  • How to get rid of acne scars at home: recipes

    Acne is not the most terrible problem, it is easy to solve with the help of medicines and advice of specialists. But in most cases, after scars, scars remain - and this is already a serious skin disease. Everything starts from light pink scars and can reach dark blue spots. Today we want to talk about how to get rid of acne scars in the shortest possible time.

    Reasons for this phenomenon

    The first and most important reason is self-extrusion of acne, which leads the skin to serious injuries and long healing. The second - if the skin is thin, then there are traces of it even from a slight red inflammation. The third is if the infectious inflammation was very strong. The fourth is the absence of elementary rules of hygiene. Therefore, if preventive measures did not help, then you can resort to salon procedures or recipes of traditional medicine.

    Cosmetologists offer a quick and effective disposal of scars, but there are also negative sides to these procedures. This is a high price and an aggressive effect on the fabric. Such methods include: chemical, fruit, laser peelings, masks based on hyaluronic acid, laser skin resurfacing, phototherapy, cryomassage.

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    If salon procedures or masters do not inspire confidence, then you can turn to home remedies that are ideal for the skin and help to solve problems.

    The best prescriptions for

    scars 1) A good recipe: vitamin E, with which you can make daily lotions, and take the capsules inside. In the diet must include green vegetables, almonds, apples, legumes and berries, rich in vitamin E.

    2) Cream of rose water with sandalwood. A wonderful sandalwood powder in combination with rose water forms an excellent nourishing cream from scars. The mask from the crushed leaves of the old aloe will also be effective.

    3) Do not forget about the positive properties of lemon, crushed in a blender. The daily 15-minute mask makes the scars lighter and less noticeable.

    4) You can apply lavender oil to problem areas with a cotton pad, the procedure should be daily.

    5) The mask of natural yogurt with the addition of a spoonful of oatmeal, sour cream and a teaspoon of lemon juice shows itself well. Apply after a day, preferably in the evening.

    6) Puree from tomatoes, applied to the face, will give a chic result in two weeks.

    7) For exotic lovers, you can buy pineapple, grind it and use the gruel as a fresh, fragrant mask.

    8) Lotions of tea tree oil, orange or camellia also have their effect.

    9) Paraffin( cosmetic, sold in pharmacies) is an excellent remedy for removing scars and blue spots. It should be melt in a small ceramic container, cool a bit and apply cotton wool on the affected skin, and leave until completely hardened. After paraffin remove and leave until the next procedure. Before applying such a mask, the skin is best impregnated with creams with vitamins A and E. Do not forget about contraindications, the most important of which is a vascular setochka.

    Every housewife has honey and cinnamon, and here they will also help. A teaspoon of honey with a spoonful of cinnamon and mix it on your face for twenty minutes. Such a mixture can be used every other day. Honey will perfectly replace clay, better white. A powder of cinnamon can be put aside and take a few drops of cinnamon oil. These masks are contraindicated in people with vascular diseases of the epidermis, such as couperose.

    Video compilation of interesting recipes

    See also: The only working method that will destroy the scars!