
Examination of the eye in transmitted light - Causes, symptoms and treatment. MF.

  • Examination of the eye in transmitted light - Causes, symptoms and treatment. MF.

    Transmitted light examination is used to evaluate the transparency of deep refractive media of the eye - the lens and vitreous, with the help of an ophthalmoscope. With this method, the doctor can identify various opacities in the optical environment of the eye, determine the depth of their location, and determine the degree of their mobility.


    1. Cataract.
    2. Destruction of the vitreous humor.
    3. Hemorrhage in the vitreous. Injury of the eyeball.
    5. Arterial hypertension.
    6. Diabetes mellitus.
    7. Chronic renal failure.

    This method has no contraindications.

    Preparation for examination

    15 minutes before the procedure it is desirable to enlarge the pupil. To do this, 1% of the solution of tropicamide or 0.5% of cyclopentolate is injected into the eyes.

    Examination of

    The study is conducted in a dark room. The patient sits on a chair, on the left side of it and slightly behind the lamp, so that his face is in the shade. The doctor sits in front of the patient, at a distance of approximately 30-40 cm and, using a mirror ophthalmoscope, directs a beam of light onto the pupil of the patient, while the doctor looks into the opening of the ophthalmoscope. But it is better to conduct an examination using an electric ophthalmoscope. Light enters the eye and is reflected from its vascular membrane, so the pupil begins to glow red. If in the path of light rays there are obstacles in the form of opacity of transparent media, they hold these rays and, against the background of the red glow of the pupil, the doctor will see black spots of varying size and shape. During the examination, the doctor will direct the patient's eye to clarify the localization of turbidity. The patient may experience some discomfort during the examination because of the bright light. Normally, there should not be any turbidity.

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    Immediately after the procedure, the patient may see dark spots for some time. Because of the dilated pupil, discomfort in the light is possible, so it is advisable to use sunglasses in this case;and you can not drive for the first 2-3 hours after the test.

    The procedure takes an average of 5 minutes.

    Doctor ophthalmologist Odinochko EA