  • Ficus

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    For people prone to suspiciousness

    When a close person is constantly offended by you, this does not mean that you are always to blame for something. Ppocmo such yzh his character. Pipayte expensive man ficus. This plant will save him from obsession and suspiciousness.

    Ficus relieves of oppressive thoughts

    Ficuses with large leaves are useful to keep people hypochondriac, prone to exaggeration and fixation on negative thoughts. It helps to get rid of mental fuss, gather, find the main thing and focus on the right goal.

    In addition, the ficus heals the climate in the room, reducing the concentration of harmful chemicals released by furniture, wallpaper and plastic. Everyone who grows ficuses knows how quickly their leaves are dusting. You will say that dust is better visible on large leaves. But it's not that. Ficus not only collects dust and together with it all harmful substances, but also keeps it, not allowing to scatter around the room. Therefore, try to wipe as often as possible with a moist napkin leaves of ficuses lyrate and rubber. It is especially good to keep the ficus in apartments located near industrial zones and highways. This plant-shield is simply necessary for people living in large cities.

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    Family araliaevye. Rod ficus.

    Natural climatic conditions: tropics and subtropics.

    Perennials of varied shapes, many kinds of name are of industrial importance. Flowers are dioecious, special inflorescences - sikoniums - are similar to berries, they are often mistaken for fruits, the most famous of which is fig. As a rule, have a bald head.

    The most common types of indoor culture:

    Features of care

    Demand for moisture: uniform and abundant watering in the summer, slightly reduced in winter. During the rest period, excess water can lead to the dropping of the leaves, but in the period of active vegetation the excessive dryness of the soil can lead to the same phenomenon. To atmospheric moisture ficuses are unpretentious. For rooting cuttings, spraying is necessary, for adults, depending on the conditions( with a strong summer heat not in the light), and also for some time( about 2 weeks) after transplantation, when spraying partially replaces specially reduced to economical waterings. In summer it is also desirable to wash the leaves.

    Temperature regime: for most species( except for specially noted thermophilic) during the rest period, a temperature decrease of 13-15 ° C is necessary.

    Light mode: preferably moderate illumination;figs physiologically tolerate the shadow, but far from the window their crown can take an undesirable shape - the branches will turn to light( heliotropism), and the internode will stretch.

    Soil requirement: optimum soil mixture from leaf, turf and greenhouse with sand in a ratio of 4: 2: 2: 1 with the addition of bone meal;For ampel species - with the addition of chopped moss. Good drainage is required. Additions by solutions of organic fertilizers in the period of active vegetation are desirable every day.

    Reproduction: stem and leaf( with a "heel") cuttings, which take root when heated to 24-28 ° C.For species that are difficult to reproduce by propagation by cuttings, auxin treatment is desirable. Leaf stalks tie to the support because of the large size of the leaves. Do not forget about the presence of Mlechnik( methods of stopping the milk juice are used traditional).

    Features: In the spring, you need to trim, which should be done carefully, cuts - sprinkled with powder of charcoal. Transplants are desirable every year.

    Small fruited ficus

    Ficus rhicrocarpa. Sem. Mulberry - Mogasee. Motherland - China, India. Kaudeks is deeply divided, the club-i is not visible, in culture up to 50 cm in diameter, with elongated-cylindrical lobes, shiny, leathery, purple-brown. Leaves are different in shape: from elongated-oval with pointed tip to heart-shaped, elliptical or broadly elliptical, 5-8 cm long, 3-5 cm wide, entire, glabrous. Flowers are small greenish.

    Ficus of


    Ficus palmieri. Rodina - Mexico. An extremely interesting form of growth of this species attracts the attention of numerous fans to it. At the beginning of life this is an ordinary tree with an erect stem that grows in diameter with age, and the plant takes the form of a "bottle tree" with a stalk thick in the base and a bunch of leaves on top. Leaves are cordate, dark green with a thick cuticle layer and prominent on the underside of veins. It should be noted that to get one.the appearance can only be grown by the ficus of the seeds. In the vegetative mode of reproduction, the plant has the appearance of an ordinary upright tree.

    Ficus petiolate

    Ficus petiolaris. This is the F. Palmer's subspecies, it differs from the original form by wider oval-ovate soft green leaves with white veins. Kaudeks are grayish-brown. In culture it is known since 1970.

    Courtship. Ficuses need bright scattered light, while F. melkoplodny quite reconciles and with penumbra, it can be put in 2-4 m from the southern window, in 2 m - from the windows of the other direction. The temperature in summer is maintained at 22-24 ° C, in winter - at least 16 ° C.Watering from November to March is rare, from May to October - moderate. Before drying, the substrate is not brought.

    As a substrate, use a mixture of turf, leaf, humus and coarse sand in a ratio of 1: 0.5: 0.5: 1. Feed once every two weeks, alternating organic and mineral fertilizers. If the plants are grown from seeds, in the first year of feeding do not often 1 time in 2-3 months.

    Propagate by seeds and stem cuttings.

    Ficus cherry ♦ In natural conditions it reaches 2 m in height;shoots are orange;leaves lanceolate or elongate-elliptical, pointed, glossy above, dark green, below - light green;sikoniums are like cherries, orange.

    Ficus mountain ♦ Shrub, in natural conditions reaching 1.5 m in height;branches climbing, prostrate, stiff-haired;the leaves are polymorphic. You can grow as an ampel plant.

    Ficus oaky ♦ Similar to the previous species;leaves up to 5 - 6 cm long, like oak leaves. More thermophilic than most other species of ficus.

    Ficus Capsky ♦ Slender medium-height plant;leaves up to 20 cm long, elongate-cordate, slightly jagged, light green at the edges;The fertilization is edible.

    Ficus Carica( fig) ♦ A treelike plant with a rest period, during which leaves partially fall, in the rooms grown, as a rule, low-growing varieties;leaves large, lobed( 3-7 lobes), pubescent, dark green;In the axils of the leaves, growth and flower buds( buds) are laid. Sikoniums are edible. More photophilous than other species.

    Ficus tiny( dwarfish) ♦ Climbing plant with subordinate roots-suckers;the original form is distinguished by a large morphological dissimilarity of appearance in different age stages: in young plants, leaves are small, asymmetric, in mature plants - larger, oval, regular. Varieties originating from the introduction of plants with different stages of development into the culture retain the characteristics of these stages. In culture, unpretentious.

    Ficus lyrate ♦ Evergreen tree, in natural conditions reaches 12 m in height;the leaves are large( up to 60 cm long and 30 cm wide), resemble a lyre, slightly wavy along the edges, leathery, glossy, dark green with well-defined whitish veins. The rest period is not expressed at all.

    Ficus Parcella ♦ Treelike plant;leaves up to 18 cm long, broadly oval with drawn ends, edges serrate, pubescent with sparse hairs, variegated-marble( green and white).

    Ficus rusty leaved ♦ Treelike plant;on the lower part of the trunk, air roots are formed;bark smooth with longitudinal grooves-strokes, dark gray;young shoots are pubescent;petioles are pubescent, leaves up to 17 cm long and 6 cm wide, broadly elliptical with blunt tip, leathery, firm, young densely pubescent, pinkish-red;apical bud is bright pink.

    Ficus sacred ♦ Treelike plant;on the lower part of the trunk, air roots-supports are formed;leaves up to 20 cm long, hanging on flexible petioles, cordate, the tip of the leaf blade is drawn into the so-called "drip point", with which the excess moisture released by the plant, bluish-green, drains from them. Heat-loving, difficult to reproduce by cuttings kind.

    Ficus triangular ♦ Leaves to b cm long, round-triangular in shape, leathery, shiny, dark green. Can not tolerate strong pruning. A species difficult to propagate by cuttings.

    Ficus rooting ♦ Climbing lignified liana, easily attached with suction roots even to a smooth surface;leaves small, rough, leathery, dark green or patterned( in some species) in the form of spots of different colors.

    Ficus elastic( rubber) ♦ The most common type in a room culture. The evergreen tree, in natural conditions, reaches 20-30 m in height;leaves large to 20 cm long and up to 10 cm wide), elliptical with a pointed tip, leathery, shiny, with a pronounced middle vein, young - tubularly coiled, in many varieties covered with stipules, the color of mature leaves is diverse, there are monophonic and variegated forms. Most often there are varieties of Decora and Exotica. The most unpretentious species, can grow in extreme environmental and climatic conditions( except for heavily polluted premises).

    The most common type of ficus in indoor culture is Ficus elastica, or a rubber tree. His milky juice was once collected for the production of rubber, but later the glory of the best rubber rose passed to the Brazilian hevea. The plant has leathery elongated shiny dark green leaves 18-35 cm in length and 10 cm in width. The leaves are regular, the leaf blade is smooth, entire, with a well pronounced main vein, which turns into a thick petiole. Young leaves are twisted in tubes and covered with red stipules. Ficus elastic has a solid straight trunk, not prone to branching in the early years.

    Older specimens of this species can reach large sizes, growing into a large sprawling tree. In the rooms it blooms very rarely, forming fruits and mature seeds. The white milky juice of this plant is toxic. This species of ficus is more durable than other indoor plants, can tolerate various light and temperature conditions.

    The appearance of this particular ficus is so familiar to all of us. However, the botanical family to which he belongs is a family of mulberry, including not one hundred useful species, including medicinal ones. For example, figs, or Ficus carica. Figs can also be grown at home. Famous representatives of the mulberry tree - a paper tree( from its bark receive first-class paper) and a breadfruit( in food in the baked form use its fertilizer weighing up to 20 kg).

    Homeland of mulberry trees - humid tropical forests of Southeast Asia. Our old acquaintance grows in the jungles of India, on the islands of Ceylon, Java, Borneo, the islands of the Malay Archipelago, New Guinea, Solomon Islands.

    In its appearance, the fig tree is extremely diverse. Among them, you can find small shrubs and huge trees up to 40 m high and leaves up to 1 m long. Travelers describe specimens of Bengal fig tree, or banyan trees, having a diameter of the main trunk of 10 m, more than one thousand sidetracks and 3 thousand air roots. This is a real forest of one tree, the shadow of which at noon covers an area of ​​a hectare. At the same time, there are also miniature species: for example, Ficus repens, it is a small shrub that runs along the ground or over the bark of other trees.

    Ficus flowers - with a simplified perianth, small, same-sex. Develop on the inner surface of a peculiar inflorescence, spherical or pyriform, with an opening at the apex. Inflorescences are formed in the axils of leaves on branches or on trunks. Pollination in ficuses in nature occurs with the help of Hymenoptera insects from the family of agaonids. After fertilization, development of copulation with dry, single-seeded fruit-like fruit, as, for example, in figs. Thick, juicy walls of copulation and represent a nutritional value.

    Since ancient times, people know figs( fig tree, fig tree).The fig tree is mentioned in the Bible. It was the fig leaf, called the fig leaf, that was the first clothing of Adam and Eve. This plant is very decorative with its palchatostopastnymi leaves and a dense broad crown.

    Homeland figs, including its cultural forms, consider Asia Minor, Arabia. From there it was taken out by Egyptian and Phoenician seafarers. It is possible that the tree from Egypt fell into ancient Greece, and then spread throughout the European Mediterranean. Due to its unpretentiousness, figs are able to settle in the most inaccessible places: for example, on mountain slopes, in crevices between rocks, on any soils. It carries both strong cold and summer scorching heat. Now figs in both wild and cultural forms are found everywhere in the subtropics - including in Georgia, in the Crimea, in the subtropical regions of the Krasnodar Territory. There it reaches a height of 10-15 m.

    Figs have interesting botanical features. This plant is dioecious, that is, it has both male and female specimens. On female plants fleshy, empty inside storage - figs( these inflorescences, or copulation, then we also eat) are formed. On their inner surface evanescent florets with five underdeveloped petals develop. Male specimens hide their flowers in capricorns: these flowers are equipped with stamens and a lot of pollen. As soon as the female inflorescences-figs are pollinated, they increase, become more convex, and seeds gradually mature within them. Blossoms the fig in the spring, and its copulation ripens in late autumn. They resemble a bulb or a pear, they change their color depending on their maturity - green, then yellow, purple, almost black. Male fruits - tough to the touch, smaller in size - soon dry out after ripening and fall off. Indispensable companions of figs are tiny insects of blas-tofagi. Without them there is practically no pollination of figs in natural conditions. In turn, a blastophagus without figs not only can not reproduce, but even live. In autumn they make a masonry in capricorns, and in spring young insects develop and, covered with pollen, fly out in search of shelter now for their future offspring. Penetrating into the figs and pollinating female flowers there, the blastophages do not find a place for masonry, they again fly out in search and remain for the continuation of the genus in the capricorns. At the same time, the cultural forms of figs are known, in which the copulation is developed without fertilization. These are the so-called. Parthenocarpic forms are used in indoor culture. Indoors, a fig tree has been grown since the middle of the 16th century. Successfully fructifies even in rooms with windows to the north. Its fruits are not only of exceptional nutritional value, but also have expressed therapeutic properties.

    How to grow the ficus of the house

    Indoor plants grow up to 10 species of fig trees, but the most popular ones are the elastics ficus, our old acquaintance, and the ficus creep - Ficus repens. Quite often amateurs are fond of variegated species, for example, the rusty ficus.

    Adult plants can live in the indoor environment for many years, developing well, increasing in size, keeping a lot of leaves. To their life was long and healthy, efforts will not take much.

    . Conditions: the elastik ficus is quite shade-tolerant, it can also exist in the corner of the room, far from the window, but still gets the most decorative look, if you install it in front of the window. It is also not temperature-sensitive, but in winter it feels more comfortable in rooms with a temperature of 10-15 ° C.Young plants are kept in small pots, and as they grow, they are transplanted by transplanting into pots of larger diameter. Too large pots are undesirable - soil may be sour. Transshipment is performed only when the entire pot is filled with roots.

    Soil mixture for ficus is made up of equal parts of leaf and sod land with the addition of sand.

    Water the ficus when the ground in the pot is dry, while it is important not to allow water stagnation on the pallet.

    The leaves of ficuses 3-4 times a week should be carefully wiped off with a slightly damp rag, removing dust from the top and from the underside.

    In summer, it is recommended to put figs on a balcony or take out to the garden.

    If the plant is taken care of properly, then in the period from spring to autumn, it develops about one week a new leaf approximately every week. In this case, the old leaves should not turn yellow and fall off.

    In a period of particularly rapid growth, from March to September, the ficus needs a lot of water, the earth in the pot dries quickly. At this time, increase the frequency of watering and give a weak feeding, but in August they stop. When the autumn cold comes, watering is significantly reduced and until the very spring water is very moderately. If watering in autumn and winter is excessive, the ficus will declare this by dropping the leaves, or it may die altogether. And you can not immediately notice the danger. How to prevent the death of plants? Even if the leaves seem healthy at first sight, they retain a dark green color, try to examine them for light. In case of danger, it is found that the entire leaf blade is covered with small round yellow spots - especially a lot under the veins and along the edges of the leaf. As soon as these spots were found out, it is necessary to immediately loosen the top layer of the earth in the pot - so that it would soon dry out and reduce the watering to a minimum.

    To make the young plant look decorative, it is recommended that when it reaches a height of 75-100 cm, trim the top of it. So you will cause the formation of new branches. To obtain a beautifully shaped crown, it is useful to trim the ends of the branches every 3-4 years. Without regular pruning, plants are exposed from below, but new branches are not formed. When pruning cuts out milky juice on the cut, it is soaked with loose paper or a cotton napkin.

    Application of ficus for various diseases

    The following recipes are passed from generation to generation by folk healers and simply by people who have experienced their effects on themselves. Responses from representatives of official medicine about the treatment of ficus in the press and in the

    Internet are almost never there. This means that the clinical trials of the preparations of this plant are most likely not carried out. But since we are mainly talking about the external application of the leaves of the fig tree, and not about ingestion, we consider it appropriate to give here these recipes. Perhaps, they will alleviate the suffering of those who suffer from pain in the spine or joints. It is important only to remember: any phyto-medicine, including that recognized by pharmacists and doctors, can cause allergic reactions - in the presence of individual intolerance. In this case, of course, you should stop the new type of treatment and refer to the tested medications.


    For the treatment of osteochondrosis, folk healers offer to prepare ointment from ficus on pork fat. It is necessary to prepare 250-300 grams of internal pork fat and 50-70 g. Dry leaves of ficus. The leaves are dried, crushed, passed through a meat grinder, and then ground in a coffee grinder. Pork fat is mixed with ficus powder, placed in enameled dishes on a water bath, tightly closed with a lid and held for 40 minutes. Then remove, let cool and squeeze well( you can use the press).A small amount of ointment is rubbed daily into the area of ​​the spine, where pain is experienced.

    Facilitate the condition and baths with the broth of the ficus. Grind several leaves of ficus, add about 0.5 kg of crushed aspen bark( from young twigs), pour in a mixture of 3 liters of boiling water, stand on low heat for 10 minutes, insist for an hour. Filter and pour into the bath. The water temperature is 35-37 ° C.The duration of the procedure is 15 minutes, repeat them every other day an hour before bedtime. The course of treatment is 10-12 baths.

    Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, amateurs and experts of ficuses are successfully treated with the help of the following recipes:

    1 fresh leaf of the room ficus is crushed, add 1 tablespoon of honey and salt, mix thoroughly, put on cheesecloth folded 4 times, put on the back of the cervical vertebrae, from above cover with a compress paper and wrap them with a warm kerchief or cloth. After the first procedures, the pain begins to recede and gradually disappears.

    Another recipe with ficus: take 3 leaves of ficus, crush, add 300 ml of vodka, 1 pharmacy vial of camphor alcohol, 1 vial of iodine( 10 ml).The mixture is insisted in a dark place for 3 weeks, used for rubbing.

    Osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine. The action of the ficus can be strengthened with other herbal remedies: take a large leaf of the ficus, grind it, add 2 tablespoons of crushed fresh lilac leaves, 300 ml of radish juice, 200 g of honey, 100 ml of vodka. Insist the mixture for a day, then shake well and rub in painful areas.

    With radiculitis

    1 sheet of room ficus to pour out, pour onto it 1 tablespoon of vodka, insist 2-3 hours and attach to a sore spot. Pribintovat. Change every 4-6 hours. This remedy also helps with joint pain.

    You can cook the infusion and another recipe. Dried leaves of ficus to grind in a coffee grinder, pour 20 grams of ground leaves 400 ml of vodka or alcohol, infuse for 10 days. This infusion is used for grinding and compressing.

    Another good recipe for treating radiculitis with ficus. Prepare a mixture of leaves of ficus, infused with alcohol, honey, sunflower oil. This mixture is applied to mustard plasters and applied to a sore spot, with a bandage.

    And here's an unusual, but very effective prescription for treating sciatica. Leaves of ficus to dry and grind into powder, mix with camphor oil or smaltz, spread on a slice of black bread and apply to a sore spot, but before that you need to massage the loin very hard.

    Warmers from ficus and thyme are used from sciatica and lumbago of healers. Take 100 grams of chopped fig leaf and 100 grams of thyme, pour 1 liter of water and boil on very low heat for 15 minutes. Then cool to a temperature of 40-42 ° C.The bed is covered with cellophane, so as not to get dirty, the patient is put on his stomach and quickly spreads to him on the waist the thick of this broth. You can even splash and a little broth.

    Top cover with a film, then with something warm, and then with a blanket. Do this compress at night. Keep it for at least 2 hours. If the patient falls asleep, it is not necessary to awaken him. Compress is removed when he wakes up. It is believed that enough 4 procedures in a row, to permanently, or even permanently get rid of the ailment.

    Folk recipes for joint pain

    Stretch freshly fresh ficus leaf and mix it with a small amount of moonshine. Attach it to the front of the leg, but not to the knee, but below it by 2-3 cm and fix the usual stripe of tissue, wrapping it around the leg. The next morning the patient should feel considerable relief. Two procedures, folk healers say, are enough for a full recovery.

    For pains in the knees, the leaves of the indoor ficus, as well as the chestnut flowers, ripped in the spring, are poured with strong brew and allow them to brew. In the morning they moisten the towel in this infusion, wrap the sick joints well and so go for a day. In the evening, repeat the procedure. A month later the treatment is done again. With the same tincture make compresses and on the lower back.

    Lubricates diseased joints and a mixture of ficus leaves with butter.100 grams of crushed fresh leaves mixed with 100 g. Fresh cow's butter, tinned in the oven for 2 hours. Then filter and squeeze. This means rubbing painful places.

    You can just take a couple of the youngest leaves of the ficus, wash it with water, stretch it and attach it to the sick joints. Tie, so as not to slip, and so to walk until evening. At night, wash the places where there was a lotion, and in the morning repeat everything. After such a procedure, after a week of pain in the joints decrease.

    Aching aching joint pain is treated with such a compress.1 sheet of shredded ficus is poured with a strong solution of water and salt, insist. In this warm infusion, a canvas rag is soaked, soaped with soap and applied to the sick joint for the night. On top put cellophane and heat wrap. After 1-2 procedures, the pain subsides.

    If the joints are particularly sensitive and painful to respond to a change of weather, people have a recipe for this scourge. You need to take a 0.5-liter bottle of 9% vinegar, throw into it a chopped fig leaf and 6 pieces of bitter pepper, leave for a week in a dark place for infusion. Then strain and use for rubbing and compresses overnight.

    For severe pain in the knees, take 1 leaf of the ficus, chop, add 1 tablespoon of water and vegetable oil and make a compress at night with this mixture. It is advisable to perform 10 procedures, although relief may occur after 3 times.

    Ficus is also used in the company with wild medicinal plants. For example, rub the leaves of the indoor ficus and yarrow, add a little honey and apply to the diseased joints. You can add to this remedy and leaves of nettle.

    Assembled with tansy: mix 1 tablespoon chopped dry ficus leaf and 1 tablespoon dried inflorescences tansy ordinary, pour a glass of boiling water. Insist, wrapped, for an hour and filter. Rub the infusion into the painful areas.

    An effective remedy in the people is the rubbing of joints with a mixture of ficus and garlic. Ficus leaf knead until the appearance of juice, garlic rubbed on the grater, all mixed, put in a cotton rag and this pad rubs sore spots for the night. In the morning they wash it off. So do 5 days in a row, then a three-day break and rub again for 5 days.

    And this recipe was published in a pre-revolutionary magazine. It is necessary to fill a half-liter bottle with chopped ficus leaves in half with acacia leaves. Pour a glass of vodka and bury it for a month in the ground. After that, rub the aching joints.

    The action of the ficus can strengthen the chestnut tree, which helps with many diseases of the lower limbs. Chestnut fruits are harvested when they easily fall out of the thorns. Cut ficus leaves and chestnuts with a skin, put in a half-liter jar and pour in moonshine - so that they are covered with liquid. Insist in a dark place for 10 days, periodically shaking. This compound rubs the aching legs in the region of the joints and wraps the heat warmly. The treatment lasts for 2-3 months, then you can expect a lasting effect.

    Another tool for those who suffer from joint pain, for him, in addition to the ficus, a cedar cone will be needed. A large leaf of the ficus is dried and pounded in a mortar so that a powder is obtained. The same is done with cedar cones, the ingredients are mixed, poured into 0.5 liters of ammonia and insist 15 days, filter. This medicine needs to be rubbed into the aching joints daily until complete relief from pain.

    A good effect results in the use of the following medication. Take a few large leaves of ficus, 800 g of birch buds and unsalted butter. In a clay or enamel pot, a layer of 1.5 cm butter is placed, then the same layer of crushed leaves of the ficus, then a layer of kidneys and so layer by layer until the pot is completely filled. Then it is tightly closed with a lid and covered with dough, put on a non-fired oven or oven for a day, then it is cooled, the resulting mass is squeezed through gauze. Add 7-8 grams of camphor and mix everything. Such a medicine is recommended to rub into the joints in the evening before going to sleep and warmly wrap. Store it in a tightly sealed glass jar in a cool place.

    For pain in the knees, take a leaf of the ficus, grind, mix in equal parts with honey, liquid mustard, salt and soda. Blend the diseased knees with a mixture, cover it with compress paper or polyethylene, wool, fix it with a bandage and leave it overnight. The course of treatment - at least 4 compresses, if necessary, then more. In the morning, rinse with warm water. Relief comes fairly quickly.

    How to use the ficus to get rid of the warts

    Grandmother's remedy: chop the leaf of the domestic ficus and the gruel to put on the warts, and then cover with cellophane and pribintovat. It is believed that after several such procedures, the hands should be cleared of warts.

    Another way: from the leaf of the ficus squeeze into a cup of juice, add wheat flour - so that a mixture of the consistency of thick sour cream is obtained. The resulting mass carefully take a match and apply to the wart - on top and sides, without touching the skin around it. Continue treatment until the desired result is obtained.

    Another guarantee means in the people is a mixture of leaves of domestic ficus and onions. Fresh ficus leaf and onion is ground with a knife, mixed in equal parts, applied to warts.

    You can try daily lubricate the warts alternately with a mashed ficus leaf, then with garlic and then with a sour green apple. For one procedure you need to do this 5 times in a row. This same remedy is effective even with chronic calluses.

    Treat warts and mixture of leaves of the ficus and the herb of the spur. Dry medicinal raw materials, crush to a powder and sprinkle powder on this powder, bandage. To obtain the desired effect, repeat the procedures daily.

    And still popular in the people is the belief: if before sunset grease warts with freshly squeezed juice of ficus, they will gradually disappear.