
Constitutional types of women - Causes, symptoms and treatment. MF.

  • Constitutional types of women - Causes, symptoms and treatment. MF.

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    To make a diagnosis, it is often necessary to assess the appearance of a woman, to reveal some characteristics characteristic of the disease.

    The following basic types of constitution are distinguished:

    a) infantile( hypoplastic);B) hypersthenic( picnic);C) intersexual;D) asthenic.

    Infantile type of addition can be described as follows: small or medium height, narrow pelvis, underdeveloped mammary glands and genitals, both external and internal. In women, such a constitution of menstruation begins, as a rule, late and is of an irregular, painful character.

    Hypersthenic type characterized by medium height, narrow shoulder girdle and normal pelvis, well developed subcutaneous fat layer. This is the most common type and, at the same time, the best in terms of the state of the reproductive system. Most of these women have no specific functions.

    The intersexual type is characterized by insufficiently complete differentiation of a number of sexual characteristics, which often affects the appearance of a woman. Many of them have rather high growth, a massive skeleton, a wide shoulder girdle. Often observed increased hair on the legs and in the anus. The most common problems among women with a similar constitution are various violations of menstrual function, infertility, decreased sexual desire.

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    Asthenic type is characterized by a decrease in muscle tone, external weakness, brittleness. Because of the weak ligamentous and tissue-connecting apparatus, such women often suffer from kink of the uterus and the descent of the walls of the vagina after childbirth. In addition, in a group of women with this type of addition, painful menstruation( dysmenorrhea, algomenorrhea), constipation, a feeling of heaviness in the lower abdomen are observed.

    However, the described four types of constitution are rarely found in a "pure" form. When assessing them, it is necessary to take into account factors such as lifestyle, nutrition, age, which undoubtedly affect the appearance of a woman. It is also necessary to know: the diseases characteristic of this or that type are largely conditional, and in any case, a more thorough individual examination of the patient is needed to establish the diagnosis.