
Lightening hair with lemon: the most popular recipes with reviews and photos before and after

  • Lightening hair with lemon: the most popular recipes with reviews and photos before and after

    Lightening hair with lemon - the best solution for blonde

    What only women do not go to get a light shade of their own hair! In this case, changing hair even for two or three shades sometimes requires the use of chemicals, even with small doses of harmful substances. The most advanced women of fashion gradually begin to understand that such an effect on the hair is not always good.

    That's why lately, such popularity gets a lightening of hair with lemon, honey or chamomile. As they say, nature protects women's beauty.

    What you need to know

    It has long been known that lemon juice is one of the most useful products for hair. Lemon juice helps to eliminate excess sebum on the head, gives shine to curls and adds them with vitamin C. To effect was noticeable, it will take a whole course of procedures with lemon juice, but the result is worth it! Here that it is necessary to remember those who conduct such a cosmetic procedure.

    1) It is better not to wash the head before lightening hair with a lemon.

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    2) If desired, you can lighten only individual strands of hair, applying lemon juice on them. Then the effect of light melioration will be obtained.

    3) If the hair needs to be strongly clarified, it is advisable to go for half an hour to the open sun.

    4) Mask with lemon juice should be washed off with warm water and always apply a balm conditioner on the hair.

    Reviews of women

    And that's what women say, tried to lighten hair with lemon.

    Girl under the nickname knasobina writes: "For a long time I wanted to lighten my hair, but I heard from friends that hydrogen peroxide has a bad effect on the structure of the hair. In general, I did not risk spoiling my hair and therefore decided to try a lemon. Also, I was told that it is possible to lighten strands and honey, but the lemon seemed to me a more reliable means.

    I just spread the lemon juice with water in a 1: 1 ratio and rinsed the hair with this tincture. Just remember that the lemon dries your hair drastically, so this product will not work for brittle hair. "

    Juli5 tried a complex mask for clarification, which includes honey, chamomile and lemon. The girl writes: "You will need very inexpensive means: 1 packet of chemist's chamomile, 1 lemon, 3 tablespoons of honey. You need to brew chamomile 200 grams of boiling water and insist 30 minutes. Then mix in a ceramic bowl juice of half a lemon and honey.

    All mix and chamomile pour this mixture. Then you need to apply this mixture on your hair and rub it into the roots. Top with a plastic cap and roll the head with a towel. Leave for an hour or a half. After that, wash your hair with shampoo. Result look at the photo. "

    Girl under the nickname Kote writes: "And I tried to lighten my hair in several ways, including using lemon juice and honey. I tell the recipe for the first mask: mix lemon juice with 3 tablespoons of honey and apply all this mixture to the hair. To go so 8 hours.

    As the honey flows very much, it is better to roll your head with a towel. Alas, this mask brightens very slightly, so somewhere in a month I tried another. She took a whole lemon and completely squeezed out all the juice from it. This lemon liquid smeared hair along the entire length and roots. To juice is not athe, she braided her hair in a pigtail. So my head is dry. But the hair brightened brightly. See the photos before and after.

    Tanechka writes that she tried another combination for clarification - with kefir and lemon. The girl tells the forum that she wanted to lighten the essential oil of lemon at first, but it was not on sale and had to use a lemon with the addition of kefir:

    "Hi, girls. Here is my clarifying mask: 1 glass of fat kefir, 1 egg, 1 lemon juice, 1-2 spoons of cognac. All this is mixed in a ceramic bowl and applied along the length of each curl. Then we turn off the hair and put it under the hat. You can wrap it on top with a towel. Keep this mixture on your head for about 2 hours or all night( if you make a mask in the evening).In the morning just wash your hair with shampoo as usual. Hair lightens on 3-4 tones, judging by my sensations ".


    What only women do not go to get a light shade of their own hair! In this case, changing hair even for two or three shades sometimes requires the use of chemicals, even with small doses of harmful substances. The most advanced women of fashion gradually begin to understand that such an effect on the hair is not always good.

    That's why recently, such popularity gets lightening of hair with lemon, honey or chamomile. As they say, nature protects women's beauty.

    What you need to know

    It has long been known that lemon juice is one of the most useful products for hair. Lemon juice helps to eliminate excess sebum on the head, gives shine to curls and adds them with vitamin C. To effect was noticeable, it will take a whole course of procedures with lemon juice, but the result is worth it! Here that it is necessary to remember those who conduct such a cosmetic procedure.

    1) It is better not to wash the head before lightening hair with lemon.

    2) If desired, you can lighten only individual strands of hair, applying lemon juice on them. Then the effect of light melioration will be obtained.

    3) If the hair needs to be strongly clarified, it is advisable to go for half an hour to the open sun.

    4) Mask with lemon juice should be washed off with warm water and be sure to apply a balm conditioner on the hair.

    Reviews of women

    But what women say, tried to lighten hair with lemon.

    Girl under the nickname knasobina writes: "For a long time I wanted to lighten my hair, but I heard from friends that hydrogen peroxide has a bad effect on the structure of the hair. In general, I did not risk spoiling my hair and therefore decided to try a lemon. Also, I was told that it is possible to lighten strands and honey, but the lemon seemed to me a more reliable means.

    I just spread the lemon juice with water in a 1: 1 ratio and rinsed the hair with this tincture. Just remember that the lemon dries your hair drastically, so this product will not work for brittle hair. "

    Juli5 tried a complex mask for clarification, which includes honey, chamomile and lemon. The girl writes: "You will need very inexpensive means: 1 packet of chemist's chamomile, 1 lemon, 3 tablespoons of honey. You need to brew chamomile 200 grams of boiling water and insist 30 minutes. Then mix in a ceramic bowl juice of half a lemon and honey.

    All mix and chamomile pour this mixture. Then you need to apply this mixture on your hair and rub it into the roots. Top with a plastic cap and roll the head with a towel. Leave for an hour or a half. After that, wash your hair with shampoo. Result look at the photo. "

    Girl under the nickname Kote writes: "And I tried to lighten my hair in several ways, including using lemon juice and honey. I tell the recipe for the first mask: mix lemon juice with 3 tablespoons of honey and apply all this mixture to the hair. To go so 8 hours.

    As the honey flows very much, it is better to roll your head with a towel. Alas, this mask brightens very slightly, so somewhere in a month I tried another. She took a whole lemon and completely squeezed out all the juice from it. This lemon liquid smeared hair along the entire length and roots. To juice is not athe, she braided her hair in a pigtail. So my head is dry. But the hair brightened brightly. See the photos before and after.

    Tanechka writes that she tried another combination for clarification - with kefir and lemon. The girl tells the forum that she first wanted to lighten the essential oil of lemon, but it was not on sale and had to just use lemon with the addition of kefir:

    "Hello, girls. Here is my clarifying mask: 1 glass of fat kefir, 1 egg, 1 lemon juice, 1-2 spoons of cognac. All this is mixed in a ceramic bowl and applied along the length of each curl. Then we turn off the hair and put it under the hat. You can wrap it on top with a towel. Keep this mixture on your head for about 2 hours or all night( if you make a mask in the evening).In the morning just wash your hair with shampoo as usual. Hair lightens on 3-4 tones, judging by my sensations ".
