  • Propolis treatment and application

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    In connection with the high market value of propolis, its falsification is possible, which is difficult to recognize. For medicinal purposes, propolis obtained directly from the apiary or from a person associated with work in the apiary and known to the buyer is preferable. Pharmaceutical preparations are most reliable: propolisol, aerosol propolis, 10% propolis ointment - propoceum and homeopathic ointment "Propolis".

    What is the value of propolis, why is it so popular? Apparently, because in it and in honey simultaneously many active principles combine: bactericidal, virosocidal, antifungal, analgesic, anti-inflammatory and regenerative.

    It is believed that propolis is useful as a biostimulator not only for the sick, but also for healthy people, since it removes fatigue and increases efficiency.

    The antimicrobial effect of propolis, delivered from different apiaries, is different in strength. This depends on many factors: the time of collection, the type of plants from which the resinous-ester mass of the kidneys has been obtained by the bees from the locality of their growth. The latter, apparently, is due to the difference in the macro and microelement composition of the soils. The most active antimicrobial is propolis obtained in the Altai and Northern Caucasus, high-altitude places of the Crimea and Bulgaria.

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    In laboratory conditions, propolis stops the growth of such common pathogens as staphylococcus aureus, streptococcus hemolytic and green. Under the influence of propolis, paratyphoid sticks and prothea die within 4 hours, Pseudomonas aeruginosa - after 6 hours and even the most stable - spore-forming anthrax in 4-8 hours. Propolis also has a deleterious effect on tuberculosis bacteria. The obtained data on antimicrobial and antifungal actions of propolis gave grounds for its application in medical practice. These properties of propolis find application in the conservation of fish products, as reported by K.E.Berngard and S.A.Sekatskaya from the Laboratory of Fish Processing Technology of the Siberian Research and Design Institute of Fisheries( Tyumen).The proposed method of processing frozen fish allows to extend the shelf life of the fish without signs of fat oxidation of muscle tissues. As a stabilizer of tissue fat, they successfully used propolis.

    Because propolis is an active chemical, it is only natural to expect that it can not be treated and harmed in some pathological processes. There are cases of excessively high sensitivity, an allergic reaction to propolis. In this regard, it is especially necessary to be careful when administering inhalations of a hydroalcoholic solution, therefore, before prescribing them, a preliminary skin-lubrication test with 20% alcohol propolis solution must be performed. If there is redness, itching - inhalation is canceled. The successful use of propolis is reported in special publications of Apimondia( Bucharest, 1975, 1980, 1981, 1983, 1988).But, unfortunately, so far it is only messages, not official recognition and recommendations of the health authorities, in particular, the Russian Ministry of Health. Due to the fact that the study of propolis is still ongoing, its use in our country is officially permitted only for external purposes: with burns, wounds, ulcers. As an exception, propolis is allowed to be used internally for tuberculosis and chronic inflammatory lung diseases.

    List of diseases in which propolis is recommended: various dermatoses of microbial and fungal origin - neurodermatitis, eczema, furunculosis, hydradenitis, trophic ulcers, skin itching.

    By the way, itchy skin can be caused by many reasons: a violation of the antitoxic function of the liver by excessive formation of histamine and its delay in the skin, etc. In these cases, propolis can intensify the skin itch.

    According to the data of VF Bolshakova( 1989), in 1956 the propolis and its preparations were successfully tested in many patients( more than 2 thousand people) with a number of dermatoses - eczema, neurodermatitis, scaly, in the Gorky Research Institute of Dermatology and Venereology. Liver, tuberculosis of the kidneys and skin, pustular diseases, nest hair loss, trophic ulcers, etc.:

    oral diseases - inflammation and ulceration( stomatitis, gingivitis, tonsillitis, glossitis).Apply biological dressings, chewing gums and lozenges, propolis as such for chewing and appliqués on the gums;

    purulent and post-burn deep wounds( 15% propolis ointment with antibiotic);non-healing wounds of the ear canal after tympanoplasty and purulent otitis;

    inflammatory processes and ulceration in gynecological diseases( erosion of the cervix, colpitis, endocervicitis);

    tuberculosis of the bronchi and lungs. Here, the preparations of propolis are used for a long time and are prescribed with intolerance to antibacterial drugs or with the resistance of microbacteria tuberculosis. Propolis activates the functions of protective mechanisms, enhances phagocytosis, increases the amount of protective protein and specific antibodies in the blood;

    tuberculosis of the kidneys( in all cases of application of propolis drugs, its effect was confirmed by antibiotics);

    application of propolis ointment promoted success in autodermoplasty: shortening of treatment time, complete engraftment of skin flaps;

    various eye diseases;keratitis, etc. It is recommended 3-5% ointment of propolis on vaseline oil and 1% aqueous emulsion of propolis;

    various diseases of the respiratory tract: rhinitis, tracheitis, bronchitis, chronic pneumonia and bronchial asthma in adults and children. It is recommended to use a 20% alcohol propolis solution 5-7 drops 3 times a day, aerosol "Proposol", as well as inhalation of a 5% alcohol-aqueous solution of propolis or a mixture of propolis and wax( M. Petrov, 1971;Mikhailosku, 1976).

    The simplest way to inhale propolis and wax, which can be used at home: 60 g of propolis and 40 g of wax is placed in a small glass jar and close it with a funnel tip up. The jar is placed in a pot of boiling water. Propolis melts under these conditions. At the same time, volatile substances are released. It is recommended to inhale them carefully, through a funnel, a paper bag. For these purposes, you can use a hairdryer, a gas mask, as with inhalation with honey. Inhalation is recommended in the morning and evening for 10-15 minutes.- Stomach ulcer and duodenal ulcer, chronic gastritis with low acidity, colitis. When intestinal infections in infants, increases the level of natural protection of the body. Here, an alcohol solution of propolis is used for 40-60 drops in a half-glass of milk, water or novocaine 0.25-0.5% before meals 3 times a day or 1.5-2 hours after a meal. Recommended and a 10% solution of propolis 15-20 drops 3 times a day for 1.5 hours before meals for 18-20 days. If necessary, the course of treatment after 1-2 weeks is repeated. It is reported the use of propolis oil in this disease - 1 tsp 3 times a day 1,5 hours after eating. In Bulgaria, peptic ulcer along with conventional medicines use a 20% alcohol solution of propolis 8-10 drops with water 3 times daily before meals for 2 months. In Austria, with this disease, recommend 5% alcohol extract of propolis 5 drops per water 3 times a day before meals.

    So, the conventional method of treatment with propolis of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract does not exist. There are no official instructions on this score from health authorities. At the same time, self-treatment, of course, undesirable, which arose in 1971, continues today. Propolis treatment should only be carried out in a clinic or hospital under the regular supervision of a doctor.

    For the treatment of ulcers, cracks, itching of the rectal mucosa, hemorrhoids without prolapse of nodes since 1972, propolis candles have been used successfully in the Research Institute of Proctology of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.

    According to N. Todorov( 1984, Bulgaria), the use of a 30% propolis solution in subacute and chronic colitis was effective. To establish the allergic reaction of the body at the beginning of treatment, patients were given 30 drops of this solution per glass of warm water or raw milk an hour before meals 3 times a day. In the absence of allergy propolis solution was given already 40 drops 3 times a day for an hour before meals with diet number 4.

    Candles prepared from propolis extract( 0.2 g) and cocoa butter( 2 g) were successfully used for chronic prostatitis. Candles were injected into the rectum once a day at night for 1 month.(2-3 courses) with a 1-2-month break between them. As informs Sh. M.Omarov( 2002), as a result of five years of research on the treatment of propolis and other active products of beekeeping( BAPP) in men complaining of increased fatigue, weakness, decreased libido, erection weakness, 80% of patients noted improvement in their health.

    Recently, propolis has been used to remove calluses, cleanse teeth, strengthen the gums, strengthen the secretory and motor function of the stomach in the manufacture of chewing gum and toothpaste( anti-caries action of propolis), corn plaster. Propolis is used in its pure form or as a 30% ointment to remove calluses: first make a hot foot bath( 10-15 min), then preheated a piece of propolis, apply a thin layer of corn and fix with a bandage for 5 days. After three procedures, take a hot foot bath. The softened corn is removed.

    According to A.S.Nemodanova and Z.G.Chanyshev( Bashkirstanstan Agricultural Academy), propolis in low concentrations is non-toxic, accelerates the regeneration of the cornea, improves trophic eyes, reduces pain, promotes resorption of the infiltrate. Prophylactic and therapeutic action of propolis with epithelites - inflammatory diseases of the skin and mucous membranes, arising from irradiation has been established.

    Therapeutic preparations from propolis and their preparation:

    alcohol concentrate;

    alcohol-aqueous solutions of various concentrations;

    aqueous solution;

    thick ointment( vaseline-lanolin);

    liquid ointment( a suspension in liquid oils - vaseline, olive, sunflower and others);

    suspension in milk( propolisnoe milk);

    suspension in butter( propolisnoe oil);

    propolis as such in the form of cakes of different sizes.

    Preparation of alcohol concentrate: 300 g of ground propolis, pour 1 l of 96% alcohol, insist 5 days in a tightly closed glass bowl of dark color, shake it 10-15 minutes daily, store in a dark place. Filter the solution through cheesecloth. The remainder should be weighed, thus determining the amount of dissolved propolis and its concentration in alcohol solution. The solution is active for a long time.

    Preparation of alcohol and alcohol-aqueous solutions of different concentrations: the alcohol concentrate is diluted with alcohol or distilled water to the desired concentration( usually 2 or 4%).

    Preparation of aqueous solution( aquapropolis, propolis water):

    a) 100 ml of distilled water are poured into a flask, 10 g of ground propolis are placed in it. Boil in a water bath, often shaking the flask, for 1 hour, filtered through gauze. Prepare each time before use. Applied in the treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis;

    b) 30 g of ground and purified from mechanical impurities of propolis are poured into 100 ml of distilled water, insist 5 days, periodically shaking. Then the extract is filtered through gauze. Applied in the form of applications in pure form or as a gruel with white clay for the treatment of cheilitis, candidiasis, glossalgia. Due to the fact that propolis is poorly soluble in water, it is advisable to increase its concentration by increasing its amount to 50 g and applying boiling until the propolis is completely dissolved.

    Preparation of a thick ointment: in a clean enameled container bring petrolatum and lanolin( in a ratio of 1: 1) in a water bath to a light boil, then put propolis powdered with a knife( 15-20-50 g per 100 g of vaseline-lanolinmixture).Heat the mixture for 10 minutes, occasionally stirring. The dishes are closed with a lid. After a 5-minute cooling( before the mass thickens), the contents are packed into glass jars, which are then closed with lids or parchment paper, and stored in a refrigerator. If propolis contains visible mechanical impurities, the mass should be filtered hot through a thin layer of gauze.

    Preparation of liquid ointment: in 1 liter of liquid oil( vaseline, sunflower, corn, olive) heated in a water bath to boiling water, melt pieces of ground propolis( from 10 g( 10%) to 50 g( 50%). The resulting mixturewarm, stirring for 20-30 minutes, cool and filter through gauze, pour into a wide glass container, close and store in the refrigerator

    Preparation of propolis milk: bring fresh whole milk in an enameled container to a boil, drop into it finely chopped piecesgang(5-10%), continue to heat the milk with propolis( up to 70-80 ° C) for 10 minutes, stirring with a wooden spoon, cool, and then filter through gauze in a glassThe layer of wax formed during cooling of the milk is removed. The propolis milk has a brownish tint and a bitter taste. The addition of honey improves the taste and assimilation

    Preparation of propolis oil: warm the oil to 50-60 ° C in a water bath and lower the pieces of crushed propolis at the rate of 10-15 g per 100 g of butter, and again heat at a temperature of 70-80 ° C until the propolis dissolves. The oil is cooled, stored in a refrigerator. Or: butter is mixed with an alcohol concentrate of propolis( 20-50 drops per 100 g of oil).

    Preparation of propolis as such for applications: a small piece of propolis kneaded with fingers until a thin plate of the right size is placed and applied to the inflamed focus.

    For therapeutic purposes, use all the preparations of propolis described above, as well as drugs manufactured by the pharmaceutical industry of our country and abroad. In our country, the aerosol "Proposol" is produced( it is an anti-inflammatory, analgesic, disinfectant and deodorizing agent, which consists of: propolis 2.1 g, glycerol 4.9 g, ethyl alcohol 28 g and hladone 12-15 g).The drug is used for inflammatory diseases of the oral mucosa: catarrhal gingivitis and stomatitis, glossitis, glialgia, as well as acute and chronic periodontitis( for lavage of canals).In the acute period of the inflammatory process, irrigation is performed 2-3 times, and when it is attenuated, once a day. The average duration of the course of treatment is 3-7 days. Do not store more than 2 years.

    In the clinic of skin and venereal diseases of the St. Petersburg Military Medical Academy. CM.Kirov has undergone clinical trials 10% propolisnaya ointment "Propoceum."Carriers of its medicinal properties are substances of vegetable origin, the bulk of which belongs to flavonoids, aromatic acids and isoprenoid compounds of propolis. The test allowed to draw the following conclusions: "Procotium" has antipruritic effect, causes anesthesia of mucous membranes, reduces soreness of affected tissues, promotes granulation growth, accelerates regeneration of wound surfaces, and has anti-inflammatory properties. It is recommended for the treatment of long-term healing wounds and trophic ulcers and as an additional remedy for chronic eczema, neurodermatitis, herpes simplex, psoriasis and other dermatoses.

    In the therapeutic practice of our country and other countries, other propolis preparations are also used:

    propolan( propolisol) in the form of aerosols is recommended for the treatment of open burns of different degrees. Accelerates the epithelization and granulation of the wound, reduces pain, produces a bactericidal effect;

    ointment homeopathic "Propolis" is recommended in the complex therapy of chronic eczema and neurodermatitis.

    Various cosmetic products containing propolis, for example, decorative mascara for the eyelashes "Bee", toothpaste "Propolisnaya", which has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory action, are also produced. Extract of propolis is used in the manufacture of children's cream "Carlson", used for diaper rash, skin cracks, skin itching.

    Propolis ( from the Latin word for sealing, sealing) is a resinous sticky substance of yellowish-green, dark green or brown color, with a bitter taste and a specific odor. As is stored, propolis darkens, thickens and loses its odor. The initial raw material for propolis is tarry substances collected by bees from various parts of plants, especially from the kidneys. Propolis processed in the hive is one of the main building materials. Bees use it to glue together the moving parts of the hive, cover their inner surface, fill the slots, polish the honeycomb cells in which the larvae are grown. Propolis zamurovyvayut snebshihsya in the hive pests.

    Propolis melts at a temperature of 65 C, it is poorly soluble in water, slightly better - in alcohol and completely - in the air.

    This is not a food product, its bees are used to cover cracks in the hive, shorten the tap, polish cells and give them strength, cover their canvas placed above the frame, which contributes to better preservation of heat in the nest, seal pests in the hive. In the autumn, preparing for wintering, the bees put it in large quantities.

    The origin, chemical composition of propolis is not fully understood. However, many argue that the bulk of propolis bees are harvested from sticky wood buds that release resinous substances, and pollen grains. The composition of the bee glue( propolis) is not the same, on the average it contains: tar and balsams - about 55%, essential oils - about 10%, wax - about 30%, pollen 5%, in addition, it includes aromaticsubstance.

    Propolis has a high antimicrobial effect, prevents the development of putrefactive processes, contributes to the death of microbes. Thanks to these properties, it has long been widely used in medicine for the treatment of skin diseases, tuberculosis in the form of propolis ointment or alcohol solution. It is also used in veterinary medicine for the treatment of farm animals, in addition, it has a number of technical applications, especially in the paint and varnish industry for making varnishes that cover the surface of stringed musical instruments and wooden utensils( cups, bowls, spoons), finds application in the manufacture of plastics,in particular gramophone records.

    Prepolize propolis by scraping the chisel from the top and side blocks of the frames, the ceiling and the canvas. It should be collected when inspecting the hive, as a large number of different debris is sticking to it, which is a favorable environment for intragenic parasites. When collecting propolis, the wax must be separated. It is recommended to store propolis in a dark, cool room, and note that some changes in its chemical composition occur while storing it, but there is no significant decrease in antimicrobial properties.

    When the temperature drops( below zero), propolis becomes extremely fragile, hardens like rosin. Melting point 65 ° C, completely soluble in ether and slightly in alcohol.

    Everyone knows the wonderful healing properties of bee honey, pollen collected by bees from flowering plants, bee venom and royal jelly. But few people know about propolis.

    In recent years, progressive medical scientists from the treasury of folk medicine have adopted a new, extraordinary effectiveness of the therapeutic agent - propolis, or bee glue.

    At the 2nd Leningrad Scientific Conference on the Application of Beekeeping Products in Medicine and Veterinary Medicine, Soviet scientists from Kazan, Leningrad, Odessa, Simferopol and other cities made 20 reports on the miraculous properties of propolis, amazing in its healing power. There, where no the most reliable medical means do not help, the drugs cured, they gave sustained relief to the sick.

    Propolis is a sticky resinous substance that is harvested from plants of various species( buds and poplar cracks, conifers, sunflowers) to which bees enclose honeycombs. It is the most powerful antiseptic, and its activity is equal to eucalyptus, garlic, calendula. Propolis has a very specific smell and bitter taste, knitting in consistency. Chews like gum. This is how( by chewing) it is recommended to eat, and after 10-15 minutes swallow. In this case, propolis has time to disinfect the oral mucosa, bactericidal substances are absorbed into the blood. The remaining useful components enter the stomach and intestines, where propolis completely dissolves. The dose of propolis in 0.1 g.( A piece the size of a match head).For a daily intake for most diseases, including respiratory tract infection, it requires a much larger amount - about five times.

    In addition to resins and essential oils, it includes many other substances: glycosides, polysaccharides, vitamins, microelements, tannins, phytoncides and flavonoids.

    Thanks to these components, it possesses very powerful antimicrobial and antiviral properties, it is a unique natural antibiotic.

    For medical purposes, a soft propolis, purified from various impurities, is used.

    Since antiquity propolis is known as a remedy. A strong therapeutic effect of propolis appears every year. It has a good antiseptic, regenerating, antibacterial property. Therefore, medicine uses the following biological and pharmacological actions of propolis: bactericidal, bacteriostatic, antiviral, fungicidal, fungistatic, antiphlogistic, antitoxic, dermatoplasty, topical anesthetic. And folk medicine widely uses this miraculous product of beekeeping.

    Propolis has the highest bactericidal and antimicrobial activity( the ability to kill pathogens).If in old times healers treated propolis only with wounds and ulcers, now doctors, armed with knowledge, laboratories and means of analysis and synthesis, have revealed a range of its medicinal properties and actions.

    Propolis treats all skin diseases, simple wounds and wounds that do not heal for a long time, skin ulcers, gastric and duodenal ulcers, inflammatory gynecological diseases, hemorrhoids, runny nose, flu, neuritis, radiculitis, pulmonary tuberculosis( 4-10 months).

    And now the bees living in human-framed frame hives, automatically, instinctively cover with their glue-propolis walls, the bottom, the ceiling of the hive, close up the slots and firmly attach the frames with the honeycombs to the walls and ceiling of the hive. Animals caught accidentally in the beehive are killed to death and, without the strength to pull them out of the hive, they cover with a layer of glue, and the dead animal - mouse, snake, etc. - for years and decades has been immured in this wonderful sarcophagus without rotting and decomposition.

    And now propolis - one of the wonders of the bee family by the mind of our progressive doctors is firmly entering the practice of medical medicine, curing the hardest ailments of a person and alleviating his suffering.

    Based on the materials of the 2nd Leningrad Conference, as well as the materials of many printed sources, a memo was prepared for preparing the simplest preparations of propolis and propolis treatment. Ointment on petroleum jelly, smaltse, basehit oil, fish oil, pork fat( for lubrication and rubbing).

    10% ointment:

    1. For burns and frosts.

    2. With hemorrhoids.

    3. In case of a cold, insertion of a cotton swab in a nostril for 15-20 minutes on a match smeared with ointment or 2-4 drops of a liquid preparation in each nostril 4 times a day.

    4. In gynecology: inflammatory processes - colpitis, endocervititis, erosion of the cervix, etc. In the vagina is injected with a swab with propolis ointment and tightly pressed against the eroded surface, the swab is removed after 10-12 hours. Treatment is 10-12 days.

    15% ointment:

    1. For rapid healing of wounds, cuts, including long-healing, festering, with bruises.2. In dermatology: with acne, rashes, pimples, skin itching, erosions and ulcers of the mucous membranes of the nose, lips, with inflammation of the eyelids.

    3. For severe burns and frostbite( after 10% of ointments). 20% ointment:

    1. For fungal diseases.

    2. For eczema.

    3. For boils, carbuncles.

    30-40% Ointment:

    1. In case of face mite, lubrication and rubbing( indozetrite).

    2. With radiculitis, sciatica and lesions of the peripheral nervous system( upper and lower extremities) rubbing and heating with a blue lamp.

    3. With the Siberian-ulcer carbuncle.

    For inhalation put 60 g of propolis and 40 g of wax in an enamel bowl with a capacity of 200-300 ml and put it on a pot of water. Bring water to a boil. As soon as the steam rises from the bowl, inhalation is carried out for 10-15 minutes for 10-15 days 2 times a day in the morning and in the evening. A good result of this method is in the treatment of bronchitis, tuberculosis, sore throat, runny nose, flu, pharyngitis.

    In the treatment of inflammation of the vagina and cervix, caused by trimoniasis, pathogenic fungi or mixed bacterial infections, a 3% propolis solution in 96% ethyl alcohol is used. The bactericidal effect of the ethyl alcohol fraction is 3 mg / ml of the nutrient medium;tested for "staphylococcus pyogenes".

    Treatment lasts 7-10 days, the drug is applied 1 time per day.

    For the preparation of alcoholic propolis solution( it should always be kept in the home medicine cabinet), it is necessary to crush 10 g of good propolis and mix it with 100 ml of alcohol, insist in the dark( always at room temperature, as propolis loses its properties during cooling) for a week. If you need to quickly make a solution, then very finely ground propolis must be mixed with alcohol( 1:10), placed in a water bath and heated to 40 ° C, not higher. Then a few hours periodically shake the bottle with the mixture. Store the propolis solution in a dark bottle. To obtain an aqueous solution for rinsing, the alcohol solution must be mixed with warm water: 10 ml of alcohol mixture per 100 ml of water. For a small child, the amount of alcohol solution should be reduced to 5 ml. With propolis alcoholic tincture it is useful to drink tea and honey( a few drops) during illness.

    The way of inhalation of propolis, which can be used at home, is as follows: 60 g of propolis and 40 g of wax should be placed in an aluminum cup with a capacity of 300 ml and put it in another large bowl with boiling water. Propolis and wax under these conditions dissolve, the phytoncides of propolis together with the water vapor will sublimate.
    Inhalation propolis is recommended in the morning and evening but 10-15 minutes.

    Inflammation of the oral mucosa

    Inflammation of the oral mucosa is a very common disease requiring prolonged treatment. A good result was shown by a new preparation, prepared on the basis of propolis.
    Preparation: 50 g of well-purified and ground propolis are filled with 60 ml of 70% ethyl alcohol and 20 ml of ether. This mixture is left for several days in a container of dark glass, with a tightly closed stopper, periodically shaking. After dissolution, the mixture is filtered through gauze and the resulting filter is used as the main drug for treatment. It can be used without additional treatment, but if you want to eliminate the solids, the filtrate should be left for a few more days. The supernatant is then sedimented and used to prepare the following preparation:
    Propolis filter
    Rovomycin or rondomycin 50 g
    Honey with 2% royal jelly 5 g
    Fish oil 2 g
    The resulting mixture is thoroughly mixed until completely dissolved and poured into dark glass vessels. Before the application of the drug mucous membrane should be dried. The resulting yellow film is stable during the day, gradually it dissolves its saliva.
    Method of application: the sore spot is thoroughly cleaned with hydrogen peroxide and dried with a warm air stream, then a few drops of the drug solution are applied to it until a uniform film forms. After this, the sore spot is again dried with a weak stream of air;while alcohol and ether evaporate. A film is formed that plays the role of a protective "bandage" that is stable during the day. This procedure is repeated daily for 3-5 days until complete cure.

    The most effective remedy for angina at any stage is propolis( at night - on the cheek).Promptly helps only propolis of high quality, it should cause burning sensation in the mouth and a slight numbness of the tongue. In all other cases, the wax, which has a strong floral smell, is useless. For the treatment of sore throat, you need to chew slowly after eating pieces of propolis the size of a nail. For a day you need to eat about 5 g. With good propolis, the angina passes for 2 days without complications, so inherent in this disease
    Rinse with water or alcohol solution of propolis
    To prepare an alcohol solution of propolis( it should always be kept in a home medicine cabinet), it is necessary to crush 10 g of good propolis and mix itwith 100 ml of alcohol, insist in the dark( always at room temperature, as propolis loses its properties when cooled) for a week. If you need to quickly make a solution, then very finely ground propolis must be mixed with alcohol( 1:10), placed onwater bath and heat up to 40 ° C., no more then periodically shake the bottle with the mixture. Storage the propolis solution in a dark bottle. To get an aqueous solution for rinsing the alcohol solution must be mixed with warm water: 10 ml of alcohol mixture per 100 mlwater. For a small child, the amount of alcohol solution should be reduced to 5 ml. With propolis alcoholic tincture it is useful to drink tea and honey( a few drops) during illness.

    Boil water in a saucepan, pour in 0.5 tea spoon 30% tincture of propolis. Wrap up and breathe on this pot.
    Treatment of patients with acute and chronic colitis
    In the treatment of acute and chronic colitis, a 20% propolis solution is applied on 70% ethyl alcohol.
    The patient takes 40 drops of alcohol solution of propolis per glass of warm water or raw milk 1 hour before meals three times a day. It is necessary to follow a diet. Duration of the course is 20-30 days.

    Treatment of acute inflammation of the middle ear
    Chronic purulent diseases of the middle ear are dangerous because of their complications, as they lead to hearing loss.
    For treatment of chronic diseases and acute inflammation of the middle ear, a 30% alcohol solution of propolis is applied on 70% alcohol.
    Patients with mesotympanitis, carefully clearing the ear of pus, injected into the auditory canal moistened in a solution of propolis gauze tubules, tightly pressing them to the eardrum. The next day, repeat the procedure. The average duration of treatment is 10-15 days( depending on the severity of the process).The process is considered to be quiet if it becomes dry in the ear cavity and there are no secretions within a month after the cessation of treatment.

    Treatment of hearing loss with propolis
    For the treatment of hearing loss, 30-40% alcoholic tincture of propolis is used in a mixture with liquid vegetable oil( preferably olive or corn) in a concentration of 1: 4.When the mixture is shaken, a homogeneous liquid is formed - an oil-alcohol emulsion of propolis. Before use, the liquid must be shaken. Treatment is carried out by inserting into the ear canal gauze tubules impregnated with an emulsion.
    Children after 5 years - every night for 10-12 hours( 10-14 procedures), adults - every other day for 36-38 hours( 10-12 procedures).

    Chronic prostatitis
    Propolis has a good therapeutic effect in chronic prostatitis and eliminates its symptoms, anti-inflammatory, resorptive and regenerative properties.
    For treatment, suppositories are used from the extract of propolis obtained by evaporation( 40 g propolis in 200 ml 96% alcohol).
    Suppositories contain: propolis extract 0.1 g, butter-cocoa 2 g. From this mixture, make candles. They are injected into the rectum once a day in the evening.
    Treatment consists of 2-3 30-day courses with 1-2 monthly intervals between them.

    Chronic pharyngitis
    Chronic inflammatory diseases of the pharyngeal mucosa are very common. Patients suffering from chronic pharyngitis often complain of dryness in the throat, perspiration, foreign body sensation in the pharynx, dry cough, congestion of viscous mucus with simultaneous dryness.
    Propolis actively influences the course of biological processes in the tissues of the body, has an antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and local anesthetic property. It activates recovery processes.
    Take the extract of propolis from the calculation of one part of the extract into two parts of glycerin or peach oil and mix well.
    For chronic pharyngitis, the mucous membrane of the naso-oral pharynx, previously freed from mucus and crusts, is lubricated with the mixture obtained for 10-15 days once a day. For one application, 2-2.5 mg of the drug is consumed.

    Application of propolis in case of peptic ulcer
    Propolis is used for gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer.
    It is recommended to take propolis in two dosage forms - as an alcohol solution and propolis oil.
    Alcohol solution is applied 10% on 70% alcohol.
    For preparation of propolis oil 10 g of purified ground propolis are mixed with 100 g of unsalted butter heated on a water bath. Extraction of propolis is carried out by heating the mixture in a water bath for 5-10 minutes, after which it is filtered hot through one layer of gauze, stirring constantly. When extracting propolis is not recommended to bring the mixture to a boil.
    Alcohol propolis solution should be taken orally 15-20 drops on water, boiled milk or 0.5% novocaine three times a day for 1-1.5 hours before meals for 18-20 days. If necessary, repeat the course after one or two weeks.
    Dosage should be strictly observed: large doses can cause a decrease in appetite, a decrease in general tone, lethargy, an increase in white blood cells in the blood.
    Propolis oil is taken internally by one teaspoon of warmed milk three times a day for 1-1.5 hours before meals. The duration of the course of treatment is the same. The use of propolis oil is contraindicated in liver diseases.