
What will happen if I wash my head every day: myths and reality

  • What will happen if I wash my head every day: myths and reality

    How many times a week you need to wash your hair, no one knows for sure. Even the hairdressers themselves sometimes say completely contradictory things. Some are advised to wash their heads only once a week and in no case more often, others suggest doing it every three days. Only daily washing of the head is something completely new for our reality. So what happens if you wash your hair every day?

    Soviet-era myths

    About whether one can wash his head every day, arguing back in Soviet times. Many argued that daily washing your head - it's harmful. If you recall, in the week there was only one bath day, when they washed their hair. The shower, of course, was taken daily, but washing your hair every day was considered wrong. Ostensibly from frequent washing the scalp begins to peel off, and the hair gradually becomes thinner and more often falls out. Magazines "Rabotnitsa" and "Peasant" strongly recommended not to wash your hair more often once a week, as it drains the scalp. And, of course, many women followed these recommendations. Thus, in rare families, daily washing of the head was a tradition. In addition, shampoo is rarely used, especially in the province. The head was washed with tar or household soap. Balsams as such, too, almost was not. Apparently, from here and went the myth that the hair from frequent washing is muddy.

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    Modern realities

    Today the point of view is that due to frequent washing you are provided with a bad hairstyle and hair, similar to the patch, is gradually changing. In many respects it is promoted by the market of hairdressing services and a wide assortment of shampoos. Producers vying to offer one or another remedy, a new smoothing shampoo, a miracle balm, a nourishing mask. Sometimes it seems that the advice of hairdressers about the daily washing of the head and the powerful support from the perfumery companies in this matter is nothing more than propaganda aimed at increasing the consumer's purchasing power and realizing as much as possible of its products. And now thousands of women have made it a rule to wash their heads at least once every two days. The good of many women today, the funds allow you to buy expensive shampoos and balms, to do medical wraps for hair. Yes, and hair dryer became the first necessity in the arsenal of any woman.

    Pros and Cons of

    Now let's listen to the experts' opinion to weigh the pros and cons. So, professional hairdressers and trichologists( specialists in head skin diseases) think that hair needs to be washed often if:

    1. The scalp has many sebaceous glands and it is necessary to do some hairstyles that mask greasy roots on the second day after washing the hair.
    2. You are engaged in work associated with heavy physical labor or are constantly surrounded by the duty of sharply smelling substances( the hair absorbs the smell instantly).

    In these situations, frequent head washing is an absolute plus, allowing you to look beautiful anytime and anywhere.

    However, what to do if your hair is already so thick and shiny, the hairstyle is perfectly in shape, but only three days after washing your head? Wash again? No, it is not necessary - this is the opinion of most hairdressers. In support of their opinion, they give the following reasons:

    1. Frequent washing dries heavily on the scalp. Even if you have normal activity of sweat glands, it can greatly increase from daily washing of hair.
    2. Hair dryer, which affects hair with hot air, is not a very useful accessory in the arsenal of a woman, if you use it too often. From hot air, the hair begins to break down more and coarser.

    Thus, the decision to wash your head every day or once a week should be taken solely on the basis of what your scalp and hair type is. With oily skin and quickly salted hair, it is better to give preference to washing your head every 2-3 days, but normal hair without dandruff and itchy head can be washed and once a week. In addition, it should be remembered that short hair is easier to wash and faster, which means that it can be done often. Not every woman will agree to a long scythe in a day.
