
Toxicosis of the second half of pregnancy( gestosis)

  • Toxicosis of the second half of pregnancy( gestosis)

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    is a pathological condition that is characteristic only of pregnancy. His symptoms: swelling of the ankles, fingers, accumulation of excessive body weight, in the urine can detect protein( normal urine does not contain it).But sometimes the kidneys, along with water, let the protein into the urine. Simultaneous appearance of edema, excessive body weight and the presence of protein in the urine indicate a gestosis. In addition to these symptoms, there is often an increase in blood pressure. Even the appearance of at least one of these symptoms already indicates the presence of gestosis in pregnant women. If you do not notice it and start treating it in time, it can lead to significant complications.(The severe form of preeclampsia is

    eclampsia, which is rare at present, as a pregnant doctor's observation and timely prevention and treatment prevent it.) Eclampsia was extremely dangerous for the mother and the child 30-40 years ago.)

    rule, arise when the kidneys, diabetes, obesity are impaired. Toxicosis of the second half of pregnancy is most often in young women( up to 20 years) and in primiparas. I will give an example of such complication from my medical practice:

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    "Olga D.( 18 years old) entered the maternity hospital with the beginning of labor. Birth first. Pregnancy was without complications. Was observed in a female consultation with b weeks of pregnancy, attended a doctor regularly. At admission, the general condition of the parturient is satisfactory. There is a slight edema of the shins. Blood pressure 140/80 mm Hg. Art. In the urine, traces of protein were found during the study. Generic activity is active, after 6 hours gave birth to a live boy weighing 2900 g, length 48 cm. The latter separated after 30 minutes. When examining defects of placental tissue is not found, the shell is all. Uterus well reduced. Blood loss of 300 ml. Blood pressure 140/90 mm Hg. Art.2 hours after birth, the child's mother complained of a headache, flies flies before her eyes, pain in the epigastric region. Blood pressure is 170/100 mm Hg. Art. Immediately the woman began to treat late toxicosis of pregnancy. When carrying out therapeutic measures at arterial pressure 150/80 mm Hg. Art.the puerpera had a seizure, lasting a minute and a half. After the fit, the woman quickly regained consciousness. Blood pressure 140/90 mm Hg. In the analysis of urine a protein was found. A woman in her mind complains of a general weakness. Diagnosis: postpartum eclampsia. It is necessary to continue treatment of late toxicosis and carefully observe the patient.

    When entering the maternity hospital, the symptoms of late toxicosis were mild. During childbirth on the body of a woman and her nervous system, many stimuli collapsed, which was the reason for the onset of

    convulsive seizure soon after childbirth. Olga D. was transferred to the intensive care unit, the treatment was continued. There were no more seizures. After 6 days, the general condition of the woman improved: blood pressure did not increase, urinalysis normalized. In the future, the postpartum period in her without complications. On the 11th day after giving birth, a woman with a child was discharged home in good condition. "