
Facial acupressure: effective effect on the skin, video selection for beginners

  • Facial acupressure: effective effect on the skin, video selection for beginners

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    Apart from creams and masks, cosmetologists are increasingly recommending various massages for facial rejuvenation. There are a lot of massages, from traditional to sculptural, using the manipulation of fingers or using, for example, spoons. Among them is acupressure. Effective impact on the skin of facial acupressure is difficult to overestimate, because unlike other techniques, it activates the body by stimulating active points on the human body.

    Types and techniques of

    With all the variety of acupressure, masters usually use two types - Japanese shiatsu and Asian. Girls, representatives of practicing countries clearly demonstrate the success of the application of acupressure. So, the skin of Japanese girls is always healthy and beautiful.

    Acupressure is recommended to be given every morning and evening, during the application of special face creams.

    A mandatory stage before the beginning of the massage should be the preparation of facial skin.

    Preparations for the massage include:

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    1. Face cleaning with lotions, tonics, scrubs or milk.

    2. Facial skin warming( hot towel can be used).

    3. Lubricating hands with oil( olive, almond, jojoba).

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    With the pads of the 3 fingers( index, middle and nameless), we perform a tapping on the face and around the eyes. Such manipulations should be similar to drum beats.

    Then, without changing the working fingers, we do stroking the forehead in the direction of the eyebrow-hair. Then pay attention to the cheeks, making movements from the center of the lower lip to the lobes of the ears.

    Each movement is repeated 5-6 times.


    At the beginning of the massage, circular motions prevail to relieve the tension of the facial muscles. For this, we make movements from the center of the forehead to the temporal region, from below upwards directing the pads of the fingers. We stop in the area around the corners of the mouth.

    After that gentle strokes stimulate wrinkles around the eyes and let the skin rest, gently massaging it.

    The next area of ​​massage - from the nose to the temples. Circular movements are performed along the forehead.

    To increase blood circulation, you can gently pat the cheek area, touching the chin.

    The effect of massage on the skin

    Thanks to a pinpoint massage, the face is transformed, gaining a healthy appearance. Improves the general condition of the skin by activating the outflow of lymph, which takes away from the body slag and harmful accumulated elements. The skin becomes more elastic, the swelling and bags under the eyes are removed.

    One of the advantages of acupressure massage is that it is suitable without limits to all ages. So, with its help you can solve the problem of skin aging, wrinkles, dry skin, and for teenagers it is a great way to get rid of acne and acne.

    Acupressure is actively performed on the eye area. With it, you can remove bags under the eyes and crow's feet. Also, massage is recommended for office staff, who spend whole days behind the monitor. The technique of acupressure perfectly relaxes the muscles of the eyes, while at the same time having a positive effect on vision.

    This technique is effective due to the stimulation of active points, which are directly related to the central nervous system of man and his organs. That is why it is important to carefully and carefully study the location of these biological points, and the level of force of impact on them.

    For more detailed acquaintance with the method of acupressure, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the video selection of the material on this topic.

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