, the ironing should be equipped with a thermostat that controls the degree of plate heating.

    Additional desirable characteristics of "ironing": power cord, auto shut-off mode, fixing plates in closed form, heat-resistant handbag.

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