  • Female hormonal profile infertility - Causes, symptoms and treatment. MF.

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    To determine the hormonal causes of infertility, you will need to pass tests for the content of the main hormones in the blood:

    1. FSH( follicle-stimulating hormone)

    "Surrenders" for 3-8 or 19-21 days of a woman's menstrual cycle, for a man - any day. Strictly on an empty stomach. In women, FSH stimulates the growth of follicles in the ovaries and the formation of estrogen. In the uterus, the endometrium grows. Achieving a critical level of FSH in the middle of the cycle leads to ovulation.

    In men, FSH is the main stimulator of the growth of the vas deferens. FSH increases the concentration of testosterone in the blood, thus ensuring the maturation process of spermatozoa and male strength. Happens, that the hormone works in all force, but there is no point where it is claimed. This happens when the testicles are small or affected by some kind of surgery or infection.

    2. LH( luteinizing hormone)

    Surrenders for 3-8 or 19-21 days of the menstrual cycle of a woman, for a man - any day. Strictly on an empty stomach. This hormone in a woman "ripens" the follicle, providing the secretion of estrogens, ovulation, the formation of the yellow body. In men, stimulating the formation of globulin, binding sex hormones, increases the permeability of the seminiferous tubules for testosterone. This increases the concentration of testosterone in the blood, which contributes to the maturation of spermatozoa.

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    The isolation of luteinizing hormone is of a pulsating nature and depends on the women from the phase of the menstrual cycle. In the cycle in women, the peak concentration of LH is due to ovulation, after which the level of the hormone falls and "holds" the entire luteal phase at lower values ​​than in the follicular phase. This is necessary in order for the yellow body to function in the ovary. In women, the concentration of LH in the blood is maximal between 12 and 24 hours before ovulation and is held for 24 hours, reaching a concentration 10 times greater than in the neovulatory period. During pregnancy, the concentration of LH decreases.

    In the process of examination for infertility it is important to track the ratio of LH and FSH.Normally, before the onset of menstruation, it is 1, 1 year after the onset of menstruation - from 1 to 1.5, in the period from two years after the onset of menstruation and to menopause - from 1.5 to 2.

    3. Prolactin

    To determine the level of this hormone,in the 1 and 2 phase of the menstrual cycle is strictly on an empty stomach and only in the morning, but not immediately after awakening. Immediately before taking blood, the patient should be at rest for about 30 minutes.

    Prolactin is involved in ovulation, stimulates lactation after childbirth. Therefore, it can suppress FSH formation for "peaceful purposes" during pregnancy and in the non-peaceful in its absence. With increased or decreased prolactin levels in the blood, the follicle may not develop, as a result of which the woman will not undergo ovulation. The daily production of this hormone is of a pulsating nature. During sleep, his level increases. After awakening, the concentration of prolactin decreases sharply, reaching a minimum in the late morning hours. After noon, the level of the hormone increases. During the menstrual cycle in the luteal phase, the level of prolactin is higher than in the follicular phase.

    4. Estradiol

    Blood for the maintenance of this hormone is given throughout the menstrual cycle. Estradiol is secreted by the maturing follicle, the yellow body of the ovary, the adrenal glands and even the adipose tissue under the influence of FSH, LH and prolactin. In women, estradiol provides the formation and regulation of menstrual function, the development of the egg. Ovulation in women occurs 24-36 hours after a significant peak of estradiol. After ovulation, the level of the hormone decreases, a second, lower in amplitude, rise. Then there comes a decline in the concentration of the hormone, continuing to the end of the luteal phase.

    The necessary condition for the hormone estradiol to work is the correct ratio of it to the level of testosterone.

    5. Progesterone

    This hormone is important to check for a 19-21 day menstrual cycle. Progesterone is a hormone produced by the yellow body and placenta( during pregnancy).He prepares the endometrium of the uterus for the implantation of a fertilized egg, and after its implantation helps maintain the pregnancy.

    6. Testosterone

    This hormone can be tested both in men and in women on any given day. Testosterone is needed by both spouses, but is a male sex hormone. In the female body testosterone is secreted by the ovaries and adrenals. Excess of normal testosterone concentration in a woman can cause wrong ovulation and early miscarriage, and the maximum concentration of testosterone is determined in the luteal phase and during ovulation. Reducing the concentration of testosterone in a man causes,. .. correctly, a lack of male strength and a decrease in the quality of sperm.

    7. DEA-sulfate

    This hormone is produced in the adrenal cortex. This hormone can be tested both in men and in women on any day. It is also needed by the body of both spouses, but in different proportions, because it is also a male sex hormone.

    HORMONES OF THYROID GLAND affect, including the formation of gametes in both spouses and during pregnancy.

    8. T3 free( triiodothyronine free)

    T3 is produced by follicular thyroid cells under the control of thyroid-stimulating hormone( TSH).It is the precursor of the more active hormone T4, but it has its own, though less pronounced, effect than T4.Blood for analysis is taken on an empty stomach. Immediately before taking blood, the patient should be at rest for about 30 minutes.

    9. T4( Thyroxine common)

    The concentration of T4 in the blood is higher than the T3 concentration. This hormone, increasing the speed of basal metabolism, increases heat production and oxygen consumption by all tissues of the body, with the exception of brain tissue, spleen and testes. The level of the hormone in men and women is normally relatively constant throughout life. However, in some areas, and Moscow is almost in the first place, there is often a decrease in the activity of the thyroid gland, which can lead to serious deviations in their own health and the health of the unborn child.

    10. TSH( Thyrotropic Hormone)

    The level of this hormone should be checked on an empty stomach, to exclude the dysfunction of the thyroid gland.

    11. Antibodies to TTG

    The determination of antibodies to TSH makes it possible to predict a thyroid dysfunction. It is surrendered on any day of the menstrual cycle.

    Determining the level of the hormones listed above is a very important step in the infertility screening process. The level of hormones helps to establish the exact day of ovulation and determine the most optimal days for conception, to exclude malfunctions.

    Hormonal examination allows you to accurately trace the work of your body, and if the level of a hormone was less or more than normal, this is not an excuse to put a cross to your health. With the help of certain medicines, a qualified doctor will be able to regulate the level of hormones, and thus you will not only be able to control the work of your body. You will have a real opportunity to achieve the ultimate goal of the entire survey, that is, to become MAMA and PAD

    . An important point is to take the blood test on an empty stomach( you can not even drink it).Blood is taken from the vein. It is advisable to take to 10 - 10.30.hours of the morning.

    Indicators and cycle days when it is better to take the hormone test:

    LH, FSH, Prolactin 3-5 days of the cycle
    Testosterone, 17-OH-progesterone, DEA-sulfate - on the 8-10 day of the cycle.
    Estradiol, Progesterone - on the 19-21 day.